Between the countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan, near the Khyber pass (I have been there twice) is a land called “no man's land”. The thing I remember most about this part of the world, the Khyber rifles are made there, by hand. I remember too well, the look, the eyes of the men who were working on these rifles, the hatred in their countenance. I am sure little has changed in this part of the world since Rudyard Kipling, the English writer, wrote about it in his books.
Nothing is as bad on earth, as halfway living, a no man's land, living in that nomenclature between belief and non-belief. I believe, from all who have been there, that it is a system of constant attack, Satan's intimidation, pretending to be a Christian, pretending to be a patriot. You have not begun your walk of faith, political or spiritual, until you become submissive, committed.
I do not sit in judgment of anyone, I am not worthy of that. But, I do not believe most of my fellow human beings question my patriotism or my Christianity. I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected medical officer veteran of the Korean era. I live every day of my life in complete submission to God, living and giving. The apostle Paul said, “I bear in my body, the marks of the Lord Jesus.” (Galatians 6:17) He had earned the right to question many things.
On this April Fool's Day, I question many things going on in the world. It seems that during my life, this democratic republic, where we live and give, has become a place of deception. We know now that there was much deceit about Pearl Harbor, problems with WWII. The assassination of General George Patton; the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; the killing of women and children at Waco, Texas; the killing of people at Ruby Ridge; the unbelievable killings at Oklahoma City which make no sense at all; the killings in New York City (9/11) which make no sense at all; and now, the killings at Phoenix, Arizona, including a Federal judge, which makes no sense at all. Like the Gulf of Tonkin lie, like the lies involving Libya, Egypt, are we fools enough, on April 1st or any other time, to believe just anything put out by the state-controlled media?
God is talking to us, but we simply do not want to hear what He has to say. The earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Japan, the meltdown of nuclear reactors, radiation crossing the world, is His last great attempt. Radiation is an accumulative problem, cows eating grass that has been radiated may not show up in the milk for a while. One day soon, we will have news that we should stay in the house for at least eight days, and have enough food to supply us during that time. The Japanese, who depend so much on seafood, even whales, have a real problem with the polluted Pacific, and so do we along with the polluted Gulf of Mexico.
The war in Libya, humanitarian? Who are we kidding? Through the use of depleted uranium on shells, we have polluted Iraq and Afghanistan, think of the women and children there, in these places (67 million children not in school because of conflicts in which America is involved, and we expect them to love us), who have no idea about warfare, their entire lives have been a matter of survival, and there is no surviving against Uranium poisoning. Once radiation is out, it can never be reclaimed, there is no remediation. This week, hoax or otherwise, news was out that Al Queda had planted suitcase bombs throughout America. This type nightmare could happen, are you prepared?
The world hopes to get out of its mess by clawing out...we have CIA operatives in all the countries where demonstrators and protestors are clawing at one another (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya). The Christian has the precious promises of God, living in obedience. We might not attain in this life, but we will attain in the life to come, every pleasure promised here. To those who do not live in the land of halfway, those of us totally committed, life is eternal. From the council chambers of eternity, we were chosen for a short sojourn here, strangers, pilgrims, foreigners. (1 Peter 2:11) We were just ambassadors here, our citizenship is in heaven. You can always tell a foreigner, he acts different, talks different, dresses different, eats and drinks different, has complete loyalty to his ruler or government. God just expects trust from those who are His. Eternity awaits, this life is like one grain of sand on the seashore.
For Americans, the time has come for people to not act like fools, on April 1st or any other time, particularly on April 15th. It is time for Christians to stop serving in a Godless military, Chaplains unable to use Christ's name in praying, “don't ask, don't tell”, etc. Every voting ballot should have these words at the beginning: “do you trust the US government?” Everyone who marks “yes”, their vote should be disallowed, they do not know what is going on. They want to make believe that everything is fine, April 1st and beyond.
Have we become lepers? The leper cannot use a hammer because he cannot tell when he has hit his hand, cannot get around a stove because he cannot tell when he has been burned. On this April Fool's Day, I want you to try this scientific experiment: open a clove of garlic, rub it on your toe, see how many minutes it takes for someone to smell garlic in your hair. Poisons and toxins travel very fast in the body, God's chief creation. The toxicity, the poison of deception has taken over most organisms, biological, spiritual and political.
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