Yesterday, I interviewed a young man for work, and as always, in these days of enslavement to addictions of every type, I impressed upon him the fact that I have no tolerance for addictions to drugs, theft, laziness. I have come too far in life myself, the road has been too rough for me to put up with such things. He said, “can you imagine what it is like for your mother to be in prison for drugs? I would not touch such.”
Once, I was at a large eastern North Carolina farm inherited by the wife of my cousin. My cousin said, “have you ever seen a whipping post?” In the area where the large barns were located, where the slave quarters had once been located on the plantation, there was a post where the slaves were whipped. He said, “I wonder if a museum would like this?” I said, “perhaps, some people cannot have enough of hateful things. But my advice is to burn this in your fireplace, can you even imagine the horror story involved in this one post?”
Today is Emancipation Day in Washington DC, it is the day in April of 1862 that President Lincoln freed over 3,000 political prisoners from DC prisons. The larger Emancipation Day comes on January 1st, first celebrated in 1863, this was the day when all slaves were emancipated. Perhaps there is more slavery in this country now than ever before, not the slavery of one man owning another, but slavery to addictions. Slavery to sinful lust, slavery to Satanic forces of evil engulfing the physical and spiritual areas of the country.
Next to the physical slavery endured by many in the early years of this democratic republic, the next greatest shame in the American experience is its treatment of disabled veterans and handicapped citizens. Of course, it is impossible for the crippled, deaf, blind to be emancipated from their disabilities but these, the largest minority in the nation, estimated at nearly 30 million, should receive better treatment, not only from the government but their fellow citizens.
Please God, help me understand why those who have worn the uniform of their country, in many cases spent their own hard-earned money, trained so they could better serve their country, and who return from the battlefield spattered and torn, weary and worn have to fight for the help promised them. The most inept agency of government is the Veteran's Administration. One would think that after such a long experience in dealing with veterans the VA would not be such a disaster. The last time this totally blind, 100% disabled veteran was at a VA facility, the doctor said, “your record is flagged, it says that you write letters and articles about veteran's care. You are not very popular with the VA.” Yes, I have written hundreds of letters trying to help other veterans. It is too late for me, but perhaps the young warriors returning from these recent useless conflicts would get better care...at least a modicum of concern.
Please God, help me understand why the descendents of black slaves, in lockstep, 99% vote the Democrat ticket. President Lincoln was a 18th century Republican, it was 19th century Republicans who passed the 1964 civil rights legislation, a bitter battle with white Democrats. I have, here in my house, a sign which was found in the front of every public conveyance, passed by white democrats, the North Carolina law ordered blacks to sit in the rear of the bus. The blacks may have been emancipated, but by North Carolina law, a law in most states, they ate at separate facilities, used separate drinking fountains, used separate public bathrooms.
Please God, help me understand why black parents will allow their children to get on a public school bus in the inner city or elsewhere, ride through the more affluent areas to a public school where they are marched off the bus to a cafeteria for food and then into a classroom where Democrat officials think they cannot learn unless surrounded by children with white faces. In North Carolina, for over 100 years, the Democrat owners of state government have deprecated minorities of every type, skin color, disability, economic status. Even to this day, although there are now civil rights laws which prohibit some discrimination, the taint of separation is still so obvious in every area of endeavor.
Please God, help me understand why supposed Christian churches have not risen up as a giant hedge to protect the unborn. Surely, if anything in this world is wrong, it is murder. Yet, until very recently, there has been almost no moral outrage by those who should be most outraged, the black church (52% of all black babies are aborted), the Baptist churches and other evangelical denominations.
It was not until Dr. Francis Shaffer, great preacher and writer, shamed American evangelicals that you never even heard anything about abortion from the pulpit. Baptists considered abortion a Catholic concern, yet in the last presidential election, Catholics who controlled 70% of the American vote, voted 54% for the pro-murder, communist Sunni Muslim, Obama. Baptists have lost all credibility with me, a born-again Christian. I speak of Southern Baptists, Free Will Baptists, National Baptists, and many independent Baptists. Black churches have lost all credibility with me with their liberation theology, nationalistic preaching and their yearning for the benefits of government welfare instead of the blessings of almighty God.
It is strange that human beings will exchange one form of slavery for another...the slavery of drugs, sex, food addiction. The slavery of having been given opportunity in the greatest nation in the world, to not take advantage of the responsibility of that liberty, and it is not just one race, one social class. From the pulpit to the pew, from the legislative hall to the work bench, from the moneychangers on Wall Street to the bankers on your street, everyone trying to get by, pushing the envelope just as far as possible, enslaved by greed, gluttony, lust, pride, anger and envy toward those who perhaps have more than you do, are blessed in some way more than you (ancestry, looks, brain power).
Please God, help me understand why You in the giving of Your Son for the redemption of mankind, for the greatest liberty and freedom one can imagine, we still prefer the shackles of sin and degradation, not wanting the greatest emancipation the human mind can understand.
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