The only way I know to describe the plight of the Japanese nation in their present dilemma: double entendre. The people with the highest IQs on the planet, in every way the smartest, the fiercest fighters, on a small piece of land with no natural wealth, having developed themselves into the second highest financial power in the world. Perhaps the greatest earthquake on record, a destructive tsunami, destroying people, places, and things, from which it will take many decades to recover. With the meltdown of several nuclear reactors, we are told that 75 million gallons of toxic nuclear waste is being turned into the Pacific ocean.
A member of the Alaska state legislative assembly, Sharon Cissna, a woman of unusual ability, was harassed, fondled, and photographed just because she wanted to fly in an airplane. After a mastectomy, she had a false breast, and this seemed to be of great interest to TSA. Much to the shame of President George W. Bush, a greater shame to the one in the white house now, the NSA and its TSA are making life miserable for people who simply want to fly on a airplane. We are so afraid of someone doing something illegal.
Think of all the animals in the ocean who will die because of the poisons from nuclear radiation. People are so accustomed to being poisoned, they do not seem to care anymore. The worst type of poisoning, poison in our drinking water, fluorides and chlorides. If you are not getting enough of these poisons in your drinking water, go to the rat poison section in your grocery or hardware stores and you can find much poison from the same. At one water treatment plant in a northern state, fluoride to be used for water treatment was spilled in the parking lot, a big hole was eaten in the pavement.
One of the best doctors I ever knew, Dr. H.M. Stenhouse, a retired navy medical officer who worked with German prisoners of war during WWII, said that the Nazis kept prisoners under control by putting fluoride in their drinking water. Dr. Stenhouse believed in keeping all chemicals out of food and drink. Like this writer, he believed that food is the best medicine (The Cure Is In The Cupboard, The Cure Is In the Forest). Instead of prescribing drugs, he advised his patients on correct eating habits. But he, like this writer, learned that patients want a miracle pill, some exotic chemical for a fast reaction, the more expensive, the better they think it works. Dr. Stenhouse later ran for congress, NC 3rd Congressional District when he was 100 years of age.
We have four tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter; but there is a fifth, introduced to society during my lifetime: MSG (monosodium glutanates). Glutanates were first introduced to food as a derivative from seaweed. Glutanates have a very attractive aroma, makes everything taste good. Now, this stuff, “hatched in hell”, is used on just about everything you eat. MSG is a poison, destroys the good bacteria in the gut, leading to allergic diarrhea, fever, weakness and many other symptoms. Of course, its reaction depends on the patient. Some people can eat anything and keep going, like aspartame (artificial sweetener). Some drink diet soft drinks for years before noticing the effects. Aspartame, like glutanates are poisons, and they will eventually take their toll.
Radiation has an accumulative effect, we know that radiation from the Japanese disaster has spread throughout the world. Rain from these radiated clouds, falling on the grass, eaten by the cows, may not have an immediate effect on your physiology. But, if the grass survives, if croplands survive, if other edibles survive, there will be an accumulative non-remediation effect on human bodies.
No one from Chernobyl or any place near Chernobyl survived. There have been more mutations and other effects from nuclear accidents than the state-controlled news media wants to admit. Do your own research involving radiation, it will be coming your way. The bark of the slippery elm trees, some nuts, dark vegetables, and anything containing iodine, including kelp are probably your best defenses. There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the enemy will use nuclear devices sooner or later. The 1959 movie, On The Beach, should give us some expectation of what can happen: a nuclear cloud moving across the world, killing all life.
The Japanese had no natural energy resources: coal or oil, and were forced to build hundreds of nuclear reactors in order to have the energy necessary for their great industries. Everywhere these nuclear power plants were built, care should have been taken that they were not on an earthquake fault lines or near the ocean. It is too late now, we simply must survive man's acts of stupidity, just as we always have been forced to do.
My recommendation is to always prepare for the future. You cannot live without food and water, and old water is better than no water. Fill plastic containers with water, stock up on non-perishable foods that will keep you alive. Glass jars are a must, in order to keep many foods free from contamination. You will be your own doctor, nurse, supply house, hospital, and at worst, funeral home. Get real, get ready for the worst.
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