My friend Danny was one of the most remarkable young men I have ever known. He was an investment advisor with a radio program, but other than hearing him on the radio, I knew nothing about him until he called, wanting to go to lunch with me. Then, it all spilled out because he learned that I was a retired, disabled Army officer. He had burned the candle at both ends during his youth...in and out of jail, a real hippie, long hair, drugs, an academic mess. The judge gave him the choice, like the choice that has been given to so many, go to jail or join the army.
Joining the army brought discipline, structure, and routine into his life. Because of his exceptional mental ability and the fact that he needed gravitas, he advanced through OCS and became an Army officer. He told me about the lack of guidance and discipline in his home, or rather, a complete lack of home-life. He said that he cleaned up his looks and personality, married a widow with several children and was on the way to a successful career. I became just a friend, not a client. But, all of a sudden, leaving much disparity and questions behind, he was dead. His death in of these build-it-yourself planes, such as the one that claimed the life of John Denver, was ruled an accident, but I believe it was a suicide.
It can all be summed up as follows: many veterans are now returning from these useless wars completely brutalized. In today's warfare, IEDs (improvised explosive devices), they see their friends spattered and scattered, entire villages of innocent women and children traumatized. These men return to America, land of the free, home of the brave, land of opportunity and responsibility to face a government and future of tyranny.
They tire easily of “big brother” looking over their shoulder at everything, a complete lack of future for their children. Their incessant taxation going to buy the wants, not the needs, of about one-half the population of this country, their fellow men. Corrupt politicians making promises in order to get into office, and then doing as they please. Worst of all, these same brutalized veterans becoming law enforcement bullies.
When did Americans get so comfortable with mediocrity? Mediocrity in law enforcement, mediocrity in the judiciary, education, entertainment, healthcare, even church pastors. This writer, like many of my friends, are so fed up with the narcissistic, impotent, incredulity that comes from most pulpits. We are better off at home watching the best via technology. I have told stand up comedians and entertainers that you have to be the very best, you must have a real report with your audience in order to be a success because we have all seen the best on television. The only thing you missed by not being in the audience at such a performance is the interaction with the audience. I would much, much prefer to be in a church worship service surrounded by fellow devout believers, but I cannot tolerate mediocrity from the pulpit, someone who has found a good living instead of a great calling, the very thing that is leading to the death of most churches.
For most of my life I was regular in worship service, always there participating, enjoying the presence of the holy spirit. Like most of the disabled, I learn that people with disabilities are not welcome in the worship service or the church. The last time I fell in the aisle trying to find a seat, the last time I was practically trampled by people wanting to be first in line at the cafeteria, God told me to stay at home. My Lord's Day starts at 5 on Sunday morning with my personal communion service, then I have regular services until 11 o'clock on Sunday night, hearing their very best, R.C. Sproul, Ravi Zacharia, David Jeremiah, et cetera. The worship service at 11 o'clock comes from a Baptist church near Winston-Salem. One Sunday recently, the pastor told of a new family in the church and the unexpected death of their child. The pastor said, “these folks do not have anything, they just live hand to mouth. We must help them bury this child.” The next Sunday he announced that they collected $13,000 for the family.
Arrogance, unions, and politics have taken over the American public schools. The average school child spends 7 ½ hours a day with technology...cell phones, television rather than studying. Just a random group of students from Shanghai, China compared with some of our best, the Chinese students ranked much higher in math and science, even compared to our best. American education is an embarrassment, anytime the subject is brought up apologists for American education talk about the separation of church and state. 88% of American students go to public school, 6% go to private schools, the others are home-schooled. This 12% excels, The others are just entertained, not educated...mostly in sexuality and neutrality.
The lesbian student may put a mustache on the Mona Lisa, but it is still not art. The gay male students may put heels on the disciples, but it is still not theology. I have the 100 year-old Lee portrait of our Lord's last supper. This phenomenal picture shows all the disciples in appearance very different from any other painting. Even so, the attempt to feminize these men by the gay artist has not been successful. When you put flesh and personality on the bones of all biblical characters they become very personal. One does not name a dog Judas, even our blessed Lord said it would have been better if He had never been born, but think of the personality twist, the ecclesiastical implications our blessed Lord allowing him to participate in the last supper as well as washing his feet, the very one who He knew would betray Him with a kiss, having sold Him for the price of a hog. The very one who all the others had elected to keep the money. When you think of Judas' betrayal, you must surely consider the fact that he saw Christ heal the sick, raise the dead, feed thousands from a small boys' lunch and even restore sight to the blind.
I repeat, when did Americans become some comfortable with mediocrity, ambiguity? Do you really believe you are not responsible for your vote? Do you really believe in your pleasures of the world that God does not hold you responsible for your relationship with Him? Do you really believe that God was joking as when He instructed the apostle Paul, 50 AD, in Corinth, to write, “whatsoever you eat, drink, whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)
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