I was in Russia (then, USSR) for the first time in 1959, Russia was textbook communism at that time. Boarding the TWA flight to return, the pilot said to me, “America will never look so good as it will when you return from here.”
Today's spoiled young person, one who has never seen an outhouse, kerosene lamp, hand water pump, linoleum rug, would think that the homes in which most Americans were reared in the mid-20th century were no better than those in Russia or China where most still live that way. The house in which I was reared, and my father before me, had survived the Civil War. My ancestors had planted oak trees, which, like my ancestors, became great strong fortresses. There were cracks in the walls of the house, but our house was much better than most because we had plastered walls (today, sheet rock is used; back then, plaster was used in the better homes, wood strips to which smoothed mud/paste was attached and then painted or papered). We had glass in our exterior doors, even shutters to the windows which we closed in times of storms. Air conditioning and central heat were unknown, the great oak trees shaded the house in the summer.
Lawns were unknown to the early rural homes, rather, you swept the yards. Lawns began to appear around public buildings and the finer city homes. The difference in American homes and communist homes, in a constitutional, democratic republic, capitalist nation, you can own your own home via payments of some sort, whereas in communist or police-controlled countries, the government owns and controls all housing. This is what the Democrat party, the communist-controlled news media, wants for Americans. This is what has led to the housing debacle, the mortgage scams, the foreclosure epidemic to which we are subjected everyday in news broadcasts.
Las Vegas, Nevada, 71% of the homes are upside down (more owed on the house than the house is worth). Across America, known as the housing bubble, into which government loan agencies, Freddie and Fanny pumped $150 billion, avoiding every known control of lending procedures, normal borrowing of money, people who could not pay anything down, many without jobs (mostly black), moved into housing which they could never dream of affording, simply because liberal government agencies told them they could do so. Now, the houses are deserted, everything of any value in the house (AC systems, light and plumbing fixtures) stripped from the house. Millions of such repossessions on the market, prices going lower every day. You can now go out and buy one of these foreclosures very cheap, but with a greater depression (food, energy, transportation), your living will be much more expensive.
My first house as a returning army officer, many years of education, paying the usual 20% down, was a duplex which sold for $9000, even then I was thoroughly investigated, my credit checked. Before I moved into a house for which cash had not been paid, the lenders were assured I could pay for the house, and so it has been with every real estate transaction I have made in my long life of active real estate buying and selling.
The thing that went wrong, stupid, crazy government officials, pawns of the Democrat party, putting people to their own homes, who could not afford to pay rent. I hired a black, middle aged woman to drive for me, she worked a total of 2 days before she struck me, because I cautioned her about her driving. “Dr. Morris, slavery is over.” She was a public school bus driver, she could work for me between her morning and afternoon driving of the school bus. Her husband was enjoying a social security disability welfare check. In her interview she told me in no uncertain terms, that her home was much better than mine. That the government had moved them into one of the finer homes on the eastern side of the city, and the government was helping them make their payments. Nothing was required down. She was a member of the A.M.E. Zion and that most of the members of her church lived in such houses. She had driven me to one of my buildings, I said to the tenant, Mark, “she is a public school bus driver.” He said to her, “that must be a real challenge.” She said to him, “after they see me hit a few on the side of the head, I get them under control.”
After she struck me, a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected medical officer veteran of the Korean war, I wrote the local school superintendent and told him about the character of this bus driver. Often, parents whose children ride the public school buses are not aware of the character of the driver, nor the school. As usual, in the communist-controlled totalitarian, public school system, but I believe this is typical of the type who were moved into expensive housing by the government, and now the bankers who control everything are busy spending their bonuses on such activity, and it is left to the taxpayers to pick up the pieces of such policy. Moving ingrates into housing which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Mr. Obama, the stupidest man to ever get close to the White House, appointed an 18 member commission: 10 Democrats, 8 Republicans, headed by Bowles and Simpson, to ascertain why “our country” is going through a recession. $10 million and 700 witnesses later, they have produced nothing. I am telling them, free of charge, the insanity of liberalism. Is it conceivable, that after 230 years of this democratic republic, the greatest universities of the world, with many professors of economics, banking, real estate, a cadre of successful businessmen, who have made this country the zenith of world commerce, no one could have predicted what was going to happen. Peter Schiff wrote the book, Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse, like the dot com bubble, the housing/bailout bubbles were disasters just waiting to happen, have we lost all common sense? Now Mr. Obama, his protege and confidant, ass-tro-nut Barney Frank are ready to give up on Fanny and Freddie. I remember the day that Maxine Waters said that she had every confidence in “Frank Raines” (former chairman of Fannie Mae).
Face it, there are those who hate America, can hardly wait for her downfall. University of California at Berkeley, wanting Guantanamo war prisoners to come to their area, as if enough Arab speaking people are not coming across a Mexican border, education officials mandating the teaching of Arabic in some school districts. The Fort Collins Examiner in Colorado reports, “15-year old in the United States rank in the middle of 34 countries around the world in reading, and yet, the U.S. government is spending tax dollars to make Arabic mandatory in five school districts around the country."
Many of us bear the marks of His cross, just as His hands and feet, His sides were marked, so we are crucified with Him.” We all who believe on Him, died 33 AD, as we always bear the marks of the cross. Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. (John 20:19)
Many of our ancestors cut the trees, sawed the timber, and with hard work, built their own houses on which they have paid taxes, kept maintained for the benefit of their community and fellow citizens. Most of us made payments for someone else to build our house, have been honest in our transactions. Many Americans who have a deed to their home, never really own their house, if you think you own your house, try not paying your taxes and other requirements of living, and see how quickly you are thrown to the street. This entire housing mess is a matter of politics, as with every form of welfare, a politician buying the votes of the least desirable citizens...those who, in every way, contribute the least. Most care nothing about the marks of the cross, those of us forever scarred in their defense, the patriotic cost of citizenship.
The power of the cross is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18). Remember, the power of the cross will cover the righteous and will uncover those who care nothing about the deity of God, or the deity of this country.
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