Many use the word Pollyanna without knowing its meaning, perhaps no more important word in one's vocabulary, it is a bias toward encouragement, positive thinking and actions, psychological expedience. I remember that even during the depths of the Great Depression, women at the church, in the community, provided a system of Pollyanna, whereby they would give one another gifts, something crocheted, produced from the garden, baked goods, to one another, showing their love, concern, a way of encouragement.
The most effective tool Satan has in his arsenal of weapons, is his weapon of discouragement. If he can just put discouragement in the heart of an individual, anchor defeatism in the mind, he has accomplished something with the satanic forces of darkness, that only the power of God can remove. Many of us live our entire lives without much encouragement. I can say without fear of contradiction, in all honesty, that I have never had one word of encouragement from one relative, one classmate, one pastor or Christian...all those who you would think would be the first to offer such to one who is blind, living alone, honored God, family, and country. Every pastor, every family member, who ever came to me as a patient, or for whom I did any type business, always received a professional discount, hundreds of them. I could count on the fingers of one hand, the times I received a “thank you”. Years ago in my life, when I could see, I would always write a personal letter to the family of anyone who died, telling of my relationship with the person, pleasant memories. I never once, not once, was thanked for such remembrance.
In Pasadena, California, lawyer John Kralik changed his life by writing thank you notes to everyone he could remember who had affected his life, his book 365 Thank Yous, describes how he wrote a thank you note every day for one year, the responses he received and how it affected his own living. Classic etiquette teaches that one responds to kindness. I remember every teacher, every professor, just as important in my life, those who were kind to me in places of business, waitresses, clerks in stores, the automobile mechanics, people who need a Pollyanna lift in their life.
I give a large part of my income for God's Work, churches, college awards and scholarships. It embarrasses me as a Christian, to tell you how few times I have been thanked for such. As Mark Twain said, “good manners cost so little.” Every time parents introduce me to their young son, I always take his hand because I never know what type hand I am holding, a future surgeon, pianist, mechanic, pastor, therapist of some sort. I learned long ago, not to display my genuine faith, but under my breath I think, “God, I give this young man to you, regardless of his family, the world, the flesh, the devil.” Because, most will have to make it on their own, but “one man plus God and anything is possible.” Slowly but surely, the once Christian America is sinking into the abyss of Godlessness. I have visited the Godless, communist countries of the world, know the forsakeness of depending on government. Perhaps the most totally dependent people are the Chinese. The Chinese government is sending colonies of their people into foreign countries, 1 million into Africa alone; Canada, especially Vancouver is practically taken over by the Chinese.
BBC gave a program recently on chicken farmers in Zambia, Africa. Classic, communal, authoritarian communism...and they know nothing else, has taught them to work hard, to stay in good health. So much of the world has become so careless in their health, they treat the temple of God, their body, like a garbage can. God's Word, the Bible, the answer book, instructs us about food and everything else (Genesis 1:27-31). We eat vegetables with seed, not this genetically-modified seed-less hybrid trash. The Chinese eat raw or steamed vegetables with seed, quality meat. Many of you eat cereals where the box has more nutrition than the cereal in the box. There are more laxatives sold in stores than any other thing sold over the counter. This problem is mostly a matter of water. The most addictive substance known to man is sugar, your fast food place sprinkles, not only your french fries, but your meat with sugar. 3 teaspoons of sugar will shut down your immune system for six hours. Sugar is cheap, keep everything white out of your diet, sugar, flour, salt.
Start dietary restrictions when children are young, study the statistics about the number of fat children in our nation and the percentage of diabetes. Diabetes was a rare condition when I was in school, so were STDs, so was cancer. Microbes, including cancer, always thrives in a low PH medium. The greatest thing for your body is to detoxify, to cleanse, to fast. The homeostasis of your body is rhythmic, your body is accustomed to your routine, your attachment to certain foods, even certain prescription drugs. Just as you need an interruption, a vacation, so your body needs to escape the steady rhythm, purring of your system. Learn to fast for several days, cleanse with water and pure juices, detoxify with raw, fresh vegetables. Keep leeching plastics, chemical additives (chloride, fluoride found in most water systems) out of your body. Most of the time, the body will heal itself, most of the time you can live with good health. Life depends on your comfort zone, you constantly move toward God, or your are in free fall away from him. Thankfulness, goodness, giving is not just Pollyanna. Defying pride, what is expected of us as human beings.
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