God talks to us in every way...earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and storms, but we refuse to listen. There has been about 300 earthquakes just along the west coast of North and South America. Recently, the great volcano in Yellowstone National Park has been churning...a volcano 50 miles across, can one even imagine the destruction to the productive plains of America when this volcano erupts? This week, we are greeted with the information that an earthquake mostly destroyed the city of Christ Church, New Zealand, one of the most beautiful cities I have ever visited. I understand the great cathedral there in the square was almost totally destroyed, built by the Anglicans in 1840.
At age 80, I am still learning, but who wants to hear from an old man watching world history and world economics? Such simple things as you cannot bail out the titanic as it is sinking, it is easier to take a cat out of a paper bag than to put the cat back in the paper bag, When you are in hole, stop digging, and the best way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.
Most of the New Testament was written by the apostle Paul under the inspiration of God. Paul was probably the best educated man of his time, a phenomenal new creature in Christ after his conversion. Every place he went, there was either a revival or a riot, he usually went to jail. The greatest example of joy in the Bible is the account of Paul and Silas, in stocks at the the jail at Philippi. Beaten and harangued, at midnight, they began to sing hymns. God talked to them, their fellow prison mates and jailors with a earthquake. Get down to the basics, everyone you know, everyone you have ever studied, the prophets, strip away everything about them, their education, their heritage, their ancestry, their preparation for living in this world, they are either a child of God or a child of the devil...they find joy in serving their creator (the center of their existence is Jesus Christ) or some sadistic satisfaction in serving Satan.
Every day, every news broadcast we find another place “a-flame“, mostly involving dictators, tyrants and oil...the big money-power source for their government's economy. Countries will not fight over sand, they fight over the liquid gold under the sand. Even after I was mostly blind (I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected medical officer veteran), God still wanted me to travel the world. No one wants to hear it, it is so much more convenient to live in ignorance, but most of the countries of the world are dictatorships or police states, people living in poverty, little more than slaves...especially in the communist and Islamic countries. I will never understand why western civilization, Europe, Canada, America are so anxious to get there. You can be sure that the increased rioting, increased gasoline prices, increased prices of everything where the protestors are active are heading this way.
America now knows what it is like to be occupied (Wisconsin, Ohio, White House, etc.). Forbes magazine tells us that Barack Hussein means “the blessing of Hussein” and Obama means “he is with us.” It was just a few years ago that Colonel Gaddafi of Libya was a hero in America, with young people wearing t-shirts with his picture and name on them. Now the same tyrant-dictator, with billions of dollars of oil revenue stashed in foreign banks (Forbes estimates his net worth at $1.25 billion), is strafing his citizens in the streets with helicopters and jet planes, telling Al Jazeera television that he will fight them to the last bullet.
The most gnawing question I have in my mind after having seen the results of despots around the world. How can citizens support the leadership of such a nation, but we are seeing the very same thing in America, protestors in the street and a supposed leader who does not have a clue about solving any problems.
For twenty years, I have warned the American people about the dangers of fluoride in their drinking water, fluoride's neurotoxic effects on the brain. Hitler knew that people were more docile with fluoride, since westerners are not docile enough, fluoride contamination and toxicity has increased, now chemicals from the air (contrails), as well as chemicals from most food products (monosodium glutanates). Unless I awakened in Cuba, China, or North Korea this morning, Americans in particular should still be concerned about their health. We have become obese and diabetic from calories, not nutrition.
We are living in apocalyptic times, the world can completely change over night, find joy in your salvation, from the jailhouse of slavery to the freedom of Jesus Christ. As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:36-39)
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