One man plus God and anything is possible, God never appointed a committee to do anything, a group has never started anything, physical, spiritual, political, it may take a group to get it going, but every business, every organization, all started with the idea from one person. God is the world's great artist, He designed every snowflake that has ever fallen, every mountain range, every pastoral scene in every valley. His greatest design, that of genus Homo, the human being, created in His own image. Just think, of all the billions of people who have lived on this earth, no two are alike. Every fingerprint, the iris flex in every eye, the voice, the DNA, each completely separate, even identical twins are different.
From the council chambers of eternity, before the world was formed, each of us designed specifically for His glory. We so cheapen ourselves by failing to realize, our own synergism. And yet, just as each blessed to escape the abortionist, born to face life, we are the only animal who knows we are going to die.
One man's physician gave him the bad news, that he was going to die, nothing could be done to save him. His doctor said, “enjoy these last days. What would you like to eat? I'll notify the nurse.” The patient said, “There is nothing I like better than watermelon.” The doctor said, “at this time of year it will be difficult to find a watermelon, it may take six months.” Our friend, the patient said, “I can wait.”
At best, life is a struggle, both physical and spiritual, we wonder why Christ surrounded Himself with such weak individuals. Not one of the 70 followers understood Him. When we study His 12 disciples we are amazed that such weak men could do anything, yet all with the exception of two became martyrs: Judas killed himself, and John the youngest, died an old man on the island of Patmos. What is the difference in leaders and others who have walked through history.
We find that 90% of our misery can be attributed to ourselves. I find the greatest essential in life is good habits, who wants to take the time to exercise, to pray, to read God's Word, to attend worship services? For most, church is so boring, just spectators, and even though hell is talked about more than anything else in the Bible, what preacher will tell well-dressed, sophisticated, educated, good-smelling people that they are going to hell when they die, if they do not live according to God's instructions?
We hear about something now, which has been ignored for most of my life. I know of nothing more important, it is this matter of bullying one another. There is nothing that has caused more stress in my life, from childhood to present, than the inhumane act of bullying. I was the oldest of four children, my parents, like their parents, believed in the integrity of life, that life is a precious opportunity to glorify the Creator of life, to show politeness. We were taught politeness, cleanliness, stewardship of everything in life.
Even mid-20th century, an all-white country school, they had not prepared me for the bullying pursuant, a child with these qualities. I believe the building is still standing, I would like to have a picture of the corner of the building where I was treated at recess. Young boys would push and fight, this was foreign to me. I would seek the protection of that corner. The two walls were my security blanket. One teacher finally saw the situation, drew me out of this meekness and better established me on the playground, but I have never forgotten yet, the torture I endured as a child because of the meanness that went on in the boy's bathroom. I left to wonder how many young boys go through the same thing in today's world. Since, most of the time there is not adult supervision, and young boys must endure the bullying that takes place when they are not prepared for this brazen side of life.
As one of my aunt's said, “it was necessary for me to teach my son to fight, if he were to be a survivor.” Such bullying is not just a childhood experience, it has become the rule, not the exception, in every day life for most of us. There are 435 members of Congress, who spend their lives at great expense to the citizens, bullying the population of the United States of America. The 1,300 government agencies just involved in intelligence work, 8,000 have top secret clearance, most of these agencies do not know what the others are doing, much of the work is duplicated, this is the reason we have a national debt of $14 trillion.
There is practically no freedom left in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” It takes a permit or license to do anything. Law enforcement has become just another bullying agency. With all their licenses, fees, there are still 50,000 Americans dying on the highways each year, 17 times more than those killed in 9/11. We are so anxious to bully the world, military bases in 130 countries, 66 years after the end of WWII, we still have military bases in Germany.
In the world's once richest nation, there are 43 million families on food stamps. All of us come to the yellow woods were there are two paths: one, the least traveled, the other, very traveled. The question, which will you take? The path of least resistance, bowing to every physical and moral indecency. Or, will you take the least traveled path? Escaping the bullying of desperate people and nations. The last stages of any fallen empire, a military which saps the strength of the country, a country no longer defending it's borders from the invasion of non-citizens, illegal immigration.
Governor Purdue of North Carolina expects her lawyer son, Gerriet Purdue, to pass out millions in incentive money to prospective industry which the hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying citizens have coughed up through the bullying of state law. One uses 7 million brain cells each day, our actions are determined by what we are. It is time for Americans to become synergistic defenders of our spiritual, physical and moral beliefs. Not bullied by the indecency of others.
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