Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote the book The Last Days of Pompeii in 1834. This book describes in detail the happenings in the Italian city of Pompeii just before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. When I walked on the streets of Pompeii, I remembered how quick the city was engulfed by fire and lava. The place is frozen in time, even sleeping dogs were cemented forever.
The incandescent light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison, first patented and tested in 1880. This would be the miracle of miracles for America and the world, all working by the light of oil lamps. I will never forget my family's first light bulb after the power lines had been run through the country Our house had been wired and we had the incandescent bulb hanging down from the ceiling...so it was with the local school house, church house, houses of millions around the world. Wonderful light from the incandescent bulb. Also, the bulb gave off just enough heat that it could be used in a room to keep pipes from freezing, in an area to keep the water pump from freezing, in a chicken house to keep small chicks from freezing.
Today is the day we bid goodbye to the incandescent light bulb, it will no longer be manufactured in America. Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) joined with U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) to introduce the Better Use of Light Bulbs (BULB) Act. The legislation would repeal light bulb standards Congress included in the 2007 energy law that effectively bans traditional incandescent light bulbs starting in 2012. “Washington needs to stop picking winners and losers in the marketplace and micromanaging how Americans live their lives,” said Senator DeMint, the lead co-sponsor of the bill. (http://www.thestatecolumn.com/state_politics/south-carolina/sen-jim-demint-bill-would-end-ban-on-incandescent-light-bulbs/)
American trend forecaster, Gerald Celente, says America's future has two possible outcomes: terrorism or WWIII. I believe there is a third outcome, if there are enough Americans with the backbone to stand up against the communist take over of America. Last year, $31 billion was spent in America just enforcing useless regulations such as light bulb bans. Just a few years ago, there was a federal procedure, “Knock and Talk”, regulating government housing. Regulators could walk in and look over the property in which the government allowed you to live, determine how you are spending your welfare fund. (All over the world, particularly the Balkan countries, after the communist takeover, I saw the inspectors clad in their brown suits, with their briefcase, inspecting everything in these countries.)
In a matter of a few months time, traveling by air has become a nightmare, scanning of your body. We know that TSA (Transportation Security Administration) is now equipped to scan travelers on highways, to scan large trucks. Each year, 500,000 Americans die from cancer. I cannot help but believe that many of these deaths are unnecessary, radiation from such unnecessary processes as scanning at the airport, or x-rays at the dentist office and other medical procedures.
It is a constant fight not to be overcome by the bondage of bitterness, bitterness toward government in its culture of corruption, bitterness toward news sources in their culture of fraud and phony-ism, such as Fox networks substituting a last year's booing incidence in a recent event. Wikileaks has put out in full view, weaknesses in government, the blasphemy of diplomacy, nothing is sacred or secret anymore. Elitists who should never be appointed to anything are serving as ambassadors, representing America in other countries. To the uninformed, everything is obscure, to those who have risen to the top by political contributions, who they know, not what they now. Our foreign programs, our political futures are in grave danger. Every time I met an ambassador at an embassy overseas, the thought immediate occurred, I wonder how much his ambassadorial title cost him.
Does it ever occur to you: why so many homegrown terrorists? Why the bondage of hatred and distrust of Americans toward their government? Could it be that most of us see more government failures than government successes. Could it be that Americans have seen support for dictators around the world such as the tyrants in Mexico (corrupt government in Mexico, supported by the US, even as millions have escaped across the border to find a better life in America...hard working people, family people). We have seen America support tyrants in Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya. Like the poor and dispossessed in America, those put in uniform to defend this country, the poor and dispossessed in other countries are just used as cannon fodder. 900,000 Iraq and Iran young men killed in that war in 1988-89. Henry Kissinger said, “it is too bad that both sides cannot lose.”
There is always a root and taste of bitterness, particularly to those who have served their country in uniform, who have returned as disabled veterans. Those who have done nothing or disgraced us are the heroes (President Clinton has a $600 million Presidential library).
Those who should be on the front lines for America's battle for sobriety and integrity, often give their consent through their silence. I think particularly of the pastors and preachers of the country. Watching the politics of eastern NC in my long life, I am particularly bitter toward the baptist churches, who, through the silence of consent have allowed the democrat party in this area of the nation to leave them in abject poverty...tenant farmers and cotton mill workers. I have bitterness toward the blacks and particularly the black churches and preachers, who in lockstep, still support the democrat party when they know full well that this party has kept them racially underfoot. The blacks vote 99% democrat, while at the same time taking crumbs from the democrat table after 130 years of democrat rule. The black vote, silence of black preachers and churches, shows their consent to political corruption and lack of empathy, not just for themselves, but everyone else. Is this Christianity?
A Bible scholar told me that 35% of all church members do not have enough knowledge of the Bible to know anything about the prophecies and promises of God's Word. Those who know and love freedom, those who know and love the redemption through Christ, those who know and love the power of God in the history of nations, will not give their consent through silence.
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