Now 71 years of age, actress-comedian Lily Tomlin said recently, “when I was young, I really wanted to be someone, now I wish I had been more specific.”
God can work through anything to achieve His purpose. In my lifetime, I have seen the world change completely. At one time, things that were a matter of class, decency, etiquette are now supported only through laws. This very morning, with my real estate representative and my assistant, I inspected a large rental unit that was occupied for 4 years by a large group of psychologists, a practice with expertise in eating disorders. These Ph.Ds, competent specialists who at one time in history would consider themselves head and shoulders above the rest of us because of their education and training, moved out of my building taking with them a beautiful oriental carpet from the hardwood reception room floor. As my assistant loaded other carpets from my house to take to the building, I said, “it has never ceased to amaze me how many times this type thing has happened with people who should know better, who are supposed to set an example.”
This past week, Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees hit his 3,000th home run. A young man by the name of Christian Lopez retrieved the ball. Dealers in memorabilia speculated that the ball could be sold for up to $500,000, but instead this young man presented the ball to Derek Jeter. It has been learned that this young man owes $100,000 in student loans, and still lives at home. Lopez is being whacked by the government for $14,000 in taxes for the memorabilia the Yankees management gave him for being so generous with the ball. Where is the generosity of Mr. Jeter, a man who make millions?
One of the most dangerous human exploits: escaping the tyranny of North Korea (estimated that 2000+ enter South Korea a year). Much money is made on these escapes, must be kept totally secret, technological miracles. Those North Koreans brave enough to make the attempt usually carry a poison capsule with them because they had rather die of poisoning than be captured and return to North Korea.
In this life-long question of man's inhumanity to man, the effect of just one solitary life, we think of the man Joseph Stalin, who was responsible for the death of over 100 million Russians. There was a time when we said, “the death of his fellow Russians”, but we now know that Stalin was not Russian, he was from the Ukraine. Like Mao was responsible for the death of millions of his fellow Chinese, Hitler for the death of millions of his fellow Germans, but usually national genocide is due to someone on the outside.
There is a tremendous difference between a citizen and a nationalized citizen. We know now that Obama is not a nationalized American citizen, there are so many cowards in American government that few, if any, will challenge the fake/forged birth certificate. The world knows about the efforts to cover up his true identity, and eventually it will all come out. In the meantime, like Simon & Garfunkel's Slip Sliding Away, our nation along with any essence of integrity slides down the drain. Those who voted for this mafioso impostor have cost our nation, not only in internal strength, but in international financial standing (in 30 months, $5 trillion in increased debt).
The ridiculous aspects of Obama healthcare, the misery in travel through the TSA, the regulation and terrorism of living through NHS (Homeland Security). It is not just a matter of destroying jobs (mortgage industry, automobile industry), but such impossible to believe tactics as an ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms) program that intentionally let guns flow over the border into Mexico -- and into the hands of criminals -- in order to track drug cartels. The southern border of America, Juarez, Mexico, the most dangerous place in the world (2,500 drug-related deaths in 2010).
In America, prisons are now colleges for crime. 91% of the world's heroin supply comes from Afghanistan where America “supposedly” is in charge. We are a country that has given the world the greatest engineers, scientists, doctors, musicians, writers, religious leaders, we have proudly worn the uniform in support of our constitutional ideas. Yet, at the veteran's cemetery in Houston, Texas, it is against the law to mention God or Jesus Christ in a veteran's burial (Liberty Institute representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, The American Legion Post, and the National Memorial Ladies).
The real genius of Christ's ministry was its simplicity. The real genius of technology, even hard work, is its simplicity. Silence is defense around wisdom, the silence around America's problems is deafening, particularly from the state-controlled news media. The real genius of living is in preparing. Someone, one person in one chair, is responsible for most of the world's problems. One person in one chair, is responsible for the bad decisions involving you and your country. Patriotism, like pastoring, like parenting, is not complex, it just involves the difference one person can make in doing the right thing.
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