Zastrozzi is a gothic novel by Percy Shelley, published in 1810. The leading character, Zastrozzi was the epitome of irresponsible self-indulgence, a crucible of savage thoughts from a diseased brain. The crux of his mental torture: not being able to comprehend the connotations and denotations involving simple truth.
Truth, the searchable treasure of the ages. From man's earliest paleontological history, tablets on which was written the knowledge of that age...cuneiform script was used in early Sumerian history. Today, libraries containing millions of volumes of the world's knowledge (the British Library contains 150 million items, 13 million books), all of the world's knowledge, online, right at your fingertips.
For those smart enough to comprehend, Jesus said that He is the truth (John 17:17). God has told us that if we seek wisdom, we can find it. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. (James 1:5). This totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict, with all my limitations, is ALWAYS able to comprehend the wisdom of God.
The truth, so simple to understand; the honor of work, employment in whatever area, opportunity, responsibility, budgeting, not spending more than you make, saving your money, learning to make money with money. In this democratic republic, the individual blessed with courage and common sense can go as far as the risk he is willing to take. Until the 21st century, in America, there was little limitation on the ambition of the individual; now, a national attitude of totalitarian control. Welfare mentality is the disease that has afflicted several generations.
The truth, so simple to understand, the morality, integrity, spiritual reality of the Christian life. How can one refute/compromise humility, gratefulness, faithfulness, the Christian fruit of the spirit of one's holy life. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23) How is it possible that the liberal, communist, atheist can challenge such truth? Yet they do. Why do so many young people, even those from supposedly Christian homes, leave the church? (75% of all young people raised in Christian homes, raised in the church, leave the church after college, most never to return) Is it because they want the truth and have not found truth in their church and in their home? Intelligent young people know that spiritual Christianity does not rest in the same category as magic. When the church condones and even features such heresy as the Easter bunny, Christmas trees, gay marriage, gay pastors, bishops, a blind eye towards abortion (murder of the most innocent of life) support for corruption and decadence in government (churches, especially evangelicals and Baptists, supported the decadent Democrat party for over 100 years). The truth is, that if Christian churches and parents support idolatry/hypocrisy, young people, bright young minds, want no part of it.
At the end of life, mature and healthy, you want more than seduction and disease. The real values of life: morality, integrity, sincerity, values that even the world recognizes. As so many who have forsaken both their country and church have told me, “I may not be right, but I want my country to be right. I may not be right, but I want my church to be right.”
Character determines destiny, and it does not take much character to be angry at the world...greedy, lustful, lazy or proud. Who is fooling who? The one looking back at you in the mirror knows more about your character than anyone else.
The truth, the difference in Americans and people in other parts of the world (and I have traveled the world, every continent, passport stamped in 157 countries): Americans can achieve anything they want to achieve, no matter how poor, regardless of ancestry, in spite of skin color. In the rest of the world, poor people are destined to remain poor, destined to never realize their goals even though you are of good character.
The crowning glory of mankind is his nervous system, his mind, his ability to reason. Other animals are far superior in other respects (the muscles of the feline, the eyes of the avian, nose of the canine, digestive system of the equine). In a politically correct cauldron of “anything goes”, “if it feels good do it”, “government knows best”, I would advise Zastrozzi and you to capture the simplicity wisdom of the ages, with the eclismic, unlimited mind.
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