If the crust of the earth were gold (atomic weight 197), men would lie, cheat and steal for a handful of dirt. The value of gold is greatly exaggerated compared to the immortal soul of a human being, God's greatest Creation.
On an expedition ship to the Antarctic (South Pole), I shared a cabin in the ship with a Fleet Street banker from London. He was perhaps the classiest, wittiest, most captivating man I have ever met...educated at Oxford, knighted by the Queen. He had a tremendous knowledge of world finance. He would have been the first to tell you that the United Kingdom (the British Empire), captured/colonized the world in an effort to channel most of the world's wealth to the British Isles. Until this very day, the United Kingdom controls most of the world's wealth (measured in gold, art treasures, classic political power).
From the time that Nebuchadnezzar hauled away all the gold and treasures of Judaism to Babylon. From the time Greco-Roman wars etched the lines of European civilization, it has not been a matter of land or water rights but who has the most wealth stored up in gold, silver, and precious stones.
The conquistadors landing in South America, were not interested in human slaves or the poor, undeveloped land to conquer, but rather the accrued wealth of the Mayans and Incas. Just as the gold, silver, sculptured frescoes from the Parthenon went back to England, so the wealth from South America found its way back to Spain and France.
“Follow the money” is a historical principle and prophecy which has never failed. Of course, paper fiat money, notes, bonds are relatively new, but the time came when it was burdensome to travel with heavy gold, silver coins or items of bartering value such as porcelain. Early European city-states such as Venice, Florence, Rome started what has become the modern day banking business, such families as the Medici, Doge, Rothschild. Fortunes then, and still to this day, were made and are made by the money handlers. The money handlers are involved with everything, nations, industry, even the church. Christ himself chased the money-changers out of the temple (John 2:14-16). Those of us who have explored Vatican City, St. Peter's, are well-aware of the gold there...the Catholic Church, the richest entity in today's world.
Much to our sorrow, we have seen money so infiltrate God's church, God's work, that the real mission of the church is barely recognized. We know that missionaries, ministers of the Gospel, ministries blessed to teach and preach the Gospel (churches, colleges, hospitals, orphanages, media programs) must have funds, funds from Christian people given as unto God. We find that many preachers/evangelists are more interested in their pastoral package (salary, car, housing allowance, vacation) than they are in the church pulpit and God's program. Servitude is a matter of personal character, whether ministry, healthcare, academia, or even political service. It takes a certain amount of gold, or its equivalent, to live and support a family but we are assured that God knows our needs, and will supply our needs. We are assured that everyone, regardless of vocation will have troubles. That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:7)
A historical landmark marks the place in South Dakota, Wounded Knee, where hundreds of Native Americans were killed by the 7th Cavalry Regiment. This is just one example of the slaughter that took place as early American settlers traveled westward claiming (what is now) American soil from the natives who possessed it. Not only did Americans claim the possessions and wealth of the Native Americans, but just as important as gold to them, their supply of food (it is estimated that 16 million bison were killed and just left to rot on the plains of this great nation) in somewhat successful the attempt to starve these men, women and children.
Like the Europeans who colonized Africa, the Middle East, South America and much of Asia, it was the greed and thievery of their wealth (gold, silver, minerals, art treasures) that will forever be a blight on Western civilization. Just think, England, colonizing/capturing most of the civilized world, to this day still holding on to most of it...Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, etc. (54 total members of the British Commonwealth). It is wealth, but it is not “commonwealth”. As my Fleet Street banker friend said to me, “there is probably not a calculator made that could total the wealth of the British Empire, controlled by just one family, a so-called royal family. In many of the 54 nations of the commonwealth, there are men, women and children who have never had a drink of clean water. Their drinking water, cooking water, laundry water, all coming from a polluted creek or river. Just one of the Queen's many castles, Buckingham Palace, has 775 rooms, 50 bathrooms...this much space for an 85 year old woman and her 89 year-old husband.
Everything pertaining to God's Church is found in New Testament books of Romans through Philemon. The first chapter of Romans tells the world, for time through eternity, about man's inhumanity to man, particularly the homosexual agenda. In spite of what the heathen such as Nietzsche has said, God is not dead, nor is He asleep. He knew about the cruelty of the Romans during the earthly life of Christ, from Sirius of Assyria, from Alexander the Great of Greece to the Caesars of Rome, for every power-grab, every idol worship, the slaughter of every innocent child, the trail of every stolen coin, He has an accounting system. The eraser on His pencil is seldom used. For nations, nationalities, individuals, He only had to say it one time: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1 Timothy 6:10)
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