The most resilient life, able to adapt to any environment, the greatest distributor of microbiology, found throughout the world: the cockroach. Some species are several inches in length and can live for many days without food or water, their females continuously hatching offspring. From my study of parasitology, these pests are probably the most dangerous lifeforms in existence. One would think that with all the technological advances, with out chemical and biological expertise, such dangers to mankind would have been eliminated long ago.
We have no problem affecting the RU486 abortion pill which eliminates God's chief creation, babies. We have no problem with the technology that has almost eradicated the genetics involved in all seed production. The earliest forms of tobacco, like other herbs which you can inhale, were good for the lungs. According to the World Health Organization, lung disease is the greatest killer in the world, yet over 500 chemicals were added to tobacco, including benzene and arsenic, and tobacco became a killer. The most successful area of mind control in the world: the smoking of tobacco products. Anyone who has ever seen the autopsy, the lungs, of a tobacco smoker, anyone with knowledge about the growing of tobacco, (constant dusting and spraying with poisons to kill insects, the sticky stomata on the leaves holding fast the poison, the leaves then dried) would know that tobacco with its poisons and toxicity could not be good for anyone. Primitive civilizations used it, along with other herbs, medicinally.
As a young student at the university, I had to work. My first job was working in the university cafeteria, I have never forgotten the warehouse where the food for the cafeteria was stored. There were rats everywhere, one cannot comprehend so many rats. Rats, like cockroaches, urinate and defecate everywhere they move. There is nothing more poisonous than the defecation of cockroaches and rats, yet, think of it, a prestigious university staffed with highly intelligent people, a nation spending millions of dollars on public health projects and clinics, and still to this day, rats and cockroaches in places of commerce, and more maddening/sickening of all, thriving in the homes of citizens.
On my many trips through Asia, particularly China, where 66% of the people smoke cigarettes, I was shocked at the many smokers, their variety of cigarettes. They do not poison their tobacco, but they do put out poison to eradicate rats and cockroaches.
The poet William Cowper said, “God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform.” God must blush and snicker to watch the unexpected actions of His chief creation...consistent inconsistencies. We know that radiation causes cancer and yet continue to cling to radiation treatment for cancer treatment. We know that God's most prized creation, His most prized possession are children, yet we spit in His face by killing children and even glorifying same-sex marriage (marriage of those who cannot have children), marginalizing and putrefying the education and development of children. Only insane people would expose young, sensitive minds to putrid television. Only insane people would buy putrid food for a child's ingestion. Only insane people, knowing the consequences of hideous, sinful activity, prisons full of people convicted of such, would allow their most precious possessions, their children, to be exposed to such depravity anywhere.
We pray that God will forgive this country, the citizens of this world, those who know better, for such insanity. The greatest example of forgiveness: Christ and Peter. Catholics should cling to this truth, Peter so close to Christ, yet at the trial, as His Savior was being flogged, sat down with the accusers and warmed his hands by their fire and denied knowing Him. God always warns us, He used a rooster to warn Peter, true repentance to such sin, leads to much weeping, but on Resurrection morning, Christ said, “go tell my disciples, and tell Peter.” Why did He specify Peter? Such marvelous forgiveness is available to us.
In our brilliance, the roach motel, they go in and don't come out. So should it be with our living, our giving, using the sanity of being able to determine right from wrong. You go to poor people to hear purpose in prayer, you go to needful people, those who want to understand God's message, to hear purpose in prayer.
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