Every one of us, whether a young child or a person of advanced age, ages as the same rate. Each of us has 86400 seconds in our day, and in each one of these seconds the United States borrows another $33,330 (about $3.5 billion a day). We are each drawn into an existential world-view, trying to keep from being cynical as we seeking to gain the meaning the life. So many are just indifferent; thank God for those trying to make a difference...service, gratitude, faithfulness.
There are about 4.6 billion cellphones in use around the world, even young children have their own private phone. In the some of the world's poorest countries (Bangladesh, India, etc.) human beings who own nothing else have a cellphone. Members of my family, Southern Baptist missionaries, tell me that in Asia almost everyone is talking on a cellphone.
4 years ago, I asked one of my employees to investigate cellphones for me to purchase. I found out very quickly that a blind person cannot use a cellphone...impossible to dial, it is already hard enough with a regular phone. We did find out that a blind person could use a voice-controlled cellphone. I called the appropriate government authorities at the Federal Communications Commission in Washington and talked with them about blind citizens being left out of the cell phone market. The blind, like other disabled citizens, are supposed to be represented in Washington by these highly-paid organizations, but I have found, in a long life of dealing with these “do-gooder” groups that their only interest is their salary. The lawyers at FCC agreed with me and said they would present the problem to the cellphones manufacturers (Panasonic, Motorola, Nokia). Of course, I knew, as you have already surmised, that nothing would be done because the manufacturers of anything, whether cellphones or hamburgers, are only concerned with the bottom line. This nation's largest minority, the disabled, do not contribute very much to the bottom line of industry. Lets face it, in this world of existentialism, self is the only thing of importance. We live in a “me” culture.
Since 9/11, $4.4 trillion US dollars has been spent on wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya...warfare, bombing, protection of protesters, “all for humanitarian reasons”. The state-controlled news media will not give you a look behind the curtain, where elitists know about the great wealth in mineral deposits found in Afghanistan, the great wealth in oil found in Iraq and Libya, the great wealth in rare earth elements found around the Arctic circle where more and more war activity will be centered. As we find daily in Somalia, Pakistan, North Africa, not boots on the ground, but horrendous war activity involving drones and robots. Certainly, you have also noticed that it is only the mourning of western lives, (so many American lives lost), never an accounting of the lost lives in the decimated country.
In 1935, Major General Smedley Butler wrote the book War Is a Racket. This marine, twice winner of the Medal of Honor, veteran of the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American war, the Boxer Rebellion, the Banana Wars, the Mexican Revolution, and WWI, this man, unlike many cowardly “history sophisticates” knew about the Americans who enriched themselves from the wealth of the Third Reich. It has been reported about how the Bush family laundered Hitler's money, about Rockefeller-Standard Oil globalist oil dealings, Dupont/ IG Farben (produced synthetics to keep Hitler's war machine going for 5 years, synthetic formulas now in the hands of American industry). It has always been the same, nothing has changed, particularly in time of war, the rich get richer, the sons and daughters of the poor pay the price.
A 20 year old drug dealer in the local prison, a 20 year-old young woman prostitute, selling her body on the street, a middle-aged couple living in government housing, government welfare checks (Medicaid, subsidized lifestyle), the Democrat party makes sure that people like these vote in every election. The vote of these people count just as much as the vote of the decorated, disabled veteran. The hard-working, taxpaying, God-fearing family who have denied self, shopped with coupons, worked their way through college, been conservative in politics, lifestyle, healthcare, are much less likely to gain any of the rewards of citizenship than the illegal alien or those who have thrown their lives away and accepted none of the responsibility or opportunity for living in this democratic republic.
Our ancestors would never believe, even those politicians of yesteryear would never believe, that deceived voters put an impostor in the White House (a man who offered a poorly forged birth certificate, no trace of college transcripts, using a social security number issued to another man in 1890, false identity even with the house he professes to own in Chicago). Throughout Biblical and secular history, there has been a paper trail of political corruption. But, just think, Judicial Watch's 10 most corrupt politicians in Washington DC (B. Boxer, R. Emanuel, B. Frank, J. Jackson, B. Obama, N. Pelosi, C. Rangel, H. Rogers, M. Waters; all Democrats except for Rogers).
I submit this as irrefutable evidence, I have traveled around the earth 8 times, passport stamped in 157 countries (even a blind person becomes aware of many things): in every totalitarian country, there is a change of class, a grubby feeling. You will note that the people are different in their attitudes, just an instinct of survival. I ask my sighted acquaintances if they can notice a different in the appearance of American towns and cities: lack of upkeep, neglect of the infrastructure, citizens no longer showing pride in dress, appearance, no longer putting forth the best version of themselves. It happens slowly, but it is happening, a metamorphosis right before your very senses. As America becomes a totalitarian-controlled, politically correct, pastorally dysfunctional, indifferent, heartless political entity, we have lost an existential wealth which will be hard to reclaim.
The American dream has gone into a coma, the secular media has become a lying machine, you cannot believe anything you hear, facts or figures anymore. You cannot make decisions from false information. The economy of any person, any entity, any country, is built on confidence, and one does not invest in a person or an industry unless some confidence is shown. If you have confidence in the government of America you need to have your head examined. There is nothing going on in Washington, and most other places that gives one any confidence. I do not know how one survives without faith. Remember, when all else fails, faith is action based on belief, sustained by confidence.
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