One of my friends recently died, he was everything that I am not. Firstly, he was sighted. He was married with a wonderful family and had enjoyed a most rewarding business life. Unlike me, who was born in poverty; he had been born to a family of wealth and position. I don't suppose he had ever lacked or wanted for anything. As a child, his parents sent him to a private school, went on wonderful vacations. He had his choice of prestigious colleges because not only was he financially able to pick out the one he wanted to attend, he had the grades and the intelligence to move through with flying colors, and yet at the same time enjoy all the social advantages that a prestigious university provides: beautiful car, fashionable clothes, eating out in fancy restaurants (he once told me that he had smoked salmon at least once a week) and enjoying all the merriment which fraternity and sorority houses provided. He was good looking, well-built, charismatic, one of those rare people who it is a pleasure to know. In college, he had the time and talent for intramural sports, and played golf every week. Unlike most of us who worked our way through school, money was his least concern, his parents replenished his bank account regularly. He partied at the best homes in the state, the best country clubs, even the governor's mansion.
He had captured the most eligible débutante, and because of his connections, his business flourished. He and his wife could walk into any place of power and prestige in the capitol city and everyone was immediately aware of their presence. Yet, as pretentious in commerce, politics, finance; he was just as pretentious with the church. Heaven had no attraction to him because he enjoyed everything the human mind could desire here on earth. I do not know the condition of his soul, but like so many in his status, he attended church only when it was convenient. Please God, is that all that is necessary in life, where the playing field is so uneven? Totally unexpected, he died, and none of his money, none of his power, none of his prestige could do one thing. A great charismatic, wealthy, magnificent man was just as dead as the most insignificant man who has ever lived.
It is all a matter of concept, like a bouncing red ball, is it the sponge of the ball, the redness of the ball, the curvature of the ball; which characteristic is most important in making the ball what it is?
The earliest, most primitive, most mentally deprived caveman would not be able to comprehend the events of this world at the present time. In the 21st century, our lives are colored and controlled by advertising, several just infuriate me, for instance, “the talking dog”. The caveman would surely say that if it is natural for two men or two women to marry, why not a man with an animal? All the animal, such as the dog, would have to say is, “I love you.”
Having totally traveled the world, I can safely say that one of God's most beautiful spots are the fjords of Norway. Norway, a country that has forgotten God, where the churches are museums, the gargoyles on these ancient churches frown and laugh at earth's demons. These liberal, socialist, secular people thought they could laugh and frown at God, I wonder to whom they were praying at their memorial service in the great cathedral in Oslo (which I have attended) for the hundreds killed by one killer.
Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year old supposed conservative, stated that he wanted to save Norway and Western Europe from dangerous people, Muslims, taking over. He admits to the killing, using explosive-type ammunition. Even if he is convicted of the killing of the hundreds of his fellow citizens, because of liberal God-less politics of Norway he can only receive a maximum of 21 years in prison.
America, its churches, seminaries, programs of ministries, in the main, are moving toward a Norway-type agnosticism, using a “seeker-friendly” approach to the gay agenda. Republicans, its Log Cabin group, like the mega Willow Creek church no longer assists Exodus in their Christian program involving homosexuals, rather, “the more the merrier”. Can we understand why, at one time when homosexuality was considered a psychological disease, every group, every government agency is so politically correct, afraid they might offend someone. The caveman would say, “are these people insane?”
There are mysteries we will never understand, Christ, Son of God, yet a real life human male living on this earth. The trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A spiritual mystery, a dead person laying in a casket appearing as we knew the person, here on earth. Yet, the soul, without mass, weight, identification...the very thing that made the person in the casket who that person was: personality, ability, is no longer there, not dead like the body, but more alive than ever.
God, Creator of the universe, Creator of every person who has ever lived, distinct in every way, has well described all these things, yet the cave man would be amazed to learn that the average person, believer or not, has never spent one day attempting unravel these mysteries. He'd be amazed to know that there are actually those who profess to believe in the existence of almighty God, who know nothing about God. It has been determined that 99% of all those who sit on a pew in a house of worship cannot explain their faith, their reason for being there.
To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. The uninitiated caveman would ask why a blessed, powerful country such as America would visit warfare on many fronts against innocent fellow human beings. Why, in South America and Africa, 60% of all women are critically abused by men, leaving their children on the streets as orphans. How and why, $9.5 billion sent on planes to the middle East, taxes on hard-working, God-fearing, taxpaying people, just disappears. No trace. He would never understand how or why a man such as Obama would be living in the White House, the world's greatest military and economic power. A man who could not prove his citizenship who could not even take the oath of office as commander in chief of the military (those of us commissioned as military officer; me, a medical officer, produced hundreds of copies of transcripts, board certifications, etc. Obama has never produced anything except a forged birth certificate). When everything happening is considered, a talking dog is not a rare phenomenon.
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