In 1974, I was in Athens, Greece for New Years. A group of tourists from the King George Palace hotel went as a group to a large Athens restaurant and night club. Of course, they wanted me to go along and I still enjoy eating and being around people who are enjoying life. The food was good, the entertainment better, but at midnight, all of a sudden at the strike of 12 they went to throwing all the dishes on the floor, threw glasses at the walls, and all the employees danced on the tables. As a blind person, you can imagine how that scared me and I dove under the table, where a very frighted Japanese man also sought shelter. He had evidently lived through WWII and thought the place was being bombed. This is the type of madness, critical madness, some people enjoy just as some enjoy weird movies and books.
Again, New Years, Malaga, Spain; I was visiting a doctor and his wife, a couple I had met in Boston. At midnight New Years, everyone went to throw their glasses into the fireplace. For someone who doesn't throw away anything, I have seen too many hungry people in the world to throw away one spoon or food. I considered it critical madness to destroy perfectly good glasses.
This week, Copenhagen, Denmark we are seeing critical madness of a type heretofore never experienced by human beings. To think that a few disreputable scientists have actually bought this hoax and scam of global warming, temperature change, a perfectly normal geological, anthropological, astronomical change in the world just to make a few people rich (Al Gore, Barack Obama, etc.) and hopefully to improve the lives of some people in some countries. Promises, Promises. The same critical madness that has kept Democrats in control and now the effort to control the world and bring additional taxation. Promises, but never any changes.
In 1971 in Darvaza, Turkmenistan (a part of Russia) scientists exploring for natural gas, the natural gas began to burn much like a release from hell, and has burned since (almost 40 years) releasing much gas and deposits into the atmosphere. The area is as now as large as a canyon and the Earth keep on falling into the large pit. At Papa New Guinea I saw the volcano Mount Lamington which last erupted in 1951 killing 3,000. In Java, I witnessed the Kelut volcano which still spurts out gases and lava and has done so for many years. Through out Asia, there are erupting volcanoes, just last week one erupted in the Philippines. With all the smoke stacks in China, and Chinese scientists know the foolishness of trying to control global climate, man-made carbon pollution has almost no effect when considering global God-determining pollutants. At this critical madness in Copenhagen, it has become a debate about a ½ inch change in ocean level.
At the harbor in Hong Kong where ocean levels are very important to ferries, tunnels, and a huge population, the change over hundreds of years is measured in millimeters. It is the critical madness of hacked computers, quackery in science, and an embarrassment of politicians determining this critical madness. The hardworking, sweating, God-fearing, taxpaying citizen who does not travel the world in polluting jets and limousines. Pockets have been picked enough by the tax assessors of the county, state, and federal governments. Now the United Nations wants to inflict the working people of the world with a world tax.
For many years, I owned a co-op apartment at 12 Beekman Place (this is a street in which Auntie Mame lived, and 2 blocks from the UN secretary). I got full exposure to the United Nations types. I do know how to stay quiet and just listen, and did know how to get invited to all the great receptions. The United Nations is the sorcery of Manhattan; the most vindictive, promiscuous, self-embellishing, belligerent bureaucrats you could ever meet. It is grandeur on an international scale and the UN can hardly wait to completely control the wealth of the world. This attempt at global climate control is the key which they believe will unlock the door.
In the great and exciting city of Hong Kong, I found that when a new business opens, there is madness beyond compare...great banners, much animation, and fireworks beyond description. The Asians consider critical madness of this sort as an essential in getting started well in business. But, it only influences a small area of the city. In America, millions are paid for television exposure, especially on New Year's Day. This year during the Super Bowl, a 30-second advertisement will cost $2.6 million.
I have traveled to Benin, Africa twice. On lake Ganvie, a tribe of 30,000 Tafinu people living in huts built on pylons 2 feet above the water. They move about place to place on boats. Can you even imagine the filth and sludge? This much human activity contributes to the lake which is little more than a sewer. I have had my passport stamped in 157 different countries in the world. There are many needs in the world, such as the one described. Children raised in absolute filth, always hungry. The 100 billion which these limousine liberals-radical politicians are seeking to extract from the pockets of concerned world citizens should be spent on Earthly needs not fakery in the stratosphere.
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