In other commentaries, I have described in some detail the poverty in which I was raised on a tobacco farm in eastern North Carolina. I challenge you to find anyone, anywhere, in any country in the world, any poorer than this writer and most people reared in eastern North Carolina. If a divided state, North Carolina from Hwy 95 to the Atlantic Ocean, would be the poorest state in the Union. Mostly tenant farmers, cotton mill workers, day laborers, who spent their lives just surviving to live another day.
Senator Herman Talmadge, a solid south democrat senator known for his corruption, said about the people of Georgia, “The people of Georgia only have three friends, me, Jesus Christ and Sears and Roebuck.” So it was with eastern North Carolina EXCEPT, they did not have a senator or other politician who cared a flip about them. Dyed in the wool democrats, they walked in lock step to the polls to vote as instructed by Josephus Daniels, editor of the democrat bible “Raleigh News and Observer”, for white men chosen by Raleigh to deliver the democrat vote but absolutely nothing insofar as better living conditions, highways, schools or public health. As one public health official at UNC-Chapel Hill told me one time when I was a student there, and as the Chairman of the Dept. of Public Health at UNC-CH (second largest public health school in the nation) has said again recently, “There is more breast cancer and other preventable diseases in eastern North Carolina, especially the northeast corner of the state, than you will find collectively throughout the nation.”
In recent years, with the influx of bifocal Yankees to the enticing coastline, the definition of a bifocal Yankee is: from up north they think of the cruelty towards black and poor whites in the South but, when they arrive here they jump right into the box with the elitist politicians who have kept the peasants under submission for their greed and benefit. IT IS A MATTER OF PHYSICS YOU CANNOT LIFT A BOX BY STANDING IN IT. Those of us in the forefront in civil rights, who helped break down the barriers of Jim Crow and the donkey-crow enslavement of cotton mill workers, despair at seeing the descendants of enslavement still register and vote straight democrat. Most blacks do not realize, yet, that it was Republicans who brought on emancipation through their blood and toil.
I graduated from a small, rural high school, there were 13 in my graduating class. The county school superintendent realized my potential and made the necessary arrangements to get me into the University at Chapel Hill. At least, unlike black students with amazing potential, I was allowed to go to the state university. I was at Chapel Hill when the first black student was allowed to go to their state university. Only those who have experienced the shame, the disgrace, the bigotry of discrimination, whether racial or social, can understand the imprint, the idolatry of discrimination leaves on the soul of those so undignified. The dignity of man, regardless of skin color, regardless of genes, regardless of financial prestige, is something that has been in battle from the very first men. From ancient Babylon, near the Euphrates, to modern Babylon, on the Potomac, men feel they have the right to enslave one another. This very day, in the power halls of Washington, a select group will try to determine your lifestyle, your choice in health care, the future enslavement of your children and grandchildren with always increasing taxation. As a Russian official said recently, “The people of Russia are much freer than the people of England.” As has been stated in many commentaries, I have traveled through almost every communist country in the world (Russia, China, Korea, Balkans), I can tell you without fear of contradiction that the people of America are more controlled by authoritarianism, totalitarianism and collectivism (all the products of Marx), than any communist country that I have traveled. I cringed in traveling through Russia (12 time zones) on the Trans-Siberian Railway seeing the way the peasants were treated, seeing chained prisoners lined up on the way to the gulags of Siberia. But, I cringe every time I must get a permit to do anything anymore, license or permission from some bureaucrat to do anything other than breathe. In England, many old houses have very small windows because in the past the people were taxed by the amount of sunlight going into their house. There are democrats in Washington who probably have that in mind for you.
So, a university student for eight years studying to become a doctor, it was necessary to work at night in order to go to school during the day during those years. But, in the summers, I sold books, door to door, down every “pig path” in eastern North Carolina. I sold large family bibles, dictionaries and, of course, “Aunt Charlotte's Bible Story Book”. One lady accused me of merchandising on God's Word. I wonder what she would say now about these coiffured TV evangelists. One book which I enjoyed selling was a small hymn book, which the black people in particular, always wanted in their possession. A woman could put it in their purse, a man in his suit pocket. This was at a time when men still wore suits, when real women, not drag queens, owned purses. It was necessary for one hymn to be in the book for the sale, “A Charge to Keep Have I, A God Have I to Glorify”. I can still remember, if the family had a piano, my playing the piano, as the family sang these old hymns. How people cheat themselves when they do not glorify and praise God. In the Old Testament, no books, few musical instruments, few houses of worship, God's people would always stand as the scriptures, mostly oral, were quoted. Their praise was a matter of song. Just imagine singing the 119th Psalm...the longest chapter in the Bible (176 verses).
With Mr. Obama's spending and spreeing, harassment and hallucinations, he took it upon himself, without any congressional action, to select 32 czars, “pinkish” appointees of his Marxist/Muslim style of government.
Holbrooke, Afghanistan
Crowley, AIDS
Montgomery, Auto Recovery
Bersin, Borders
Hayes, California water
Bloom, Car
Ross, Central regions
Stern, Climate
Rosenthal, Domestic Violence
Kerlikowske, Drug
Volcker, Economic
Browner, Energy and Environment
DuBois, Faith based
Zients, Government Performance
Davis, Great Lakes
Jones, Green Jobs (already gone, a known communist)
Fried, Guantanamo Closure
DeParle, Health
Kundra, Information
Blair, Intelligence
Mitchell, Mideast Peace
Feinberg, Pay
Sunstein, Regulatory
Holdren, Science
Devaney, Stimulus Accountability
Gration, Sudan
Allison, TARP
Chopra, Technology
Brennan, Terrorism
Carrion, Urban Affairs
Carter, Weapons
Samore, WMD Policy
Study each of these individuals and you will find that each should have undergone congressional scrutiny concerning their ideology and their fitness to be the determining factors in government. Government agency controls are no longer the purview of the congressionally approved cabinets.
One czar is missing, a czar of Shame. Shame for the tripling of the national debt, shame that the first action of the new President was extending the parameters of abortion all over the world, through American taxpayers, shame for the near destruction of the financial and commercial enterprises (the corporate structure) that have made the country great, shame for the disguise of science resulting in quackery where there should be solid, intellectual enterprise. The greatest shame is now in progress, whereby, under the sham of Cap and Trade, a world tax will be placed on American citizens since we do not pay enough tax locally, to the state, to the federal government (with the ludicrous, shameless taxes on income), during every business transaction, and even to the food which we eat which enables us to continue our enslavement.
David Kupelian, in his book “The Marketing of Evil”, has shown us the ground work involved wherein hook, line and sinker, America has swallowed Satan's bait, promoted by a lifestyle of ease and permissiveness, encouraged by the trash available by the American Idol in every living room, television, computer and now the suicidal exploits of a ruthless and reckless administration.
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