The world's grandest hotel, The Peninsula in Hong Kong (I have stayed there twice), for the elite has a fleet of Rolls Royce limousines available to take you places. A UN official, a friend, had moved back to Hong Kong and he wanted his father to meet me. They came to the Peninsula for lunch where I joined them. I could not see the opulence in the dining room but they said it was the most extravagant food in the world. The wealthy father said, “life is a buffet, enjoy!” He insisted I take with me to his private club a visitor's letter of introduction, which I used, and was treated like royalty. It was there, as with a few other free places in my life, I experienced how the “rich and famous” lived. The men were pampered, fingernails, toenails, massage, everything done to make them comfortable and beautiful. Imagine this for a man who has lived, always, on just a few dollars a week. For the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the 800 billionaires in the world, the crowned heads of Europe, life IS a buffet and can be very enjoyable but, get real, for everyone else, the party is over.
The party is over for saving and investing money. In the stock market, particularly the commercial real estate market, your 401k, even the fiat paper money under your mattress, the time for making money is over. With the debt that can never be paid, with the corruption at all levels of government all over the world, all will be in a common denominator of survival.
With such failures as Tiger Woods, PGA star of the year, athlete of the decade. The five greatest heroes of today's world were just announced. Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Michael Jackson. With the disappointment to the liberals, of the modern messiah, Barack Obama...with the pseudoscience of global warming bringing shame to scientific community...with the disaster in commerce, bailouts of auto industry, insurance industry, banking and financial industry, wealthy, inventive America has become just another “yard sale”.
The party's over regarding education. Americans know that public education, and in many cases, private education, is a total failure. Only by being home-schooled will a child get an acceptable education. One of my assistants, who works on weekends, home-schools 5 children. She and her husband pay taxes like everyone else for public school education. They cannot risk the indoctrination, instead of education, in today's schools. Our children do not need sex education, bullying, the denial of every decency taught in the home. My own son, my only child (2 earned doctorates degrees), my two grandsons (1 lawyer, 1 engineer) never went to public school one day. They were loved too much to be degraded by today's school extortion but, as with my assistant, we all pay for the failed education system.
We have seen the products of education, school board members and educators, we know what you are turning out. Too often, I have had to do over what a high school or college graduate has done for me. So embarrassing, graduates who could not read, spell and punctuate. More children die in this country from medication than anything else because of parents who cannot read instructions. Colleges spend more time in remedial than anything else. As a Massachusetts State School Board member said, “it is time to close down all public schools and start over.” It is not money, more money than ever is being spent on education. The permissive society promoted by Dr. Spock (50 million books in 39 languages) has been proven wrong and he apologized for his book before his death.
The party's over for the wetbacks (this is what President Eisenhower called illegal Mexicans). The baby boomers, our parents, grandparents, who saw their paychecks ruined by taxation now find that the illegals get the same privileges as does the American citizen. In North Carolina, much to the chagrin of hard working, sweating, God-fearing citizens, the illegal alien goes to most colleges as a state legal resident. Not having paid very much into the tax system, the wetbacks crowd out the school system, the public health care system, and the social service system.
The wife of one friend, her children now in college, started working for social services. The first week, a client stole her wallet while she was at a file cabinet trying to help the girl. The thief used the stolen credit card to buy many things but after being arrested, having left a trail, when she went before the judge she pleaded poverty and children at home and, of course, she was just given a slap on the finger. She went up to my friend's wife and said, “why are you so concerned? The credit card company will refund your money. The law will do nothing to me and my entire race will soon be delivered from our slavery because we now have one of us in charge.”
Party's over for college students getting grants provided by the taxpayer. Anyone, regardless of ambition, motivation or preparation could go to college on a government grant...mostly just a waste of taxpayer money. Small private colleges were established, their entire budget based on government checks, with courses in massage, hairdressing, boat building, etc., offered to anyone who would apply...the taxpayer paying the bill: single parent mothers, children in care centers...all this at taxpayer expense.
Party's over with insurance corporations. For years, the public has been soaked by insurance companies. There are more lobbyists in Washington protecting the insurance industry than any other. Insurance policies are written by lawyers and only lawyers can understand them. Because of lobbying, insurance is a required for vehicles, homes, business, sickness, liability of any kind, professions, everything that one can imagine. Any claim, payment is always denied for some extraneous reason usually found in the small print.
Party's over for civil rights, the black preachers have played this game to the limit. Party's over for women's liberation, when women could find nothing wrong with the treatment with women in Arab countries...veils, non-association with males, Muslim women can only use female doctors which are almost non-existent, and Shira law is more vicious to women than to men. 3,000 abortions everyday in America, including 1,400 black babies each day. Women, knowing the most beautiful, magnificent, example of God's creation (Psalms 139) refuse to defend motherhood and denounce the culture of death brought on by the Obama administration and the Democrats.
Party's over for sexual liberation. STDs affect 50% of America's young girls. America has witnessed enough lesbianism. Most men, and indeed most women, admire an attractive feminine woman. The liberated, cigarette-smoking, tattooed, vulgar-mouthed woman has about played her last scene. We know the shock value in swearing. Native Americans and the Japanese do not swear. Small children are excited by swear words. Chaucer said, “You use what you can get by with”. The same applies for the feminine gay guy. America IS AWARE OF THE GAY AGENDA. We are embarrassed by these people, we will not accept them, nor we will turn our children over to them.
In a public relations office in Brooklyn, New York I saw the sign “Perception is reality”. In order to identify a counterfeit bill, you study real money. Those of us who have known real men, real women, real teachers, real students, real Christians, and real parents can recognize the counterfeit. The party's over with the attempt to shove the counterfeit down our throats.
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