Early settlers of this great and wonderful land found that Native Americans, the Indian braves, could put their ear to the ground and could judge the size and type of a buffalo herd many miles away. If you, as an American, will just listen and pay attention to what is going on, you could detect early, the certain tyranny taking over your country.
The third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson once said, “the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of patriots and martyrs.“ Like the famous frog in a pot of water which you slowly heat, and before the frog knows it, he has been cooked. If you had thrown the frog into a pot of hot boiling water, he would immediately jump out. Slowly but surely, tyranny has taken over the political, judicial, educational, commercial, and financial systems of America. This process has been done slowly, because Americans have been so dumbed down through the brainwashing of state-controlled media and mindless trash found on the living room idol, the television set. The principles that made the country great, are no longer recognized as important.
On arriving at an airport in India (I still have the picture), I observed a large highway sign leading away from that airport which read, “Be kind to your tax collector, he is your friend”. I had thought in traveling the world, I had seen it all, but one sign said it all. If hard-working people would believe that message, they would believe anything in India, America, or anywhere else.
My first visit to Moscow, at the Metropol hotel near the Kremlin, I found that each room was accessible to agents of the government watching everything you did. The same was true in China, and we know that in communist Cuba the committee for the defense of the revolution (CDR) keeps a close watch on every citizen. Every house on every street in the entire country is monitored. We are told in America today, that cell phones are wired so conversations can be monitored. The newest digital television (DTV) sets are wired so that they too can be monitored. And you might as well know, with the computer and internet, the government knows much more about everything that goes on in your life than you do. The government has access to all your records and your business transactions, and can conveniently bring up these records anytime.
From the time my ancestors landed in America, sometime in the 1600's (I have a paper trail to 1766), a survey map by the surveyor Adjoniah Peacock at Morristown, NJ. They were fiercely independent, just glad to have the opportunity to live without a oppressive government as they had experienced in England. Robert Morris, who alone wrote the preamble to the Constitution, and many other early patriots, express the desire just to be left alone. To work their land, raise their families, and worship God, in the land of the free and home of the brave.
With little fanfare, we have become the land of the enslaved. You think you own your home, your parcel of land, your vehicle, your business; but try not paying your taxes, your assessments, your permits, your privilege licenses, and you will find that tyranny prevails. I saw the inhumanity to other human beings in totalitarian, authoritarian, controlled, communist, political cultures. It was in a police state, such as the Seychelles Island in the Indian ocean that I saw enslavement at its worst, at the beautiful Banyan Tree Hotel where all the employees are assigned by the state. Knowing I was blind and could not recognize him, the man in charge of the pools vented about the controls of the state-police and the Marxist government when he described to me how the police could enter any home at any time. The police could demand sex from any female, jail anyone for anything, and keep every man, woman, and child under complete control. One of the boys who cleaned the pool, one morning, could barely walk because he had been so badly beaten. He had missed the national curfew of 10 PM by a few minutes trying to get home since he had missed a bus (the only form of transportation for the Natives since private cars are not allowed). The police had almost beaten him to death. In Iraq, Afghanistan, and slowly Pakistan, our military along with our mercenaries are trying to establish the same type of control. America established Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Hatif and then Karzi in Afghanistan, and Mushara in Pakistan. Millions of dollars were paid in a Swiss bank account to keep a lid on things.
In September 1990, I heard President George H.W. Bush before Congress speak of the New World Order. I was familiar with the intrigue of this global control as sponsored by the Illuminati and the Bilderberg movement but I never thought I would hear those words from an American president in front of a joint-session of Congress. In October of 1990, speaking in front of the UN, he pledged America's support to this satanic movement. His retarded son, George W. Bush persisted in the global attitude. There was a time when Americans would have risen in revolution at the “take over” of their country by globalists. Now, with hardly a whimper, we are seeing a world government established. The term is already being used by the new herd of the European union, and the Globalist/Marxist administration now in control in Washington.
In one year, Obama has spent more tax dollars than all previous 43-presidents combined, from George Washington to George W Bush. The establishment of Socialist/Communist government is almost complete. The esteemed former Prime-Minister of England Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
As I have expressed in other commentaries, for many years I've maintained a co-op apartment which I've owned two blocks from the United Nations building on the East River, right across from the house of Irving Berlin. It also sat almost directly across from the South Korean consulate. One day, sitting on a bench in a park on the East River just below the place where I lived, a member of the Korean staff expressed to me, in terms which anyone can understand that a system must be found to divide the wealth of the world. He said, “look around Manhattan at the wealth, and you Dr. Morris have seen the poverty of the world. A way must be found to spread the wealth among the poverty-stricken nations.” This month, in Copenhagen, Denmark the system is being put into effect, the so-called “cap and trade” process. The hopes (the scam beyond all belief), an attempt to make multi-millionaires out of a few politicians and massage your pocketbook forever with a world tax using the most obscure, debatable, exploitation and extortion known to man; the taxing of atmosphere in the pretense of climate control.
There is no ambiguity concerning population control: the Rockefeller's planned parenthood, Margaret Sanger, Adolf Hitler's eugenics, and the Chinese communists one child policy. The culture of death promoted by Obama and the Democrat Party through abortion and euthanasia. Medical care controls, a parasitic education system, toxins and poisons in our water system, vaccinations, foods and products from uncontrolled Communist countries such as China. It is suspected that 99% of Autism comes from vaccinations. Babies vaccinated with multiple vaccines while still trying to develop an immune system. America is under a spell of deception and the deceit of promises while nothing changes, shows the mental laxity of the absurd Democrat party and many RINOS of the Republicans. As the doctor said in the last pages of Macbeth, “God Help us All”.
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