Benedict Arnold, one of the most outstanding American generals in the Revolutionary War, is notorious for switching sides during the war and joining the British. Anytime, anywhere, anyone speaks of traitors, the name Benedict Arnold is at the top of the list. But, remember he had distinguished himself as a general and patriot in the American Army at the Battle of Ticonderoga and the Battle of Valcour Island. It was later when he tried to surrender West Point to the British, that his true colors came out. Like Benjamin Franklin, who's illegitimate son had been appointed governor of New Jersey after having stayed with his father in Britain, smooching up to the British. The British used the ultimate insult against Dr. Franklin in appointing his son as Governor. There were many mixed emotions during the Revolutionary War, some still holding loyalties to the British crown, with only about 10% of Americans fighting against the British. As in the Civil War, families split, some supporting the North, some supporting the South, especially in the Indian territories.
Don't confuse notoriety with success. Think of Helen Keller and Madonna, or even Tiger Woods, the richest athlete in history. Woods, a billionaire with mansions and a 150-foot yacht, a private plane, healthy children, beautiful wife, everything the human mind could dream or desire, all just tossed away because of addictions. In a news conference, Reverend Al Sharpton blames Tiger for a lack of black mistresses. Sharpton said, “the pretty black girls are disappointed with his discrimination.” Obviously to Reverend Sharpton, adultery is not a problem.
There is not a writer, director, or producer in Hollywood or anywhere else who could imagine the characters with which we have daily contact through the media. Could any sick, perverted, addicted individual actually design a Nancy Pelosi? A Bill and Hillary Clinton? A Michelle Obama? A Maxine Waters? A Charlie Rangel? An Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, or Louis Farrakhan? Could anyone in Hollywood actually get drunk enough to imagine an Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor of California? Think of it: a pretentious, gay, bodybuilder waltzing around in a bikini, showing off his muscles, the idol of every homosexual publication actually believing himself smart enough to govern the largest state in the Union.
Most Americans, if applying for a passport at most state and federal license agencies, you must produce a birth certificate. President Obama has spent millions of dollars in the courts fighting against producing such an instrument. On June 27, 2004, the Kenyan Standard Times along with the Associated Press produced a story which read in part, “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.” This week, a judge in California has instructed the Obama lawyers to produce the Obama birth certificate. So, after much consternation the facts of the matter may soon surface. He either has a birth certificate or does not. He was born in Kenya or not. He is eligible to be president of the United States under the Constitution or not.
Most of America's problems, and most of the world's problems come from a love for money. God only had to say it once, no truer words were ever spoken by God or his creation, for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). When you analyze the failures of most men and women, it is usually a matter of money and greed. If a man is right with his pocketbook, he is usually right. Prisons are full of people with an unhealthy desire for money. The cause of most divorces is money. The corruption in all politics is a matter of money. The failure of most pastors and churches relates to an unholy relationship with money.
Before the flood, the Noah Covenant, the population of the Earth was about 5 billion. Only 8 human beings were saved. For 120 years, Noah, his sons, and probably some hired help built a great ship (about the size of the Queen Mary) according to the specifications given by God, and by who's ratio specifications ship building is still made. I believe that even after the animals were aboard, Noah probably stood in the great doorway of the ship and begged the people to come aboard and save themselves. Then, as today, they just scoffed. God closed the door and they all died.
After the flood, for 200 years, Noah's family rapidly multiplied, there was a huge population on Earth and great wickedness even to Babel. From this area of the Euphrates, God called Abraham, the first Jew, who traveled 600 miles north to Caanan, a place for him with no forwarding address. Abraham's father Terah, like the rest of the population, was a worshiper of idols. God cleansed Abraham's family from idol worship with Terra's death near Damascus. We are all familiar with the Abrahamic covenant, the Davidic Covenant, the 2000 years on the other side of the cross, and now the 2000 years on this side of the cross... The cross, the pivotal point of all history. Christ, our redeemer, through His atonement on that cross has delivered us (believers) from the law which God gave to Moses with which to guide his chosen people, the Jews.
The Bible, is a Jewish book. The rest of us are Gentiles, our only relationship in the Bible is our relationship to the Jew. For the doubters of the Bible, the doubters of God's Word, all you have to do is study the Jew, and remember, in spite of the Human Condition, in spite of global warming or cooling, in spite of greed or wickedness, “The Earth is the Lord's”. Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine”(Exodus 19:5) For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. (Psalms 119:89) It is settled, the answer book is complete, every prophecy, every promise to this minute has been fulfilled and regardless of man's condition, God is still in control. Jesus himself said, and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. (John 11:26)
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