This week, Time Magazine came out with its “Person on the Year”... Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve. First, this money printing group is not Federal, and second, they certainly have no reserves.
Like the Queen of England, gilding some unknown person with knighthood, Sir this or Sir that. Knighthood means nothing anymore. So it is with Time Magazine's “Person of the Year”. This time, it was the worst person of the year. Remember, in 1938, Adolf Hitler was Time's “Person of the Year”. In 1939 AND 1942, Joseph Stalin was “Person of the Year”. In 1957, the honor went to Khrushchev. For the benefit of you liberal Bush haters, George W won twice, and his father once.
Bernanke has brought on the worst depression in 75 years and this worst depression may double-dip into a worser depression. Such “brilliant” economic moves and unemployment practices such as cash for clunkers where you loan people money for a new car, when they couldn't afford to make payments on their old car. Such “brilliant” home construction practices and reemployment of construction worker tactics as making mortgage loans to people who had already lost their homes on which they couldn't pay their mortgage. The same Congressional mini-brains who sacked good mortgages with bad mortgages, good debts with bad debts, and sold them to the banks all over the world to unsuspecting investors. Such “brilliant” business practices as the bailout of mega banks who had brought on the problems in the first place. The mega banks supposedly loaning money to small business and taking the bailout money and propping up the stock market. Such stupendous practices as bailing out Wall Street firms (Goldman Sachs, Paulson's friends, etc.) and putting the biggest Christmas bonuses ever in their Christmas stockings, while the small investor sweats, having lost his retirement funds, many times his livelihood, and even his house.
Mr. Bernanke decided to experiment...with a shotgun, you always hit something. Bailouts, sellouts, cop outs. The taxpayer, the largest deficit in history ($12 trillion) with most government agencies in bankruptcies, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, faces a horrendous future of enslavement to government taxation. From George Washington to George W. Bush, Obama in 10 months has spent more money then ALL previous 43 presidents combined. Bernanke knows and has already said that more and more dollars must be printed. and soon. You will soon have to take a duffel bag of money into a store instead of your wallet. Think about Zimbabwe... Inflation hit 231 million percent in July of 2009, with a loaf of bread costing around 300 billion Zimbabwean dollars. The unemployment rate is Zimbabwe is around 94%. How are you supposed to earn billions of dollars to buy a loaf of bread? Even in 1984 when I was last in that country (once the breadbasket of Africa), one of the English/Rhodesian farmers told me at the airport as he and his family were leaving broke and broken, “we are moving to Australia to start over.” Then, 25-years ago, the country was in ruins. Robert Mugabe, darling of the U.S. Liberals, had done his thing. He had brought black socialism to Africa. The farms as well as the golf courses had grown up with weeds and trees, the people were sitting around everywhere I went, waiting for a handout. As in America, the promises of the Democrat Socialist lyrics is always the same old empty tune.
On the ship of fools, hanging on to the wheel, Obama, Paulson, Bernanke, Rangel, Geitner, and of course Mr. Climate Control himself Al Gore, all trying to steer with a rudder of disaster. America is now dependent on Chinese charity. Don't depend on any government agency to tell you the truth. Enron HAD auditors. Before bankruptcies it had yearly revenues of $101 billion, 22,000 employees, and it had it's own baseball stadium (Enron Field) where the Houston Astros played. Like the Titanic which sank in April 1912, the builder said God could not sink it. Like Mr. Tiger Woods, athlete of the decade, things happen.
Investors and investments are doing better in other countries. Next, Mr. Obama will have the famous peanut farmer/ex-president Jimmy Carter and his financial advisor Bert Lance advising this once Gibraltar (a solid rock of wealth-building nation) on how to overcome our pitiful position in the hell-bent determination of Obama, his Czars, his Democrat fakers destroying the nation.
With every young person that I come in contact, in every speech before a group, I attempt to instill the truism that life is very short. Life is a serious matter, it is not just a dress rehearsal. You better make every minute count. In life, business, politics, church, make numbers count instead of counting numbers. If I were to ask any person who has died, regardless of final destination, “What would you have done different?”. I believe, with all the sincerity of my existence, each with say, “Trust in God.” Every day, in every way, Satan who has control of this world, will seek to drag you down. (Ephesians 2:1-3)
The inner man always knows when he sins. He may fool himself for awhile, and he may fool others forever but deep within himself, God has placed a soul. Soulless, without conscience, you really have a problem, Good Luck! Be a saint, what else is there?
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