Every night of my life, I listen to the news from BBC, especially since all American news media is state controlled. Traveling the world, I found that I could always get the BBC news anywhere in the world and their news was usually reliable with none of the political correctness we must tolerate if we listen to any of the alphabet news casts in this country and even the local news (radio, T.V. or print media).
The “white fright”, concern of being called a racist if anything pertaining to the black race is mentioned, is almost beyond comprehension. But, even BBC, after the almost successful downing of the plane over Detroit by a terrorist said, “The young black man appeared to be about 15 or 16, so sweet, such a sweet smile, and he was so pretty.” This is the best example you will ever see of how the entire world, and the best known radio news broadcast in the world, has been taken in by terrorism.
It takes an unusual father, from one of the wealthiest families in Africa's largest country (Nigeria), to go to the American Embassy and those in charge of terrorism, to express the idea that his son had become involved in Al-Qaeda. In another commentary, I talked about the world's worst airport in Lagos, Nigeria, where the young man boarded the plane for Europe. Of course, it has been 25 years since I was in Lagos, but only two other people boarded the plane the day I was there. One was the British Ambassador, with whom I had a long talk, and the other a Peace Corp worker from Liberia. I have discussed the treatment at the airport, as well as my involvement with these two individuals at length.
The Peace Corp worker had escaped from Liberia during the time Charles Taylor was still ruling the country. She was a psychological disaster and in later correspondence with her, she told me that if I had not been available she did not know what she would have done. She had been subjected to every conceivable abuse in Liberia. Just another example of what happens in these Muslim-infested, tyranny-ruled cauldrons of depravity. For instance, the problems in Somalia, the very idea that some rag tag pirates are allowed by foreign governments to capture their ships is beyond all comprehension. The fact that a civil war destroyed the country of Angola, a Portuguese protectorate, and nothing was done. Almost as bad as the 25 year civil war which I witnessed in Sri Lanka. When will we learn that Islamic extremists know no limitations?
Muslim terrorists do not mind killing one another either, as evidenced by the 900,000 killed in the Iran/Iraq war of 1989. A large part of Europe and Africa was terrorized by the same ideology from about 700 to 1500. The Islamic extremism on the Iberian peninsula has been hard to comprehend. Can we even imagine the discovery of America in 1492, at the very time that Spain was involved with Muslim conflict, if the Islamic hordes had not been controlled in Europe? Yet, because of the skin color of most Muslims in Africa and the Middle East, it has become a racial dilemma even to those of us who are not in the least racist.
The problem is heightened because of America's first black president. Reverend Louis Farrakhan said recently, “President Obama is the black Messiah, listen to him.” I know what I heard. It is almost unbelievable that such could be heard on a public radio, but I heard another black preacher say recently, “All whites are lepers.” I heard Reverend Jesse Jackson, in his program Keep Hope Alive say, “The greatest Americans of the last century were President Obama, Tiger Woods and Michael Jackson.”...a Muslim communist, an adulterer and an entertainer accused of pedophilia.
No news person will dare talk about these things or any of the other black power figures...Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangel, Oprah Winfrey...because of “white fright”. We got lucky, rather, we were blessed, that the nearly 300 people on the plane were not killed. There were real heroes on the plane who got things under control, unlike the enablers who allowed this person to go aboard without a passport simply because, according to eyewitness reports, a well dressed older man insisted that this boy was a refugee. All the red flags were flying! Many people, including Secretary Napolitano, should lose their jobs over this incident. Much of the drug war would have been won long ago if common sense had prevailed, if the buyers instead of the sellers had been arrested.
I have written about this before, the lackadaisical attitude in this country towards terrorism. I purchased twelve pearl handled steak knives at a shop in Manhattan (I have since sold them online). Several of my friends in New York during the many years I owned an apartment in NY, knowing my interest in antiques, would go with me to antique stores gleaning knowledge from me about foreign art and items of interest. Knowing that I was going to bring the steak knives back to my home in NC and that I only traveled between the two homes with a shoulder camera bag ( I kept clothes and everything I needed in both places), I put the knives in a plastic ziplock bag so they could be easily removed when my bag was searched at the airport.
The two girls at the x-ray machine were busy talking about other things and paid no attention whatsoever to my bag or anything in it. Think of the damage some terrorist could do on a plane with steak knives. This was in 1979 and I wrote Mayor Koch and told him about the incident. In the same letter, I also told him about my being mugged on the corner of 47th Street and Broadway at 12 noon by some black men who threw me on the street (a blind man walking with a white cane), took my money and watch. This was right across from the area where the show tickets are sold and not one person came to my assistance. Injured, I hobbled back to the co-op apartment, on which I paid much tax, on the corner of 56th and Park Avenue. The doorman, seeing my condition, immediately called the police. The only thing the police said, “You are lucky they did not kill you and if they had killed you, no one would have done anymore than they did.”
I talked about this incident, and another, on radio talk shows. If a mayor of New York, if the local sheriff, had any interest in airport security, they would have investigated to see who was on duty at these times. It is time to get serious about security on every level. Each scanning machine put in an airport will cost $100,000 each. It has already been proven that these scanning machines, in spite of their price, will not catch everything. The first time I flew El Al to Israel, I knew this airline was serious about security. When I was in the Cameroons, Africa, and was stripped naked in a private area by one person, I knew they were serious about airline security. In Entibbes, Uganda, when women came on the plane crying from their strip search, I knew they were serious about airline security.
Anyone who looks out an airplane window at 35,000 feet, wants security. In flying from South Africa to New York, the attendant would say, “Pull down the shades of the plane over small African countries.” I asked “Why?” She said, “These countries do not allow us to fly over them.” I said, “Do you actually think they can see our windows and do you think they have one plane to pursue us with, or one gun that can shoot at this plane?” She said, “These are the rules and we follow them.”
Not on the ground, not in the air, but the greatest distance in the world is the 8” from your brain to your heart. The entire goal of life is to become one with the Body of Christ...a soul experience. Terrorists know nothing of the soul, such ludicrous promises as naming your son Muhammad assures him of heaven, or so many virgins greeting a male terrorist in heaven. Get real, the terrorists are interested in eliminating non-Muslims...if not on a plane, on a train...if not on a train, on a bus...if not on a bus, in a car...if not in a shopping mall, in a stadium. You have only one life to live, the Islamic extremists, like the young black man on the plane who was willing to kill himself as well as 300 others, we must not be afraid to profile.
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