As an observer of the world and its activities: political, religious, economic, etc. The thing that amazes me most, amazes more than I have the vocabulary to express: that we are stupid enough to think God is stupid.
It was cold in the extreme in the plains of Nebraska, 30 degrees below zero. A rabbit was hopping along the prairie trying to find shelter from the weather. He saw an opening between two rocks, when he peered between the two rocks there was a large hole, cave-like in its interior. On the bottom of the opening of the hole was a rattlesnake. The snake said, “come on in out of the cold.” The rabbit said, “my mother warned me about rattlesnakes.” The snake said, “oh, forget about your mother. Your mother probably sheltered you too much.” The rabbit said, “my father warned me about rattlesnakes, and everything I have ever read warned me about rattlesnakes.” The snake said, “forget your father, your father was narrow-minded. Forgot what you have read, haven't you heard of dualism, 'why can we just get along?'” The rabbit pondered, this snake does not seem evil, sounds very friendly, looks amicable, this one time will not matter. Later, when the rabbit was in the grip of the snake, just as the snake was about to have him for his evening snack, the rabbit thought, how could I have been so stupid.
As a nation, we have been sold a bill of goods, by snakes and scorpions, those taxpaying, god-fearing, responsible citizens, who have behaved themselves and contributed to the country, even those who have given their all in military uniform, are at the bottom of the list when it comes to government services. This blind veteran has been waiting for months for a talking watch to replace my broken one. Two of my friends, 90 years of age, both recently hospitalized with pneumonia, still waiting for “meals on wheels”.
Aunt Edda, who died at 97, still driving, fell trying to get into her house through a window, because she was returning from work, and had locked her house key in her house. To supplement her income, she was still delivering eggs which her hens had laid, and baked goods which she prepared in her house. Supplementing her meager income, at that age, as at every other age, working, voting, supporting her church and community, as a responsible citizen.
To make sense out of the confusion around us, we need to have a frame of reference involving basic things, the Savoi Hotel in London has just been refurbished at a cost of $300 million. Room rates there range from $500 to $15,000 per night. Learn early in life that there is no such thing as an even playing field, no such thing as fairness on this earth. God did not put us here for fairness, but for justice, and we will get justice sooner or later.
The first frame of reference: from nothingness, God made everything. Everyone is not going to love you, in fact, if you are truly a child of God, very few will love you. You must be willing to give up friends and family.
The second frame of reference, the world does not want anything to control them. As Sinatra sang, “I did it my way.” We want to pick and choose what to believe.
The third frame of reference, we do not like conditions, we want a conditional use permit on everything we do. We want to draw a circle around us and our beliefs, our things. Ae do not want God or anyone else having anything to do with our stuff. Don't enter my inner circle of my beliefs, I do what I do because I believe what I believe. Satan is in charge of me, I believe this is what God was trying to show us when he drew a circle around just one tree in the garden. Laws may apply to other people, but not to me...I am a free spirit. I push the envelope just as far as I can...I get by with just as much as possible.
The fourth frame of reference, one with which every soul, every personality connects, sooner or later: everything I am comes from God. I was put here for a purpose. I was chosen by Him, I am special. There is no one else who can give what I am capable of giving. One man, plus God, and anything is possible.
The fifth frame of reference, dominating man from the beginning until now: giving back to God in tithes and offerings. Judaism had strict laws to govern the “sweet aroma” of returning to God that which had been so generously given by God. He wants cheerful givers (2 Corinthians 9:7). He owns everything, does not need your money, but He doesn't not want you investing His tithes and offerings in the lottery. Giving is your blessing, you cannot out give God.
The sixth frame of reference, there is not one problem, one doubt about the church, God, the Christian religion that has not been answered a thousand times by much smarter people than you or I.
The next frame of reference, the world is more profane than holy, we have seen what evil does to the world, but men still choose evil. The most importance frame of reference in life, everything depends on God's greatest gift, the family. The judicial system, the education system, every area of human endeavor, depends on the family, established by God in the very beginning. Wickedness has tried to destroy the family (abortion, same-sex marriage, stem cell research, homosexuality, lesbian and pedophile priests).
Confusion has been brought to its zenith, I have in my house some duck decoys, used by hunters to fool ducks. Russia, in their new militarism is using decoy, inflatable armaments: tanks, planes, missile-launchers, which, from a distance, even with an infrared camera, look real. These inflatables cost so much less than the real, and are capable of fooling anyone. Choose your right frame of reference, don't confuse celebrity with success. Think of Madonna and Helen Keller. Think of witchcraft, the fastest growing religion compared with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In every city, there is heathen worship, Satanic groups. I understand they go into God's houses of worship, take out objects, and in their rituals, before their groups, put curses on the church and the people who worship there. The tares in the churches, the sorcerers outside the church, in government, in business, in palaces of leisure, don't they know, that God knows the real from the decoy, the true from the pretender. His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. (Isaiah 56:10-11)
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