It was Halloween a few years ago, my driver said, “Doctor, I think it is good that you are blind, because you would die if you could see what I am looking at. A mother is pushing her child down the street in a stroller, the mother has on a witch's costume, a black hat, and an awful mask, the baby in the stroller has on a mask and a costume of a skeleton. The dog with them has on a mask of the devil with red pajamas, it is a frightening sight, because I am sure it is a beautiful mother, a beautiful child and a beautiful dog.” Why do people choose evil over beauty?
The only holiday of the year in which people spend more money, Christmas, a holy day for Christians, celebrating the greatest event in the history of the world, has became a holiday for the pagans. More money is spent on the Christmas holiday than any other, next to Christmas in expenditure is Halloween, the day when the pagans and the Christians of the world come together in celebrating Satan. Sad to say, Christians have joined Satan's hordes in celebrating All Hallows, since 1556, celebrating the festival of the dead.
I was one of the first Americans into the Central African Republic nation after the reign of the infamous Bokassa. Such an embarrassment to the world, the French went in and occupied the country. Much like Robert Mugabe, this black mental patient declared himself emperor of the country, would ride up and down the main street of Bangui, the capital, in his horse-drawn chariot dressed as a Roman emperor, Roman columns and arches had been installed up and down the streets of the city (I was there, I saw this).
I believe I was the first American to be taken to his home in the country. To keep out inquisitive press, they had put electrified wire all around the area, but they wanted me to see the despicable conditions. His home has a moat around it, filled with water and crocodiles. For his relaxation, they fed his enemies to the crocodiles while he watched and cheered, I understand that if there were no fresh enemies, they fed the crocodiles with chickens. My guide told me, “you have never seen so many feathers, but it was nothing like the screams of people.” I was taken into a interior cold-storage room in the house, where female enemies were hung naked like sides of beef. Would such sights as this be ugly enough for those who celebrate Halloween?
In New Guinea, Baining dancers, naked male dancers wearing masks danced in live fire. I knew the fire was real because they put me at the front of the group, I could feel the heat and saw them throwing brush on the fire. In India, I saw grown men, barefoot, wearing masks, walk through red-hot, glowing coals. Is this activity ugly enough for the Halloween-ers. Would we expect those of who know the beauty and love of God, to be attracted to such decadent paganism?
In an night club building which I owned, one young women told me she was a Wiccan witch, she also taught in the public schools. She belonged to the church of Satan, a small group who get together on “Sabbats” usually 8 annually. It is closely aligned with Celtic European rituals of the Druids (the Druids have been recognized in England on the same level as Christians). She told me, that in between their seasonal “sabbats”, when they demonstrate their devotion to Satan, often with sacrifices of animals (we still believe missing children are used in these sacrifices), that she visits local churches. She said, “I know how to perform in any situation. My main objective in going to local churches to take away something from the church, anything I can steal; and if nothing else, a hymn book or program.” Then, she said, “we cast spells and sorcery on that church.”
Do you really believe that in Christian America, on Halloween, pastor and churches actually participate in this satanic holiday? Do you really believe that in Christian America, schools, public, private, parochial, places of truth and stability, would seek such a low form of entertainment. Parents, pastors, principals have confused weakness for meekness...afraid to stand against evil, even on this scale. If it is a matter of being scared, think of what the last two years of the Presidency of George W. Bush and the first two years of President Obama have done to your country, this is more scary than going into any graveyard, any old hospital, any decorated haunted house, commuting with the dead.
Our Blessed Lord came into the world as light, and we know that many prefer darkness to light (John 3:19). The diamond is the standard for hardness, the rose is the standard for beauty, all designed by the omnipotent, omniscient hand of our Blessed Lord. The agriculturalist, the artist, the dreamer has never been able to create anything as beautiful as anything already done by our creator: flowers, gemstones, birds, the smile of a precious child.
Surrounded by beauty, Satan has nothing to offer but ugliness, why would anyone celebrate ugliness, the sadness of death. Why would any beautiful women desire tattooing, piercing? When we see such, we know the attractiveness of decadence to the pagans of the world. Witchcraft is the fastest growing religion. Why should the book on Harry Potter, wizards, sorcery, fantasy, replace the reality of beauty, love, faith, in a world which so needs truth. Children should learn early in life to separate good from evil, the mask of pretension from the honor and beauty of truth.
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