We are bombarded each day with bad news, every person listening to news from the nation of Chile, as the 33 copper miners were taken out of the San Jose copper mine in which they had been trapped for 69 days breath a sigh of relief, because everyone could imagine whether claustrophobic or not, what it was like for these miners, as well as their families who waited for them on the surface of the earth. Hopelessness, whether lost in outer space, on the vast ocean waves, or down in the earth, trips the causal horror of life's belief system. We can only imagine the horror of being lost, without hope of rescue, certain death. Perhaps this is the reason that God's redemption for those who are eternally lost is so important for the saved.
We are all just squatters here on earth, just taking up space and time, leasing our existence. When God put us here, he gave us everything we need to survive, we have our conditional use permit. Some take tremendous risk in order to make a living. The lazy boy is the greatest exploiter of human existence. Would it not be nice if every human being could just sit around on a lazy boy our entire life, watching trash brought in by technology, eating useless technological food. As ridiculous as it seems, there are now addiction clinics for internet and cell-phone users, just as there are addiction clinics for over-eaters, over-drinkers, over-smokers.
There is nothing more important than the dignity of the human-being, there is nothing more dignified than hard work, nothing more evil than laziness...living off the hard work of others. This is where the 20th century problems begin, entire populations dependent on the hard work of others.
The tragedy is that there so much risk is involved in mining. Wonderful it is to see real national leadership in what is considered a third-world country. Wonderful it is to have a president who took charge, one of the three richest presidents in the world...a billionaire. In America, we have become accustomed to a President just making political fodder out of a catastrophe, a photographic opportunity. “You never let a crisis go to waste”
We were made to live in a world of morality and decency, the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. (Psalm 24:1) What has happened, struggle for survival, the counterfeit always looks like the real. In my lifetime I have seen the real America replaced by the counterfeit. We think political and economic forces are the answer, we want answers from the very ones who have created the problems. The greed of Wall Street, the corruption of national and state capitol buildings, the tares that have taken of the churches.
You either believe in the fraud of the world, or you don't. You either believe in a profane, vulgar world, or you don't. You either believe the counterfeits of the world or you don't. You either believe the apostasy of the world, or you don't. You either believe in the simple message of the Bible, or you don't. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. You believe in the promises of this democratic republic or you don't. You believe in the absurdities of the Democrat party or you don't. You believe you will answer to almighty God for your vote, or you don't.
On October 9th, John Lennon would have been 70 years of age. He said, “the Beatles are more important than Jesus Christ.” On October 9th, it was announced that John Edwards is being investigated for using political funds to cover up his adultery. John Lennon, John Edwards, the Sunni Muslim President Obama, these are the American heroes. Michelle Obama proclaimed the world's most powerful woman, someone who has never done anything for anyone, seldom showed up for work at her $315,000 a year job. The miners in Chile would still be underground if they had to depend on such people.
Remember, we are all vulnerable, as a totally blind, 100% disabled veteran, I know vulnerability. I find that most normal young people think that nothing bad will ever happen to them. Get ready, if it has not happened, it is on the way. You will need the same sustenance, the same mental stability which kept these 33 men and their families confident. I have not known a survivor yet who did not speak of his faith. Faith is a verb, action based on belief, sustained by confidence. I firmly believe that 95% of faith is just raw courage. It does not take much courage to sit around, spoiled, lazy, fat, living off a welfare check, from the work of a hardworking person who pay their taxes. When will we realize that 50% of the American population does not pay income tax, just lives off the hard work, the God-fearing endurance and confidence of others.
If not all ready in the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, build your faith, your vulnerability, through a time of regular Bible study and prayer. Memorize important scripture, it will get you through the bad times. The father, the head of the house of the Jewish slaves in Egypt, killed the lamb, put the blood of the lamb on the door post of the house, and waited for the passover of the death angel. They had on their clothes, had on their shoes, staff in hand, as they ate the roasted lamb. All were healed of all infirmities and disease (Psalm 105).The prophet Isaiah, writing 700 years before the event (Isaiah 53), wrote that Christ would take our redemption to the cross. Forgiveness for all our sins as well as our healing for all disease. We can either believe the simplicity of the message or not, we can either get ready for our trials or not. Whether you believe or not, Jesus paid it all.
The thing that amazes me most about people, whether in Chile, Europe or America, whether president or pope, saint or sinner, politician or prophet, are we stupid enough to think that God is stupid? Just think, the very One who spoke and the earth was formed, the very one who gave us dominion over the earth designed animal life, plant life, knowledge which man can scarcely understand, photosynthesis and the clotting of blood. He will give us every adventure as well as every escape from adventure. He asked us to trust Him, He is doing things in His own time, in His own way.
Think how convenient it would have been for Columbus to own a cell-phone, George Washington to have a drone. God is in charge, He is Boss. Can you even imagine if Christ does not return for his own, the scientific developments that will take place in the future. Regardless, past, present or future, the atomic weights on the periodic table have not and will not change. The laws of motion will remain the same, nuclear power will still be a servant or a destroyer. 19 times Paul said in his love letter to the church at Philippi to have joy, there is much joy in the knowledge that the Creator of the universe is still in charge of everything, even the squatter on His earth.
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