In my lifetime, I have seen one cataclysmic event after another, all with disastrous results. In this economy of dumbed-down pseudo-scientists, psuedo-intellectuals, pirating, parroting, pervert politicians, news reporters interested only in being politically correct, it is next to impossible to bring such events to the attention of the public. There is a hegemony involving every activity in human existence.
In 1945, fluoride was first introduced to the nation's water systems in an effort to combat tooth decay, over the strenuous objections of many real scientists. The health-treason has continued, look at any area where poisons are located and you find that fluoride and chloride are active ingredients in most. It is reported that Hitler introduced fluoride and chloride into the drinking water of the enslaved in Germany: dumbed-down, numb, people are easier to control.
Last year, 24,000 times, poison centers were called when children had swallowed fluoride-impacted toothpaste. These chemicals are used in the drinking water of most American cities in spite of the fact that little evidence has been provided of reduced tooth decay, or the fact that this is medication without consent. There is nothing more dangerous for a child under 1 year of age than fluoride and chloride in their drinking water, and particularly when used in a baby's formula. The FDA controls these chemicals in toothpaste, but no one regulates these chemicals in drinking water. I understand there is some indoctrination from sanitation officials, but it is well known from people who work in water-purification plants that these chemicals are used without much regard for accurate measurement.
Man can live for a long time without food, but water is a necessity, in lecturing to combat troops, I always told them that their canteen was more important than their weapon. I have spent my life trying to educate people about good eating habits, the importance of food in the diet. Most Americans dig their grave with a fork: overeating, eating the wrong foods.
As we age, food becomes a matter of comfort, not a matter of necessity. Most old people would do well to just eat from a saucer, very small servings. I know of nothing more important in the teaching and training of children than healthy eating.
Sugar is the most addictive substance known to man, every bacteria, every virus, every disease, thrives in a sweet medium. School provided lunch, and most of these are subsidized by government, should mirror the nutrition taught in school, which should also be found in the home. I understand that just the reverse is true, most school food is just thrown in the trash, “it don't taste good, it don't taste like home”. At the schoolhouse, if no where else, children should be taught the necessity for returning to the cells of the body nutrients expended in daily activity. Poisons in water, poisons in food, the human body was not created to be riddled with toxicity.
Speaking of health, (and there are many election speeches about the Obam-ination healthcare plan) the third largest employer (Chinese Army, Indian Railroads) in the world is the British national system. The NHS British socialized system is now using robots, robots to take vital information, robots to do all the laundry, food preparation, even the compounding of prescriptions. I understand that robots are better than pharmacists at counting pills!
To show the humanity of today's healthcare, and speaking of pharmacists, in New Jersey, a woman had an asthma attack in front of a pharmacist because she was a dollar short of the price of the inhaler, even after they had offered the pharmacist her cell phone and wallet. Doctors and pharmacists are well paid for deception. Healthcare, like “don't ask don't tell”, like corruption in home foreclosures, like many government activities has become a matter of “pro-agenda”, not just “propaganda“.
Britain, in the depths of a recession, has just laid off 550,000 workers in other areas of government. France is being wrecked by a unionized workers strike, garbage piled in the streets. France, another socialized country, 70-80% of their income goes into taxation, they expect to retire at 60, not 62, and live off their accrued entitlements. The entitlements in American now are estimated by CBO (Congressional Budget Office) to have reached $202 trillion. The hegemony of the western culture, living off the work ethic of others, betrayed by chemical processing, has caught up with us, a very young republic. Every past republic has fallen because of excesses.
Last night, Bob Guccione died at age 79, he was the grandfather, the grand photographer of America's most heinous shame, pornography. Owner of Penthouse magazine, the billionaire made a fortune from just one issue, the 6 million copies he sold of Vanessa Williams. It has never occurred to America yet, just how dangerous this one sin is. 90% of young people 8-19 years of age have seen pornography. There is nothing romantic about pornography, one third of all viewers of pornography are women. They want this to be a secret, their first words to their counselor, “don't tell anyone about it.” There was a time when men would go to the backstreets for the dirty book stores, to buy Guccione's trash. Today, the very worst dirty book store ever in existence is in your living room, available to anyone. Most men do not brag about this practice, He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it. (Psalm 10:11)
In my lifetime, largely because of television, religion has been exploited. Television evangelists as well as others, have used this medium to their own advantage. Yesterday, it was disclosed that the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, has gone into bankruptcy. The producer of their television program, Hour of Power, viewed around the world, has announced that the 10,000 member church, bringing in millions of dollars each year, has debts of $43 million, many vendors and workers not paid. Dr. Schuller started his ministry in a drive-in movie theatre, from a ministry involving servitude and souls, has evolved huge, extravagant performances at Easter and Christmas (using live animals, highly paid artists), exuberant extravagant family members. It seemed to me that the creature, not the Creator, was given most of the attention.
God has a way of knocking us all down to size. My son, Dr. John Morris, missionary for many years to South Korea, met the pilot of Benny Hinn, he described to me the lifestyle of this servant. It is an insult to God, and an embarrassment to every Christian, that God's atonement, redemption, his mission had been so commercialized. One early catholic missionary, a martyr of the faith, hands were so brutalized by torture, that he received special permission from the pope to serve communion bread. It is no coincidence that there were recent, well-publicized problems in the first class lounge of large commercial airliners involving problems with Dr. Robert Schuller Sr. and Victoria, the wife of Joel Osteen.
The greatest threat, more so than terrorism, is international taxation through the New World Order. As the world has become smaller, immigrants travel more rapidly than paying tourists, the internet in constant news cycles keeps everyone informed with everything. Nancy Pelosi uses the air force as her own private domain, $2.2 million spent last year on flights, $101,000 spent just on food and alcohol. Finance and industry has become a mainstream problem, Nigeria borrow $1 billion from the international monetary fund, has already paid $50 billion in interest, we are finding that everyone's problem becomes our problem. 400,000 killed in Darfur, 2.5 million displaced, most of the killed, dead from Chinese ammunition, depleted uranium used in most American exploits.
Time has proven that technology changes lives, but not human nature. The same type people who foreclosed on the family farm in the Great Depression, are now foreclosing on the family home in this depression. It is the sin of indifference, the attitude of complacency, the acceptance of the inevitable, which should concern everyone.
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