One of my best friends in college, a noted teacher, international researcher/lecturer, told me he did not have much time for writing anymore because he spent most of his time in Washington, DC justifying government grants to the university medical school. I quit my membership in AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) some years ago because I have found that throughout the scientific community, science has prostituted itself for money, bowing at the knees of big government, and "big pharma" for grants and other largess, which has most certainly compromised everything about scientific research.
Research must be politically correct, must dance to the tune of the federal alphabet groups, particularly FDA, if money is furnished for research and other needs. How many Americans realize that within the database your governments: federal, state, local, know more about you than you do? Every school record, elementary, high school, college, professional school is a matter of public knowledge. In a database at the IRS, every transaction you have made in the securities market, every bank transaction, every record of giving, whether to God's work, or to civic charity. Information from many data sources, including the DMV, county tax records, which include the appraisals of all your real estate, state privilege license, even retirement funds in the variety of employment and other funds available can also be found.
Retirement funds in this nation amount to about $17 trillion, funds which have been matched by employers, given special tax advantage, the government feels that it is attached to these funds, because they were not taxable. You can bet your bottom dollar that with a $202 trillion national debt and entitlements, these funds are being eyed with greed, particularly the civil service retirement funds. Also, it has never failed, the communist controlled, collectivist, totalitarian system will put these funds in their system and all comrades will be on the same playing field, eating from the same sparse table...a social security check if you are lucky.
You voted for people who promised to care for you, they promised to take care of your needs, not your wants. The Mexican migrates into Arizona, supplier of 90% of America's produce during the winter months, and earns $450 a week, the same thing he earns in Mexico for an entire year. Research has already been done in veteran's hospitals to determine the calories needed for survival. After all, we have a fat, lazy, indolent nation of people, sitting around watching TV all day.
The electorate has proven over and over, that it really does not care, socialism is just as good as democracy: “just keep me entertained.” In the county in which I live, the 50% who do not pay taxes went to the polls and voted for a tax increase on those who do pay taxes, then the very next day, the county commissioners voted for another real estate tax increase. You see, those who appraise your real estate, your automobile, the income from your building, already know how much they can “pick your pockets”.
Now, thanks to Obama healthcare, a 2700 page monstrosity, will dictate in the database every surgical procedure, medical problem, pharmacy prescription, every detail of your health life. In addition, preparations are already made for the reporting of every purchase made for anything above $600. This includes all your appliances, investments, retirement vehicles. The circle has been closed, the last of your privacy lost in the tell-tale theory of the Marxism (“the end justifies the means”).
Yesterday, a 90-year-old women whom I have known for many years was brought home from a nursing home facility by her son, because the service was so absolutely insane. Two of my cousins brought their mother home after one night because of callous care. We hear these stories over and over, and many of us would not have any choice, we would be forced to stay and tolerate, we have no family to remove us from such conditions. The VA facilities have been madhouses of healthcare problems for many years, when complaining, even to elected representatives, nothing improved, the circle has now closed and all Americans will get a chance to study up close and personal, what Obama and his ilk “hath wrought”. My friend's son, standing by the door to his mother's room, heard the attendant say to his mother, “you can go to the bathroom after breakfast.”
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