My mother and father's families lived in the same community, all went to the same school, same church. Our family church was built by my great grandparents on both sides, just at the end of the Civil War. I don't believe I realized until I went to college, the concern people in the church, people in the community showed for my mother and father, and their new family. I remember the first time I came home from Chapel Hill, everyone in the church was excited, years later, one older lady said, “your mother and father were so attractive, so talented, such wonderful personalities, we all knew they would have beautiful children.” All these people had watched us, growing up...we were expected to show all the Christian citizenship, traits of our parents, grandparents.
This is the Cinderella story, in the Cinderella story of older citizen's youth, stories always ended well, “they lived happily ever after.” Even the stories of old movies ended well, stories in children's books ended well. Life was expected to have it ups and downs, but to end well. Americans still want to believe in the Cinderella story.
During the last century, during my lifetime, the carnal mind took over in every area of life. There was probably some corruption in government, political bosses, whoredom in industry, politics, education, previously...but it was the exception, rather than the rule. Now, in spite of the fact that we wish it otherwise, it seems that the pathology of sinful activity controls the world.
With increased scientific knowledge, we are learning not only the results of sin, but the fallacy involved in not disclosing sin. For instance, we know that every government bureaucracy, board, panel, are all controlled by pro-abortion people, mostly liberal Democrats. Breast cancer is almost an epidemic, yet no one discloses the fact that women who have had abortions are more likely to have breast cancer. The scientific evidence is in, and this is not fairy tale science, the normal becomes abnormal when sinful activity takes place, from the time of conception the breasts begins to prepare for the delivery of the baby, with a surge of hormone and other activity preparing the mother for milk production. The unfortunate act of miscarriage does not affect the system, but forced abortion does. A woman who has never given birth, an abortion at her first pregnancy, increases her chances of breast cancer an estimated 50%. Abortion is not natural.
Lawyers and courts can put your legal hand of permission on the despicable act of same-sex marriage, but the science is in, sexual perversion leads to an early death, it is not natural. Courting, dating is old-fashioned, now I understand it is a matter of “hooking up”, the hooking up leads to early cohabitation. So many straight young people are living together without the benefit of marriage. The debutantes, parents presenting their daughters to society, the white wedding dress, all old-fashioned. We have all heard, “we lived together first to see if it would work out”. We have found that “shacking up” does not decrease the divorce rate, it is not natural.
With every revolution, French, communist, in every totalitarian country, Russia, China, Cuba, the first thing to be destroyed is the family. The family is the oldest institution on earth, established by God, found in every civilization, God-fearing or not, the family older than the church. Essential for the preservation of the species, far better than anything else in training children. Shortcuts, destruction of the family, is not natural. It started in Europe, 1968, no-fault divorce, acceptance of fornication and adultery, children becoming wards of the state, socialized healthcare, along with total control of education and work. The removal of human personality and responsibility is not natural.
The owning of a home, personal satisfaction in the care and decoration of a home, both outside and inside, pride in ownership, sane marketing practices, victim of obamanation with banking terror. More foreclosures last month than anytime in history. Mortgage records a disaster, some homes being sold several times, if no reliable records of ownership, payment, why not just go to just any parking lot and drive off just any car. Business practices among Americans in a time of computer expertise, has become unnatural.
What has happened to our country, babies usually start walking before they start talking. I am convinced that political and spiritual leaders started talking before they had done the walking, 92% of the Obama appointees, have never had any practical work experience, like so many Christians, they know the talk but not the walk. There is a big difference in doing something and telling others how to do it, church people are usually the first to blame God for problems. God will allows us to make horrendous mistakes, but he looks over us while we stand over spilled milk.
It never bothered me to tell a pregnant woman that she was harming her new baby by smoking cigarettes. It does not bother me to tell a young woman that drinking alcohol leads to breast cancer. In the post-Christian pagan culture to which the world is now exposed, third world countries are in the worst economic situation ever, even in America, a small group of incomprehensible rich, so rich they are paying most of the taxes, the rest of us, most of the 300 million population, just surviving, the middle class has been erased. The greatest tragedy of this resulting population, addictions.
Government agencies such as the FDA, are controlling everything you put in your mouth, by laws, rules and regulations. It is mostly what you put in your mouth that determines your destiny. So many do not know the importance of enzymes, nourishment you can only get from meat, there is not a history of any society which was strictly vegetarian. Until 1900, the entire world was a meat-eating culture, since then addictions to sugar (the most addictive substance in the world), gambling, smoking of tobacco, alcohol. Addiction always has a negative consequence. On a scale of 1-10, which is your addiction, caffeine or cocaine? The epidemic of obesity, most addictions come from the toxicity of chemicals in your body, mostly from prescription drugs, and your inability, because of the depleted nutrition of food, to rid your body of poisons, and to have sufficient energy from sufficient nutrition. The body is starving to death while you put on fat from junk.
Nutrition deficiency is the number one cause of disability, your government with its hundreds of agencies, a nation of universities, and still, no one has told you yet, that you cannot live off Twinkies. Whether Cinderella or Superman, the human body must have real nourishment.
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