Two weeks from today, Americans will vote in what is predicted to be the most important election of my lifetime. It should be obvious to anyone with enough mind to think that the last presidential election has proven to be an cataclysmic disaster. We saw the black population voting 99%, the liberal academics voting 95%, the Jews voting 78%, and the Catholics voting 54% to put a liberal administration and Congress into Washington, on the very verge of absolute communism.
The politicians and bureaucrats in Washington do not know what is going on in the rest of the country. I understand that the economy is very good in Washington, DC...federal job opportunities, expensive restaurants doing good business, great sales in fashion, etc. The Obama bailout money is being well-spent among his own in the nation's capital. For the rest of us, the economic situation is bleak.
Added to the tumult of this election season, pre-election day voting, and already, signs of corruption at the voting booth. It has always been that way, with the intricacies of mathematical determinations by the computer. Every election officials knows what to expect, and how to determine the results.
In my youth, I saw white male Democrat politicians who had access to the registration books, hauling people to the polls to vote for their candidates. Here in the south, if voting correctly, you got a tray of barbecue, if white; or if black, a candy bar. In more recent years, certain people walked around with walking money, paying for votes. This is how and why Democrats have ruled North Carolina for the past 100 years. This is how and why, with a large percentage of the voters, government workers (around 10%), and with the many who get government checks, those in charge can stay in charge. Eventually, young people will learn that older people have voted for their enslavement. I have been in every communist country, I always got the same answer from those who would talk, "we did not know what had happened before it was too late."
Scott Saxton, News Director, WECT
RE: Your appearance on the radio this morning with Chad Adams
You stated on the radio that the problems with voting is not a conspiracy. Joesph Stalin said long ago, “it is all a matter of who counts the votes.”
The Governor's mansion controls members of each election board. Born and reared in eastern North Carolina, interested in and active in politics all of my life. (At one time, President of NC Young Democrats, until Terry Sanford and L.C. Fountain caused me to leave the Democrat Party) I know that there is much corruption involved...you might ask former representative Charlie Rose from this district.
My interests are in how disabled veterans and handicapped citizens are treated, not only in real life, but at the voting booth. The greatest shame of this nation is the treatment of these citizens, the largest minority.
I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict...For over 40 years. You would not believe my treatment at the voting booth over these years. I pay too much for your right to vote for your country, not to vote myself. At the old courthouse, conditions were unbelievable, I wrote both the county commissioners, the state Democrat and Republican organizations, as well as legislators, but as usual, all ignored...an insult to me, and should be an embarrassment to you.
At the last Presidential election, I voted at the facility on 3rd street. My driver, not too bright, did not see the off-street voting area, I stood in line for a long time, and then, believe it or not, my driver was not allowed to help me vote, instead, the one in charge yelled out, “are you blind!?” It is obvious to anyone with a room temperature IQ, that I am totally blind. He assigned a black girl to help me, she could not even pronounce the names of those on the ballot.
Another time, at the county complex, my driver took me in to vote. The elections board member yelled out, “get a witness to witness this blind man's mark.” I said, “I am able to sign my name.” (I probably pay more county tax than this man makes...home in historic district, home on the beach, office complex, etc.) It seems these election people take a sadistic pleasure in the embarrassment of we “underlings”.
Recently, I have been voting at the museum, drive-up. On Friday the 15th, I voted there. My driver said, “it is strange that they ask for no identification. Honestly, the woman who came to the car acted as if you were the first disabled person she had ever encountered”
When I was a child, my parents families were the only Republicans in the community, a rural, crossroads community. They voted at my cousin's country store, they paid my mother $2 a day as a poll-watcher for the Republicans, she would come home and weep about the corruption she saw at the voting precinct. If alive, she would weep even more, that after all these years, nothing has changed. Back then, the winner of the Democrat primary was the winner. Even when I was a student at Chapel Hill, there was not one Republican, one black, one woman in the legislature, certainly not a disabled person. The Democrats ruled, and, even today, even if a Republican is elected, the Democrats still rule because all the bureaucrats are Democrats.
I was at the Josephus Daniels home (editor of the News Observer), Wakestone, when Eleanor Roosevelt and Madame Chiang Kai-shek were there. Daniels said, “Democrats will always rule North Carolina.” You might refer to my blogs (http://pockets1940.blogspot.com/ http://www.drthomasmorris.com/ ) and get more details on my long experience on voting in eastern North Carolina.
Thank You,
Dr. T.R. Morris
Copies: Chad Adams
PS: This letter to you will appear on my blog which goes around the world.
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