The poet Longfellow said, “into each life some rain must fall.” Jesus told us, “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” (John 15:18) If a crisis has not come into your life, just relax, it is on the way.
There have been many crises in my life, impossible final exams, license board exams, animosity in a divorce, disappointment with family, military wounds, but the one that almost brought death, and it happened twice in the same hospital, Duke University Hospital, Durham NC. Because of a peculiar, unusual, individual problem called “anesthesia awareness”, I regained consciousness during major surgery, it was indescribable pain, pain which I believe would kill most people. I am convinced that most people who die during surgery, die from this one cause. If the surgeon or anesthesiologist were more aware, they could prevent this inhumane experience. Once at Duke, during very painful surgery involving rhinoplasty, the surgeon and his assistants were thinking about everything except their patient. I told the surgeon later what they discussed, a ridiculous ball game. I further told him, “that if it were worth my going to prison for life, I would kill him for the near-death pain I experienced.”
Again at Duke University Hospital during critical eye surgery, I came to, and was aware of Banks Junior and Mary Jane, the two surgeons operating on my eye, the most painful surgery known to man, the sclera of the eye is the most sensitive part of the human body. They too, like the anesthesiologist, instead of paying attention to the patient, were talking about their vacation. As soon as they discovered I was awake (I had started talking to them), experiencing excruciating pain, they started sticking needles in my face to kill the pain. One can die from such pain.
A medical doctor I know in Goldsboro, NC, was having major surgery. Dr. Casey, was pronounced dead on the operating table. He could not move or speak, but knew he was not dead. Just before he was moved to the morgue, he moved an eye or something and got their attention. He lived for many years afterwards.
This is the same type of thing I experience when I listen to a State of the Union address, especially from a Sunni Muslim, Marxist, lying politician who has never done one real day's work in his life. The Republicans, like the dumb sheep we all expect, fell right into line, sitting with the Democrats who despise them. The worst thing in the whole charade, wearing of black and white ribbons, and yet, it was totally expected, depicting a time of pretension, comic book characters at a masquerade party.
Black has always stood, in photographs, movies, lifestyle, for death, evil, darkness. Even God separated darkness from light in His Word. He told us that men prefer darkness to light, because He knew their deeds were evil. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. The most pagan heart would have to admit that the deeds of most politicians, including the one making the speech are evil, and should be shown in the country and the world by blackness.
White has always been a color of purity, goodness, life, light. God sent His Son into a sin-cursed world to bring light and life. There are probably some members of Congress who know God, who are aware of the mantra of addiction, decadence and corruption. Poison and pretending, which taints the very souls of most of these politicians, the judiciary empowering them, the bureaucrats who work for them. Only one who has been dumbed-down by the public schools and colleges. The education system, ever promoted in a State of the Union address. The education system, which only gets worse in spite of the money thrown at it. A humanist, Marxist, politically correct news sources who gladly lies, cheats, and steals to put forth the Communist agenda, cannot understand what is going on, and does not have any morality/intelligence left to face the crisis, and to bring to the front those responsible for our mess.
Have we forgotten that this nation was founded and built upon the principles of frugal, God-fearing patriots? We now have a profane culture, spoiled, lazy, decadent, content to live on the welfare checks from the work of others, content to sit around and watch pornography, content to escape the awareness of their sorriness with addiction to illegal drugs, alcohol, fattening foods. Those of us who went through the civil rights struggle, affecting the black minority, are exasperated to see so many fall right back into the plantation mentality (master will take care of me). He said it himself in the Capitol building, free schools, colleges, healthcare, fast railroads, fast electric cars. When will the media announce that the CBO says our national debt is now $14.5 trillion, when will the media announce that Mr. Obama will cut some spending, a promised miniscule amount like driving his car toward the cliff 100 mph, but will only slow down to 99 mph.
The greatest literature in the world, written by the God who created the universe and everything in it, pertains to a people chosen by God, their story told in the Old Testament, and the first books of the New Testament. King David, God's man, (1 Samuel 13:14) wanting to build a temple to God, was denied such, but the building of the temple would be given to his son. David was told that he was taken from herding sheep to the greatest king of Israel, and over and over as we find in (1 Chronicles 17-18) conquest and every great endeavor, these words were always used: the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went. (1 Chronicles 18:6) It would be a matter of interest to these lawmakers to know that God was in control then, and this humble blind veteran believes He is in control now. The story of David, his son Solomon, and many other prophecies and promises of the Old Testament, truly historical, for one who wants to believe.
Equally provable, which our legislators would be wise to believe, the man responsible most of the New Testament, a study of this educated Jew by the name of Paul. I can well imagine him, short, ugly, bright beyond words to describe. The popular, modernist religious pleaser of his time, scaring the Christians, imprisoning and killing them, knocked off his horse on the road to Damascus, where he was expecting to terrify other Christians, but God terrified him, with shocking blindness. Paul had the good sense to answer, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6)
These partying, elected rulers, knowing full well that nothing had been said about the housing debacle (more houses under foreclosure now than ever before). Bankers trying to rid themselves of $2 trillion in real estate (residential and commercial) with such tizziness as ½ selling price, 3% down. Following the folly of Clinton trying to put everyone in their own house, George W. Bush, not letting Clinton outdo him in compassion, all forgetting the fundamentals of borrowing qualifications. Compare, Clinton, socialist, poor his entire life, “spread the wealth” mentality, Bush, capitalist, rich his entire life, wanting to have that “Skull N Bones”, Messianic generosity spirit. All, Bushes 41 and 43, Clinton, Obama, all dancing to the tune played by the big bankers, Goldman Sachs, Wall Streeters, Chicago MAFIA, and the others who know that everything is good as long the Federal Reserve has printing presses. These people do not know the value of anything, God's Word, fundamentals of economics, or the legacy of a good name.
America's great progress was during the Industrial Revolution, when there was very little government. Return us to the day of the local building and loan, when men of integrity in the community sat on loan boards and determined loans for their fellow citizens. The idiot regulators of Freddie and Fanny, bankers deceived that the price of real estate could not go down. We have a crisis because of lies on balance sheets, lies by the media, and most sickening of all, lies by the government, the biggest liar of all, the president of the US.
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