Alexander Pope, the British philosopher who died in 1744 said, “a new beatitude I give to you: blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed.” As an old man, watching the beginning of the 21st century, I have about stopped expecting, being surprised by anything, just looking forward in my sunset years, to my eternal expectation, that is “in the bag.”
Republicans across the country, with the assistance of teabaggers and independents who too have had enough of the liberal, Democrat menagerie, which almost took over this great democratic republic, think “they have it in the bag” now. As in North Carolina, where Democrats had ruled in their crooked, decadent practices for 130 years. Republicans here, so long just sitting in the bleachers, watching the game, think “they have it in the bag.”
If the founding fathers, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, even John Jay, had been sitting in the balcony of the US Representatives chamber this week, watching a Sunni Muslim, Marxist perform and watching the fat cat senators, “representatives” of the people, laughing and clapping, with their big salaries, positions of power for the rest of their lives, simply for getting elected, these forefathers would have said, “what is wrong with these people?” Such as those in the chamber have almost totally destroyed this nation, and these people think that “they have it in the bag.” A bag full of money from their exorbitant salaries and expense accounts (each one has 50 assistants), leftovers of campaigns, lobbyists, buyers of the republic, big speaking fees, payment from sitting on boards of directors, enjoying everything that prosperity and technology affords.
As one of my friends, a congressional assistant, Robert Futrelle, (who died too young in an airplane crash) told me, “Washington DC is the most decadent house party in the world, they really don't care about the people that put them there. They fool them once, and will probably be able to fool them again. The name of the game is 'reelection' and most of the time, with lobbyists using MAFIA tactics, voters whom they have paid off in many ways, their future 'is in the bag'.”
I hope these people will never forget that God won the election long ago, in the meantime because of the gift of free will given to man, Satan gained control of the world, and so many dance to the tune that he plays. But, in the end, those of us who study the “Answer Book” already know. God will take charge.
Goodness and righteousness should have won, motherhood should have won. To show you just how reckless, how incompetent winning Republicans are, the conservative, Republican John Locke Foundation is having a lesbian speak at their annual convention (Miss Cheney). The virus is contagious, in the Episcopal Church, USA, in some dioceses, up to 50% of the pastors are female, there are open lesbian female bishops in the Episcopal Church, as well as openly gay male bishops. God standing on the outside of most churches, looking in these and other churches must think to himself, “what is going on in there, what is wrong with those people?“
The theme of the Bible is racism, not just Jews and Gentiles, Moabites, Philistines, etc. but before the Great Flood of 5000 BC, and after the Flood until the Cross, there was racism, sociological differences. Christ did not heal everyone, nor did he make everyone wealthy. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. (Matthew 26:11) I cannot find that he attempted to put everyone on an even playing field. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) Nowhere do you find that He came as a social engineer, He was interested in the souls of men. If the mind is right (thinking), the pocketbook is right (giving), everything else will fall into place.
The national Republicans think they have it in the bag. GOProud, a national gay group, is rapidly taking over the RNC. Just imagine the insult to the large Christian population who support and elect Republicans, has the Republican party and its fat-cat leaders lost their mind? With the 1,600 Christian radio stations, the many conservative radio and television talk shows, the many Christian churches in America which have not yet succumbed to Satan and the gay agenda, Republicans with the help of independents and the tea party, had the best chance in the history of this nation to save this nation, by regaining the White House and the Congress, the only real path to judicial and bureaucrat appointment. Obama boasted that America was founded on an idea, words plagiarized from a speech by Margaret Thatcher (but who worries about plagiarism, the biggest plagiarizer in town, Biden, was sitting right behind him).
Who worries about lies, this is the way these two got elected, lies. They, nor their lying administration, busy patting down people, running their hands in the underwear, bailing out failures, passing out goodies to their union friends, said nothing about FEMA buying millions of MREs (meals ready-to-eat) because of a projected earthquake in the southeast, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, to show the concern of this liberal administration for the common man, only 7 million MREs are on hand, a fraction of what is needed in such a disaster. Again, liberal politicians just bumping, clumping along, caring little for the common man because their future, their gourmet delights are in the bag.
I want these people to know that God is not mocked (Galatians 6:7), God's hearing is still good, my firm belief, he hears better the screams and cries of women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, than those playing church and manipulating political gain in America. Recently, I answered the phone, “is this Dr. Morris, the speaker and writer?” Now, there is a man by the same name, a professor at the university (UNCW). The caller said, “I am calling all intellectuals for the state Democrat party.” I decided to listen, you learn more from listening than from talking. The caller went on to say, “you surely understand, as a member of academia, that Democrats must stay in control. We cannot let these Bible-thumpers, faith-healers, get control of our lives.” The caller went on, “I am a proud gay, a proud liberal, we want to see socialism take over this nation, everyone given an equal opportunity, and it is going to take money to win the elections. I am asking everyone in our community for $50, can I count on you?” He then gave the address where I should send my check, and I thanked him for calling.
The late Dottie Rambo, one of her greatest songs, I Go To The Rock, of course, she was speaking of the rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ. I can still hear those old saints in that country church where I was reared, singing with great expectation, “on Christ, the solid rock, I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.” These folks, Democrats, atheist-homosexuals, politicians, bankers, academics, better find a rock instead of a bag.
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