Each year in America $40 billion is spent by Americans trying to control their weight, or lose weight. This includes exercise equipment, books about dieting, organizations giving council on weight control.
In this small town where I live, in one of my office buildings, many rooms filled with psychologists giving patients council regarding their weight. About 50% of the American population are obese or overweight. I have traveled to every continent in the world, passport stamped in 157 countries, only in America do you find fat people. I am convinced that Americans are obese, overweight, simply because the body is starving from lack of nutrition. Our food is so depleted of nutrients, which the body needs, that we constantly eat the wrong food, trying to satisfy hunger, and the body turns the food into fat.
For a long time I have predicted that someone would come up with a pill to help lose weight while they sleep. I have heard of the pill now, it is called “Snooze and Lose”. I know nothing about the pill, the formula involved, but knowing body physiology, homeostasis, I do not understand the philosophy involved.
Known as one of America's greatest preachers, Dr. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback, the mega-church in California, the pastor and his huge membership have gone on a diet (the Daniel plan). Supposedly, the diet described in the Bible, by the Old Testament prophet Daniel. It is the healthiest diet known to man, directly from God, vegetables and water. As a part of the churches plan of destiny, Warren went into the ecumenical community to get three well-known doctors to assist, these include Dr. Mehmet Oz, a Muslim, and one of Oprah's new age favorites, Dr. Mark Hyman, Jewish cardiologist, author, metabolism expert, and Dr. Daniel Amen, known for his sexuality books, his promotion of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sihkism.
These doctors promote meditation and yoga, two practices usually not promoted in a Christian church. But, Warren is not known as the evangelical type, like so many pastors, there are two men in the pulpit. One who knows the plan of salvation, and knows there are lost people listening to him. The other knows the bills that need to be paid, and he wants everyone to like him, even for the sake of the truth.
You see, you do snooze and lose, any man brave enough to call himself a minister of the Gospel, who has ever spent one hour in God's book, who has attended a Bible college or Christian seminary, knows the truth, whether anyone believes it or not, sin's ruin and Christ's redemption. We snooze and we have lost so much valuable information, we love to be deceived, because deception is very comfortable. It is the truth that alarms us. We know that there are dangerous chemicals in anti-persperants, introducing so many dangerous substances through our largest organ, the skin, in using anti-persperants. We had rather smell good than feel good.
You can expect food prices to increase 50% in the next 6 months, floods drowning crops in Australia and Brazil, horrendous weather killing crops in Argentina. Corn is at its highest price in history, mostly because the federal government decided to put ¼ of America's corn crop in your gas tank, so ethanol can destroy your car. GMOs, genetically modified seed, non seed-producing plants, fruits and vegetables, watermelon, grapes, corn, etc, food stuffs dangerous and destructive, not only for the human being, but other animals. Genes from animals now being genetically introduced to plants, crimes against humanity.
We snooze and lose, the hard-working, god-fearing, taxpayers, or at least the 50% of the population who do pay taxes, slept through the government trying to put everyone into their own home, whether they met any qualifications or not, a new car (Cash for Clunkers), whether they met any qualifications or not. It will take 8-10 years for the housing market to recover. Europe going first, the euro dollar will collapse, the old European civilizations (Greece, Ireland, England, etc.) will withdraw from the European Union, and the entire thing will fall like a house of cards, all as bankrupt as America. Snooze and you will lose, you will not worry about weight-gain, rather, starvation.
When I was young, every house, every home, had a pantry. A place where food was stored. There was always food for slack times, or hard times. The Mormon church has taught its followers to store much food (commanded to keep one-year of food need in storage). People have faced starvation before, in every civilization. The archeologist always finds urns of stored grains, freeze-dried foods. You snooze and you lose, thinking you have gained something from these technologies, technologies which can destroy the earth. Political decisions which will make our lives miserable, I am convinced that behind closed doors, Washington, last week, gave to the Chinese, foreign trade zones on American soil. Zones free from our laws where they can do their own thing. North Carolina already has six of these foreign trade zones, a state controlled by Democrats for the last one hundred years.
I want the Democrats, the blacks, the union members, the academics, all liberals, to realize that while they were snoozing, boozing fellow liberals and their gallant leader, Mr. Obama, has sold out American jobs and, it is not just Democrats, RINO republicans such as Justice Thomas, and his wife Virginia, saw no need to pay the tax collector. In his financial report, which all ranking government officials must reveal, he included Virginia's salary until she started making a $1 million a year, she make s$685,000 from the Heritage Foundation, as well as other places. You see, hard-working, God-fearing, taxpaying citizens who fight the good fight everyday. those who make $20,000-50,000 actually believe that their governments are concerned about them. From the highest paid federal worker (elected or appointed) to the highest paid fat cat banker, wall-streeter, would-be Bilderbergers.
Lenin said, “some men are born to rule, but most are born to be ruled.” Every time I hear a politician such as President Obama, who is such a good reader, reading words which someone else has written, words tested, approved. Words that help you get elected or re-elected, and then, as last night, you watch hundreds of bought and paid-for politicians, laughing and clapping, knowing that they have it made (at least, in this life), because they know you are snoozing. Remember, and they should remember, the One Who created all of us, the world and everything in it, never slumbers nor sleeps. (Psalm 121:4)
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