The ragged army of the Confederacy had many problems. Our pioneer ancestors, harassed on every side by controls of England. The ill-clad, ill-fed, ill-managed army, just trying, in the beginning, to give some hindrance to the better-equipped red coats. A well-dressed gentleman on a beautiful horse came upon a group of confederate soldiers trying to move a tree/log from a pathway, so that some wagons could get through. A young corporal was standing at the head of the line, barking orders, as the men, with only their strength available, were trying to move the log. The corporal offered none of his strength in the process, only his barking of orders. The well-dressed man got off his horse, went over to the men and said, “let me help you.” He said, “when I count to three, we will all lift.” At three, they all lifted and the tree log was moved. When he got back on his horse, he said to the corporal, “even the commanding general of the army is capable of helping others. Without knowing it, they had all met General Washington, commander of all forces, father of their country.
I am still waiting to see politicians, bureaucrats, those who are well-paid from the government coffers, demonstrate concern for the common man, they like to be called civil servants but act like civil masters. The politicians like to have “honorable” in front of their name, but demonstrate anything but honor. They have all learned the benefits of the public trough, big salaries, big perks, big retirements, big vacations, big honoraria. Because people were foolish enough to vote for them, because of nepotism, they got a job. They actually believe that they are better than the rest of us, and now you see the mess we are in.
I am still waiting, to go to the courthouse, the city hall, the tax assessors offices, and be treated like a citizen. A good example, a failure to get a tax abstract for one property. My driver led this blind veteran down one hall and up another at the tax assessor's office building, asking employees in various offices for help in solving the problem, in paying the county some more money. I am totally blind, but my driver told me that in each office, no one was working, all sitting around eating. This was the tax department of New Hanover County, North Carolina, a department which recently had a $10 million mistake. Finally, on the top floor, a woman who he said was eating, was about the size of a refrigerator, told me that they had sent the tax abstract to the wrong address. I will never forget her words, “I will make sure the fine goes to the correct address.” This is the same tax office, who, when the veterans administration, according to federal law, notified them of legal adaptations to my house, immediately raised the value of my house, even though by law, the house value is supposed to be decreased by that amount.
I am still waiting for rehabilitation or some other assistance, due disabled veterans and other handicapped citizens. I am still waiting, for one citizen to come by my house, or even call me on the phone, and say, “I know you are interested in politics, would you like to go to a certain political meeting, a concert at the university, or even a veteran's meeting?” Believe it or not, such has never happened yet, the first time, even though I have given much money to education, political parties.
I am still waiting for a neighbor, at either of my two houses, to come by my house and say, “I am going to the grocery store, do you need anything?” Or perhaps, a neighbor to say, “I have not seen you out in several days, are you alright?”
I am still waiting for a relative to come by and take me to a family get-together, even a funeral. My mother's family gets together every thanksgiving for many years, I have never been the first time. Even in my world travels, I always sent each of them a card from different spots on the globe. They simply don't care, except for filling their own faces, doing their own things. I am still waiting for the family church, where I have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to say thank you for the first time. Money given in honor of my parents and grandparents, this money, given as unto God, was not given for my recognition, but a simple thank you would have been expected by anyone.
I am still waiting for many award and scholarship recipients at a Christian college to say thank you. Again, most of these awards and scholarships bear the name of some worthy individual...Lucas, Evans, Edgerton, Raper, Johnson, etc. “If gold rusts, what do you expect iron to do?” I do not expect recognition from a secular school, but a Christian school should be different.
I am still waiting for real Christians, especially pastors, to get off their knees, and to stand up as one force against the holocaust of abortion in this country. The fact that 3,600 babies are being killed each day (53 million since 1973, the black population of the country, 13% yet, 52% of all black babies are aborted, 1,300 each day), is a stench in the nostrils of our blessed Lord. Individuals will be judged by God for their actions, nations will certainly be judged for such action. Some people will read about the “Women's Medical Society”, Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Kermit Gosnell, and his assistants being charged with murder, this abortion horror having gone on since 1979. We can just imagine other such stories across the nation, most under the guise and guidance of Planned Parenthood, an organization with a budget of $1 billion, a large part of that, your tax dollars. Every day, your tax dollars are being used for killing in military hospitals. I witnessed an abortion in an Army military hospital many years ago. Seeing those little hands and feet torn from the little girl's body are still a nightmare to me. I had been invited by the surgeon to watch the abortion, and I walked out of the room, never speaking to the man again.
I am still waiting for those who call themselves Christian and Democrat, to choose one or the other. You cannot be a Christian Democrat, a political party which supports this horrendous procedure. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)
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