It does not take much political courage to proclaim, day-after-day, “tax the rich”, when the rich are just 2% of the total vote. The politician had rather have the vote of the destitute, those who believe they have missed out in life's lottery, than the few votes of the rich. I have personally known poverty, and God wanted me to see poverty throughout the world. Traveling the world, villages in Africa, other than topography, looked very much like villages in Asia or even ghettos in Europe. Always without exception, smiling happy children, it was the helplessness on the faces of the mothers of these children with left me so depressed. These mothers had experienced despair, deceit, and depravity, they knew what laid ahead for their children.
Most people even so called religious people, pay little attention to what I say or write. One of the first sermons I can remember, as a very small child, probably four or five years of age, a big occasion at the family church which had been built by my great grandparents, both paternal and maternal (1874). A great old preacher, John Henry Worley, whose portrait still hangs in the church, spoke at homecoming. When pastor, he had ridden a horse 30 miles each way to pastor. I still remember on that occasion he had ancient photos of the old people of the church. I remember that he spoke on “ants”, I remember what he said 75 years ago, “go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.“ (Proverbs 6:6)
Many animals are talked about in God's Word, sheep, goats, cows, horses, dogs, etc. but nearly 2,000 years before the birth of Christ, Solomon, the world's wisest man talked about ants. There are many other scriptures in the Bible relating to ants, God knew that the ants could teach much about life.
Ants have a culture of their own, thousands or millions in a colony. There are 15,000 species of ants, all living the same way, some nests just a few inches, some a few acres, all managed the same way. One or more queens, just a few males, all the others females, divided into various work areas, most are workers, going out and finding food which they bring back for storage, some are nurses who take care of the young. The queen has millions of babies, the entire ant colony carefully organized: storage facilities, nursery facilities, part of the workers are soldiers, also females. The wisdom of the ant, they have an assignment in their colony and evidently do not question anything. They are extremely cooperative, a unified entity, nice to one another, and you can be sure that if they find something edible, something good, there will soon be a line of the workers taking it their colony for storage. (Experiment: put a drop of syrup on your kitchen counter)
Ants take care of one another, ants evolved from wasps. The queen and the males have wings, the queen self-disposes of her wings because she will never use them again after she establishes herself in a colony. The ant is the 5th most studied insect; compared to the 23,000 human being genome, the ant genome is so small it has yet to be determined. We do know it is the most phenomenal creature of creation, capable of unusual survival, phenomenal homeostasis.
Human beings become so embittered by our limitations, a matter which we cannot comprehend, all God's business, not our business. I will have many questions to ask God about many things I have been unable to understand here on this earth. I grew up at a time when the disabled and handicapped were cared for by the family. There was no social services, welfare programs to take care of the unfortunates of life...the struggle for survival, the courageous Christian of faith.
Less than a mile from our farm, the John Mayo family, one of the last children born in that family, completely helpless, I still remember seeing the child tied on a chair, in the sun, on the front porch of the house. Unable to walk, speak, see or hear well, the mother of the family had a baby to care for many years. It was the unfairness involving this child, the helplessness of this child that caused the entire family, except the mother, to turn their back on God and the church. It was the miracle of the community that Mr. Mayo, however, would take her to the church every service, and then come back, sitting outside waiting for her after the service.
When asked why the father and older children had turned their back on Christianity, the reply “you can go to our home and see how much God loved an innocent child, and the debilitation it has brought on our mother and the entire family taking care of this sibling.”
I am sure all the family had the friendship of the community, I am sure the mother had the friendship of the church, but they could not understand why, they as a family, did not have the friendship of God and that people in the church and community were so reluctant to help out with this heart wrenching problem. I believe the boy died around the age of 15, having outlived the caring mother and father. There is no doubt that the father cared for the child, the doctor was seen making house calls there frequently. It is my opinion that the father of the child, seeing the caring mother of this child, had reliable, real faith. A small amount of real faith is better than much hypocrisy.
The greatest challenge for Americans in the year 2011, is to become a survivalist nation. Our ancestors knew how to grow things, a turnip patch, potatoes; you should be storing food, making sure you have sufficient medications. At a time when birds are falling out of the sky, a path of dead fish in the river, problems from every direction, making the future very uncertain, surviving globalist imperialism is as important now as survival was after the blight of the civil war even through WWII. Australia is the last country to prohibit genetically modified food, you will need real seed, you will need a culture unpolluted by the eugenicist. Incrementally, America has tried to make you completely dependent on government.
There should be one question at the beginning of every voting ballot, the question: Do you trust the government? Anyone who votes 'yes', their vote should be immediately tossed out, they do not have enough sense to vote. These are the people who will be totally dependent on government, and unable to survive. Get ready for survival, the life you save may be your own.
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