Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. (1 John 3:1)
In my long life, I have known very few people who actually knew the magnificence of God. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Many sincerely believe that they know enough about God so that they go to a place of worship, but very few know the omnipotence (all-power), omniscience (all-knowledge), the omnipresence (forever presence) of the One who stands on the edge of eternity, who threw every star, every planet into space, who counts the very hairs on your head, and like every snowflake, designed you completely different from any of the billions of people who will ever live on the earth. He knows our every thought, stands at the center of everything, knowing both the beginning and the ending of the parade, and to think, simply by believing in His Son, we are joint heirs with His Son, ready to inherit every promise of life, now and eternally.
Before the foundation of the universe, in the sanctuary of eternity, He called us, He did foreknow, did predestinate, justifiy, glorify (Romans 8: 28-30). You do not play church, do not play games with God when you understand His sovereignty, His love, His wrath, He is Boss, He is in charge, all He requires is trust. Of the 1189 chapters of the Bible, the midverse: It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalm 118:8) His Word is forever settled in Heaven. (Psalm 119:89) Because of His genius, because even God wanted the fellowship of human beings, He made man.
It is a shocking experience for a boy, in this effeminate world, to meet a real man. I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word. I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalm 119:97-104) Read these words and learn about a real man.
From the beginning, God separated light from darkness. (Genesis 1:4) He has been the divider of everything, good from evil, bitter from sweet, ugly from beautiful. He came to earth Himself as a baby, put on a tent of flesh, dwelled among us, a God-man. When those He came to save, crucified Him, He left, in His place, His “Holy spirit”, the triune God. God chose for Himself a people, after the Great Flood of 4090 BC, after the people He had designed became so sinful, He destroyed all of them except for eight human beings, and other life which He chose to save. It did not take human beings long, because of the gift of freewill, to sink into sin again. Noah's great grandson Nimrod even tried to build a tower to heaven. From these people in Ur, Mesopotamia, middle east, Babylon, He started His chosen race with Abram, the first Jew. If anyone doubts the Bible, God's Word, you just point to the history of Judaism, three letters: J.E.W.
From natural law, then through Moses, God gave to his chosen race 613 commandments, 10 general commandments, 603 ritual commandments, even then, these stiff-necked rebellious, disobedient people refused to follow His laws, and we have a record, both secular and scriptural of their successes and failures, prophecies and promises. We have a record of this nation's slavery, God dealing with them, their dealing with the seven nations they must conquer in the promised land. After the cross, 33AD, the disciples, the apostle Paul, we have the relationship of the Old Testament law, the Gospels and the church, established by both Jews and Gentiles. The most marvelous story one can ever perceive, the history of the church, was told mostly by the apostle Paul. God's genius in using both unlearned fisherman, and then the most educated man of that time.
God used women in His genius of love, but He chose men, not to be manipulated, confused, to carry on His work. He saw a henpecked Adam, the first man, and His relationship to Eve. He saw an effeminate Ahab and His relationship to Jezebel. He knows that today's church has lost it's power through default (lesbian women, preachers and bishops, homosexuality, pedophilia). He has seen the default of the home, where the father has been put down, where there is a father. He knows that 52% of all black babies are aborted in America, that 47% of all children grow up in homes with just a mother.
We do not need a new book by Mary Baker Eddy, Joseph Smith; the Bible, the Word of God, the manufacturer's handbook, is the answer book for any and every need. When God created the world, the earth, and everything in it, He put every element, every herb, every plant we would ever need for life. The genius of God extends to controlling every cell, every movement of energy, everything that grows, cellular division. Just think, New York City or any big city, millions of building, millions of property features, a city of millions of people, dividing, so exact that every pot of every kitchen is exactly the same. This is what DNA, psychology, our knowledge reveals. We have every technology to make life easier, but human nature has not changed at all, not over the thousands of years in the history of man.
Satan's greatest victory, that men, particularly men supposed to have stoic faith: preachers, priests, can survive on pretending. Not even Luther or Calvin, believers in election, would tell you that one can sin such as adultery, robbery, murder, and then because of election have the eternal security flaunting the gifts and fruit of the holy spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. (Galatians 5:22-23) These words are as important today as 3000 years ago. When we are transformed (Romans 12:1), a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), when we have learned to deny self, we know that in the genius of God there is no limit to His love, limit to knowledge, the Bible a big book, but relevant to every human being. Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. (Psalm 63:3)
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