Of course, God had my life planned ahead of time, in order for me to understand His greatness, in order for me to understand the conditions of the world, He arranged for me to see the world before I became totally blind. So many have asked me, knowing that I have traveled every continent, “which is the most beautiful part of the world?” It was all designed by God, every acre is beautiful in its own way. When you first see Mount Fuji, you think that the Alps could not be as beautiful, but they are. It is the same with Kilimanjaro in Africa, the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan, just make up your mind to see God in everything.
The story is told of a young boy in east African country of Kenya, one of the poorest, yet most beautiful countries in the world. He made up his mind to find God, his mother packed him a lunch of small sugar cakes and a small container of water. On the beach, he saw an elderly lady watching the birds. He went over and sat next to her and they watched the birds together...neither spoke. Each time he gave her one of his cakes, she would smile. Neither spoke the entire day, finally he got up and went home. His mother asked, “did you find God?” He said, “yes, she had such a wonderful smile.” The old lady went home and her son asked her, “did you meet a Godly person today?” She said, “yes, and he was so young.” Knowing the greatness of God, we fall on our knees, beginning everyday with Him. This will get you up in the morning, anxious for any challenge.
It was such a mother that packed a small boy's lunch, who wanted to go and hear the great preacher, and whose lunch was used to feed thousands of people, just three small fish and some bread. This mother knew that this boy would get hungry, this boy needed to hear God, and it shows us, as if we did not know, that next to God's love is that of a mother. Such is greater than any vista of a mountain, often such spectacular love is in disguise. Mother Teresa showed such love as she washed the lepers in Calcutta.
It would be interesting to hear a psychologist, and I have never known a psychologist or psychiatrist who was not an atheist, explain the humanity between Mother Teresa and the thousands of other martyrs who have given their lives in helping save the lives of others. The pagan, selfish attitude of a Jared Lee Loughner, who like the other killers, did so for the love of killing, the inhumanity of a person killing his fellow human beings. Often, most of the time, people he did not know, people who have done nothing whatsoever to harm him. People, like him, with only one life to live, most of the following we have forgotten, snuffed out lives, their loved ones still remember the loss. (Virginia Tech – 32, San Ysidro McDonald's Massacre – 21, Edmond Post Office – 14, UT Austin – 14, Binghamton – 14, Camden – 13, Starkweather/Fugate – 11, Beltway Sniper - 11, Geneva County – 10, Columbine – 13)
The greatest loss, days following these disasters, the news media, and all-knowing professionals attempting to inform us about the reasons for these disasters. Disasters we forget in a few weeks time. We now know that Jared Lee Loughner had exhibited every characteristic of mental instability, we know that he was Jewish, that the voodoo alter outside of his house was probably under a Jewish festival booth. The most damnable area of our evaluation, politicians exploiting the situation. For instance, four thousand t-shirts on every seat in the arena where Obama spoke, promoting Obama. As Rahm Emanuel, Mr. Obama's chief spokesman had said, “you never let a crisis go to waste.” The poet John Donne told us in 1624 that “no man is an island.”
When anyone kills the least or the best of us, all of us are killed, on any one of these days that these people were innocently killed, over three thousand of the most innocent were killed, I speak of the abortion holocaust of this nation (3,300 of the most innocent, each and every day). If 10 of our largest commercial airliners were to drop out of the sky each day, killing over three thousand innocent fellow human beings, simply because they were in the sky in a plane, we would think that the world had come to an end. There is nothing more sacrosanct, more sacred, more protected, than the sanctuary of a mother's womb.
Please God, tell me how a political party, any democrat can support such a horrendous act against innocents. Please tell me how these same people can shed such crocodile tears at these shootings, when such is promoted by the democrat party, planned parenthood, eugenicists, the academic and black community across this nation. Please tell me what is being preached in black churches, when 99% of blacks vote democrat, 52% of black babies are aborted. Please tell me what is being preached in the Roman Catholic churches, when the most pro-life denomination in the world votes 54% for the democrats. Please tell me the mental attitude of Jews who vote 74% for democrats, THEY knowing what happened in the abomination of Hitler's Germany.
We might not be able to protect others from mentally depleted people who shoot for the love of killing, but we should be able to do something about the killing of the most innocent of life, the future citizens of this democratic republic, doctors, lawyers, teachers, firefighters, and even nursing attendants. This type killing does not go unnoticed by a God of mercy and justice.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. (Psalm 1:1) Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? (Psalm 2:1) Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. (Psalm 3:1) Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. (Psalm 4:1)
Don't be surprised or disguised, this country has turned into a civilization of Jared Lee Loughners. I own rental office buildings, every time I meet a person in the mental health field (psychologist, psychiatrist), I realized, once again, that the last place a mentally ill person needs to go, is to someone in these fields. Yet, many pastors, supposedly Christians, will refer people to these non-believing atheists. Symptomatic of what the country is becoming, a tsunami of mental cripples, brought on by drug-addiction, a romance with evil, Satan's concourse of directions to every decadent route on your way to hell.
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