Blog 1307
Answers Or Agenda
Have you ever considered what Hitler could have done with today's technology. As I have discussed in other articles, the army hospital where I was a staff member near Redstone Arsenal was staffed by Germans. My math teacher at UNCCH, Dr. Alfred Brauer, who developed the mathematics of shell trajectory for Hitler (Hitler just wanted a missile that would travel 200 miles across the English Channel.)All these people were Nazis brought to America at the end of World War II. The Nazis were well known for their spies, today, everywhere on earth there are photographs of every place, your house -my house.
A very interesting chapter in the history of the world has been closed. The world will never be the same again. Even those chosen, elected, saved by the redemption of Jesus Christ, sitting in the heavenlies (Eph. 2:6) His workmanship (Eph 2:10) . While still on earth, we must be in full armor on the battlefield.
There has never been but one answer for the problems of the world, the Christian church. In recent years, the Christian church has largely been replaced by the whore of Babylon (Rev.17-18) Apostate church. Paul, 2000 years ago could not have been more correct
2Ti 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2Ti 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2Ti 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2Ti 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Those of you still hanging around local churches, where is your mind? I'm so tired of anyone not Moslem or Jew saying they are Christian---Christ like. We totally misuse the term “ungodly”. Even God would consider most of us respectable fine people...good to family-neighbors-country, but, the best of us are un Godly, not God like .
Lucifer is referred to only once in the bible (Is 14:12) But from the beginning of time he, the most beautiful, along with 1/3 of the other angels, were kicked out of heaven, he has been the prince of the world...tempting, brow beating—even Jesus himself.
Every day we are bewildered with just how rapidly the world is ending. Bank fraud, re education concentration camps, reveal for all to see a product of the military and law enforcement and the present administration. Concentration camps for dissenters (politicians, news people-especially talk show hosts, veterans, constitutionalists, and others who have stood up for their country.) You will hear nothing about this on the state controlled news. Those who are so anxious to slide liberals into government and keep the present communist administration in charge. We have an impostor in the White House. There is not an agency of government to investigate any candidate for President. It has always been left to news media (investigative reporters when there was such) and the political parties involved. Everything about the present President is under lock and key, forgeries. For instance, those of us in the military jumped through every hoop of investigation. President Carter had a law passed that every young person must go to a post office and register with selective service. A large fine, prison sentence, inability to run for public office is the price you pay for not having a Selective Service card. Like his social security, birth certificate, schooling activities, the Selective Service card has carefully been kept from the public...he has spent millions of dollars to keep his true identity hidden.
Some with intelligence have come to a realization of what is happening. Perhaps this is the reason that there are so many suicides among armed forces ,college students even NFL players. Five suicides this past year.
The protesters all over the world, including even the Wall Street protesters in this country have finally gained their senses. Spain, one fourth of the population unemployed...most of the world in economic default, yet, friends of Obama such as Senator-Governor Corsine of New Jersey stealing billions still riding in a limousine, eating from a gold plate. Poor Martha Stewart went to jail, but, Congress people still immune from insider stock trading. Democrat Congress people increased their worth 800% last year, firewalls of every type for the protection of corruption.
It has always been so, to some extent, “big I, little you”. From the beginning, a type of tribalism. The new tribalism started with trade unions. Any practice of support for each other...even Mafioso. Then came college fraternities, “Skull and Bones” etc. The “partnerships” of government workers. I know people whose loyalty to the Democrat Party supersedes their love for family, church, or country. The black population, just 13% of the total American population finally freed by Republicans, finally civil rights legislation led by Republicans, finally Black Panther notoriety allowed by Republicans, now risk even eternity itself for “Black Liberation Theology” and total devotion to the Democrat Party-99% vote. As one black preacher said to me,”It makes no difference how crooked black politicians are, they are ours.” He further said, “We hold on to the Christian church just in case there is something to it. It is hard to worship the white man's God.” So sad, they have a “worship experience”, almost Voodoo, which seems to work, certain places, certain times.
This old blind Veteran has just one word of encouragement to Christian patriots of America: There is no greater challenge to the human mind than to be seated with our blessed Lord in the heavenlies. It is a gift, but it does not come easy. I believe that 90% of faith is just raw courage. It has taken much courage in my life to live sightless, but, that is nothing compared to the courage it takes to live as a born again, constantly depending child of a Holy God. He expects holiness. The greatest preacher, Jesus Himself, the greatest sermon: Sermon on the Mound “blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8).
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