More famous than the profits of the Old Testament, apostles of the New Testament, historical characters of the world whether Napoleon or Sir Winston Churchill, the comic book characters, action figures...Superman, Batman, Spiderman, etc. Now we have the Avengers. Perhaps our time would be better spent talking about the Malingerers. Those of present – day history who are falsifying almost everything pertaining to our daily life.
Honesty in political, scientific, spiritual life ceased to be important long ago. The politician has one thing in mind, getting elected and re-elected, putting his hand as deep in the “cash” as he can while he can. The scientist, “once upon a time” eyes in the microscope, telescope, reference books attempting for discoveries to make life and healing for his fellow man, his supreme desire. I left the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), and is not easy to get into this group, long ago because the scientist I encountered were no longer interested in discovery but the uncovering of funds, largess, foundations and government to make their own lives easier. They wanted to be part of the “rich and famous” also. To my total grief, disgrace to the Almighty God whom I serve, almost every preacher of the gospel I met more interested in the “productions” of the church than the power of the gospel.
Amid the advertisements for testosterone (“ageless man”, “man you used to be”), viagra (erectile dysfunction), filter straw (filters out every form of bacteria so you can drink any type of waste water), Ashley Madison (for lonely, married women) you have the state controlled – Obama controlled news media. If you believe anything from the talking heads reading propaganda on your trash TV set, you need your head examined. It is all lies and more lies often, as Henry Ward Beacher has said, with just a “handle” of truth...malingerers, malfeasants, criminal for which our forefathers would have been shot for treason.
Polls show that 50% of the population knows that the nation is in failure. But, tragedy, the 50% who are non-producers, dumbed down by the failed school systems, living off the work ethic of others who vote and who are “courted” by the politicians. The welfare – entitlement class elected Obama and his ilk. In this nation more intent on “political correctness”, popularity, even those who should be most concerned, veterans, lawyers, preachers bowing to the altar of fear, refuse to speak out. Have our universities, both secular and religious, become so gratuitous of government money that they have no principals left? The worst started in my lifetime. Questions about Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, the murder of civilians at Waco, the nonsense of the Merrill Building in Oklahoma City, and then, beyond all comprehension, the “false flag”, impossible pretenses of 911 (September 11, 2001).
This writer remembers all these fakery – pretensions – controlled government news. Of course, we always have a few selected political “hacks” to investigate. The honest attempts at discovery, books written about the matter, never gain attention. The 50% who vote for continued blasphemy just don't care as long as they continue to get “their check”. Like the sick man to whom I sent a preacher to pray with him for his healing, “Now preacher you can pray, but remember, I get a government check.”
There are 80,000 architects, members of AIA (American Institute of the Architects), 17,000 have said that it is impossible that Building 7, a football field away from the two towers struck by “supposed” foreigners at the controls, would just fall. A 47-story building, long standing, without inner implosion (just one of many questions concerning these buildings)...just as many questions about the building in Oklahoma City, the 85 women and children burned alive in Waco, some ships moved out of Pearl Harbor.
There are those with questions about Obama's birth, selective service, college transcripts and other matters about which we know nothing. There are those who know about Article 2, Section 1 of the constitution and the natural birth parents of a president. From the beginning of time, infidels have not cared about anything nor do they care that an imposter, “Manchurian type”, brainwashed imposter is President bringing down industry, health care, military in the name of a homosexual – totalitarian agenda.
Our consolation, the remnant of believers left, we worship a God of peace, healing, long suffering. God's word is settled in Heaven (Psalm 119:89). He honors His word, this not a “continuing city”, but we seek one to come (Hebrews 13:14). We do not depend on Avengers or Malingerers. The same power that threw the stars into space, raised Lazarus from the dead, wiped out 184,000 Syrian troops in a few minutes, crossed Egypt killing the first born of every family (man and animal), STILL SEES THE BLOOD (necessary for the blood to be placed on the doorpost without regard for the size of the house, the theology of the people inside). The children of Israel left Egypt healed, not a feeble one among them (Psalm 105). Shoes of iron and brass, they had a rough trip ahead of them, and so it is with out lives in these perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1).
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