Slip sliding away, slip sliding away.
You know the nearer your destination,
The more you're slip sliding away.
- Simon and Garfunkel
First observed in 1868, first called Decoration Day, still to this day a day to remember. This totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean Era, in honor of those much better, who never came back, wear's his Veteran's cap with Medical Caduceus, Field Officer rank. An employee, long ago, stole all of my ribbons and other memorabilia. Do we really remember? Would those who never came home recognize the country for which they died? Would our ancestors, those who went to the church house, school house, court house carrying their Bibles as well as their muskets, recognize this nation?
The Muslim world and indeed, many of the Asian religions, call America “Great Satan”. Perhaps there is some reason, we have plastered the world with pornography, promoted homosexuality, abortion and involved ourselves in many useless wars. Of course, communist promote such but what do you expect from Godless people? This writer has stood in the great Philippine cemetery where 18,000 Americans are buried. I was at the 25th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, the cemetery there. On this Memorial Day, as every day, I think more tribute should be paid to the mothers and fathers who gave birth to those who wore the uniform of our country.
I have here in this room, where I dictate this, the iron fireplace cooking pot used by my ancestors when they first came over from England, their only way of cooking food. I certainly could not save the antiquarian relics of the farm on which I was reared but I have never forgotten the plows, mules, other relics of the hard life, the life they endured, and from which this nation of excessive prosperity has matured.
In my lifetime, a totally different nation. One needs to deprogram students from the public schools because of the “trash” taught there. There has never been a doubt in my mind that God had His mighty hand on this nation. From 1799 until 1892 even the Supreme Court declared this a Christian nation. The 20th century witnessed the decline of America. (“Therefore, I am for socialism, disarmament and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. - Roger Baldwin, 1928). Roger Baldwin headed the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) until 1950. FDR's Vice President was Henry Wallace, until his death, an avowed communist. His Chief of Staff, Harry Hopkins, was an avowed communist. This month we were told that there are 81 communists in the House of Representatives of The United States of America. A coalition in the Democrat party of the ACLU and its enslaved, unions, black liberation theology, have now installed in the White House a Marxist president, enough of these people to win any election. Our ancestors, real Christian preachers, those who died on the battlefield would never recognize a country of “political correctness”, state controlled news media, “don't ask, don't tell” homosexuality in the military, same sex marriage and the “gay agenda” constantly promoted every day of one's life.
Ours is a nation of psychopaths, thieves both on Wall Street and K-Street. Billions of dollars can disappear, as with JP Morgan, ex-Senator – Governor Corzine and the official word, spin is “no big deal”.
For 50 years billions of tax dollars, foundation grants, gifts from every direction, expended to universities and other research institutions for cancer research. We know no more about cancer now than 50 years ago – institutionalized incompetence. Now if you want to see a real economic depression, take away all the cancer funds for treatment and research.
This writer has traveled the world, jumped through ever hoop, paid every price, adhered to every requirement to enter AND respect every country. Yet, our borders flooded by immigrants with only one thing in mind, a HANDOUT. The illegal immigrant, from God knows where, crossing any border, free access to everything, receives more largess from the tax payer than the disabled veteran. The enemies of our nation have infiltrated everything. Our world is rapidly becoming just one big Greece.
This writer, patient in VA Hospital, Durham, NC, because of better treatment facilities at Duke Hospital, directly across the street, room on second floor of eye center, from Korea, then Vietnam, I was still in treatment. Protestors had encircled the Veteran's facility. A black nurse came in my room, said to this blind, veteran officer, in bed, “I despise Veterans”. She then spat on me. This, like so many other things in my life, I gave to God. He has told us, and this includes Veterans on this Memorial Day, I will never leave thee or forsake thee (Hebrews 13:5).
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