O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? (Gal. 3:1)
March, 4, 1865, at his second Inaugural Address, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, said, “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”
My great grandparents were young people at the time of this speech. Would Lincoln, or anyone living at that time, recognize America today?
Would Catholics of that time recognize America today? Even more spectacular, would the black people of that time recognize America today? Today, the black people emancipated from slavery, Lincoln a Republican, Civil Rights legislation enacted by Republicans vote almost 99% Democrat. Catholics, 70% voting block the greatest supporters of life – marriage- home vote 54% Democrat. Catholics could determine the President of the United States because the blacks are only 13% of the population. This writer was sickened one year ago when Obama gave the graduation address at Notre Dame, “pearl Catholic” education institution in the world. More sickened this year when Cathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, nation's greatest promoter of “choice” (abortion), graduation address speaker at Georgetown University, Catholic institution.
What has happened to political Catholics, Biden, Pelosi, Rangel, etc? Who is more bewitched? Those who know the truth and are content to be hypocrites or those who care nothing about the truth?
For 15 centuries, even the Catholic church had much trouble with truth. It took the reformer, Martin Luther, risking all, to bring the church face to face with the truth. “The just shall live by faith”, (Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Hbr. 10:38). The Christian church, Catholics, should get a few things straight in their mind...abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriage. The Catholic church, the Black liberated church, the Agnostics, Baptists, Atheist, the 41,000 denominations who claim the name of Christ, should get their doctrines corrected. A university professor said to this writer, students from Christian homes, reared in the church, have less knowledge of doctrine than those who have never been exposed to biblical doctrine at all. Surely, it does not honor our blessed Lord, Catholic graduation or secular graduation. Democrat Obama, Democrat Sebelius –Pelosi– Biden or any other anti-life graduation speaker and perhaps an honorary degree as did Notre Dame to Obama. To whom has the sorcerer been more damning? Those who do not believe or those who are supposed to believe and yet for the sake of political correctness – political expediency will honor one of these Democrat, anti-life – anti-moral characters on the graduation platform?
I can say the same about my own alma mater, UNC-CH, their graduation speaker, Mayor Bloomberg, New York City, who conjured up words of defiance against North Carolina's recent vote against same sex marriage.
The main things are the plain things; the plain things are the main things. The truth is the truth whether anyone (liberals, evil doers) believes it or not. God may not be on the right side in political parties, even political problems, such as NAFTA, CAFTA, drones or drugs, but you can know that He is on the right side concerning unborn babies, sex confusion. God deals with nations just as he deals with people. Don't assume just because they get by with it for a while...their planes, their salaries, their honors, even their beautiful offices and homes, they better enjoy such things while they can. Obama, Sebelius, Biden, Pelosi are heading in the wrong direction. In Dante’s Inferno, a sign on the wall, just before Hell states, “Last Chance”. The Catholic church can squirm around on the altar of sacrifice all it wishes (Rom. 12:1) but God, not the Pope, is the scorekeeper.
In America, 20 million children live in a home without a father. Two members of Christian churches, John Foster Dulles and John D. Rockefeller, traveled the world seeking to limit and control births. The shame of the world planned parenthood and one child policies in communist countries. It is time for those who know God's book to warn these drafters of inequity about the wrath of God. Early Jews stood at attention when the Pentitute was read showing their honor for God's word. Christians in America give 95% of all missionary largess in the world. Satan is not afraid of preaching, scared of prayer. It is time for all who claim the name of Christ to pray.
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