As poor as we were, my father always took his family to the North Carolina State Fair every year. We stayed for the show at night. The show I remember most, and I had young, sighted eyes at that time, the Flying Wallenda's high wire or tightrope walkers. Now the seventh generation, Nik Wallenda, will attempt to cross Niagara Falls on a tightrope on June 15th of this year. His grandfather fell to his death on a high wire between two hotels in Puerto Rico, 1978, age 73.
Such gives new impetus to the biblical admonition, “walking by faith, not sight” (For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Cor 5:7).
When I graduated at the university exactly 60 years ago this month, I would never have believed that I would spend most of my life walking by faith, not sight. The greatest gift of God's chosen is liberty (John 8:32); (If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36).
The Bible is the only source of truth. Genetics and scientists are only interested in results.
The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. Jesus is the truth (John 14:6; 17:17). This writer is so sick of a convoluted world taking liberty with truth making blasphemy of intelligent design. Whether Wallenda or Obama, men are not designed to walk on wire nor are same sexes supposed to marry. I hope those who voted for this Marxist imposter now in the White House, “the gay President” (Newsweek), will repent of their actions, the insult to God, the embarrassment of the world. Satan lied in the Garden of Eden, lied to Jesus in his temptation following his baptism, lied to every soul that died lost. Satan is prince of the air, nothing makes him happier than to deceive.
Basic Christianity is so simple, yet tough. The mind comprehends the truth, transferred to the heart. From the “old man”, world flesh devil, new creation in Christ, (2 Cor 5:17). The righteousness of Christ now in your heart. When God looks at you He sees you through the spectacles of the righteousness of Christ. This is the “new birth”, reborn, born again, (Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. John 3:7).
Real people are flawed people. The more you walk with Christ, the more you know you must overcome. You must overcome the satanic forces of this convoluted world. Those of us who claim the name of Christ, His righteousness, know truth and that knowledge makes us different. We put on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6) and greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4).
The only thing this writer knows to do in this convoluted world of liberals, communists, agnostics, black liberation theology, those who love a political party more than they love God, is to pray for them. The three ways you can recognize committed Christianity...prayer and the study of God's word; giving of time and treasure; fasting including care about what you put into the temple of God (your body), unhealthy and excessive foods (gluttony), addictive substances (drugs including alcohol). God does not cheat us of anything “came to give life more abundantly” (John 10:10). I never cease to be ashamed and amazed at those who would dare call themselves Christians and yet desire to behave like the heathen of the world.
At the church house, court house, school house, your house, the Christ-like believer is different. The grace of God gives His chosen a faith not only to die by but live with. Faith is a verb, “action based on belief, sustained by confidence”. Those in the church house should look, act, believe differently from those in the nightclub. The church of Christ (His believers) should have a different attitude toward abortion (the killing of babies), homosexuality (marrying the same sexes), mixing of sexes in the military, lesbians and gays in the pulpits. The archeologist - paleontologist will tell you that the most ancient civilizations, even those never exposed to civilization or Christianity, knew that men were supposed to have sexual attraction to women, knew the consequences of lying, cheating and stealing.
This writer has a real problem with organized religion, compromising for the sake of popularity, “political correctness”. The Catholic Church, in America, has enough membership to elect real Christian politicians. Catholics, like Baptists, know the doctrine pertaining to marriage and values of life.
Tomorrow, next week, next year, always, God help that there be more of Jesus and less of me. Even help me to pray the prayer of Serenity, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”
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