Blog 1306
Stony Ground
We think we understand God’s mind. Our puny minds are incapable of understanding God. Why would you worship a God that you could fully understand? A small child can know the essentials of salvation, God gave his Son and His Son gives us everything…gift free for the accepting.
Last week, a Harley Davidson motorcycle, still in the shipping case having traveled 6400 miles across the Pacific from the tsunami in Japan arrived on the west coast. We can understand this event, distance. Most people have trouble understanding the greatest distance in the world, the 14” from the brain to the heart. Senator Everett Dirksen, the great senator from Ill said, “Many people see the light when they feel the heat.”
As a child, I so well remember the family Chevrolet, my parents in the front, children in the rear, on the way to Sunday school. Between our farm and the church, tenant farms. In one house lived a black family, always walking to their Sunday school and waving at us when we passed. As was the case with most early southern churches, the black church in our community had the same name as our white church. My parents would always attend their revival.
Another tenant house, white family, summer, sitting on the porch drinking beer…always poor, always insolent. I remember saying to my father, “Why don’t they go to Sunday school?” Always one answer: “stony ground.” I heard my parents use this expression so many times referring to those with stony hearts wanting nothing to do with God or God’s work.
Most of the bible is just Jewish history. Affecting gentiles only in relationship to Jews. But, God tells us that if we understand the parable of the sower, we understand civilization, His work, His great atonement. After all, on the cross, the greatest event in the history of the world, Jesus paid the price for all sin: everything that is wrong in the world. He paid the price for all sickness, disability. He paid the price for all trespasses, those of which we are aware and even those that we know nothing about.
I want to puke when I hear the modernists, like the Beatles, “All you need is love.” There are those of us who truly know God’s love, but, we know about the wrath of God which he placed on His own Son. Like the stiff necked Jews experiencing Gods salvation (they actually saw the parting of the Red Sea, Mount Sinai shake in God’s presence, saw high priest Aaron’s sons evaporate, the walls of Jericho fall, etc). With the parable of the sower, same sower, same seed, just a difference in soil.
Some seed fell on the well trodden pathway, no chance of roots. Some fell on stony ground, shallow soil dying quickly with problems. Some fell among the thorns…cares of this world…deceitfulness of riches. Some fell on good ground and brought forth much fruit.
Most church people I have known are stony ground “believers”. It is amazing how little they “faith” (I believe faith is a verb). Often I have said to relatives and family members, “If you are God’s chosen, you can hardly get enough of his word, his praises, and His communion table.” Most love the world and the things of the world, particularly the television set more than they love God or God’s word.
Nazism prepared Germany for the holocaust, stripping away privacy. In the death camps, the Jews were forced to walk around naked. Do you not see that we are heading that way with airport groping and searching…scanning? Do you not see that you are being prepared for a “false flag”event, such as an attempt on the president’s life (gunfire toward the White House, the Secret Service debacle, etc.” In a recent dream, this blind veteran, wearing his veteran’s cap had become lost in a city. I was surrounded by aliens, picking my pockets, etc. I have learned not to complain about anything to anyone, particularly law enforcement. Everyone is intimidated by the press. Real Christians must learn early he told us to “occupy” until he returns. We, too, must prepare…ask why, deny.
If God wants you, in fact, if he wishes to save this country, he will make sure seed falls on the right soil.
Those of socialist political beliefs, those of Gnostic religious beliefs not only have hard hearts but hard heads. Any person with two purkinge brain cells still synapsing would know that America is on the verge of absolute despotism politically, absolute atheism, spiritual. God will allow you to go to hell if you choose and He will allow America to fall into the hands of pagans if he chooses.
At this time of political electioneering, candidate manipulation, we are told that there are 81 progressive members of the house. At one time, progressives were called communists. The recent Simpson-Bowles Committee findings were discounted. The Congress was told the truth about the nation’s economic situation. Of the 435 members of the house, only 38 voted to “change course”. America is the only nation in the history of the world that has voted for enslavement. Christianity is not hard to understand, most do not like its requirements.
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