Dupes of Society
In the world of epistemology, the study of everything, we find that the world at the basis of everything, is a matter of seed. The study of botany is the same any place in the world where you study plants, so it is with coin collecting, laws of physics and chemical equations. It is only in the study of animals that the matter of seed becomes complex. The ancients who knew nothing of DNA had much intelligence about the breeding of their animals...horses, cattle, even dogs. To this day, pet owners are so careful to get their AKC papers (American Kennel Club). Who would spend millions of dollars for a race horse that is not of expensive-selected-winning breed, same for cattle? History is marked by the non inter-breeding between certain civilizations. To this day, children of the American military, planting seed as a matter of sexual pleasure, little care for consequences, are the cast-a-ways in many parts of the world. On remote, South Pacific Islands, the results of shipwrecks, this writer saw dark-skinned natives with blonde hair and blue eyes, not excepted by the people with whom they lived. The matter of eugenics has been a mystery to the paleontologist, racial discrimination, a challenge to every biologist- social engineer. Theologians are conflicted with this knowledge the extent to which the chosen children of Israel, keeping their seed “separated” from the gentiles (inter-marriage). The paradox, we find love encircling, (seed protecting) while the cross of Christ, extends its influence in every direction. The homo sapiens, so sophisticated about the purity of expensive animals- keeping their DNA (seed) from implantation in just any soil, the farmer, so particular about his high-brid seed, yet the carelessness and instability of the human being.
When the Russian soldiers came into East Germany, they ran up and down the streets shouting, “I want a woman”(they just wanted sex). The most sophisticated biologists have never differentiated between the implantation of seed involving casual sex and eternal love. Think of the parents, those who have exercised so much care in the rearing of a child, physically and spiritually. Hoping and at least thinking that their child is one of God's chosen- elected- predestined for eternal life instead of a lick of fire. Nuptially solemnized with “just anyone.” Perhaps cute, talented, different. Most parents want to believe that their child is predestined for a good life. SEX IS NOT STERILE. Procreation is the reason for marriage. Men and women are not interchangeable. The rancher's expensive cattle heard, depends on the expensive seed from an expensive bull. Human life has become so devalued...not just the 3,000 babies murdered each day(abortion), the cauldron of warfare, bewildered woman and children, who have no knowledge at all of political geography. Alexander the Great, conqueror of the world, student of Aristotle whose father was a king, was just 24 years of age when he was killed. We all understand why God, in his infinite sovereignty came to earth as a small poor child. Jesus and his disciples never owned anything. If God had put on a tent of human flesh, born in a palace, dressed in embroidered silks, or if his arrival on earth had been two-thousand years later, subjected to today's technology, even fewer would accept him. The plan has been perfect, it is only the soil that has made a mess of things. So few understand that a seed must die in order to live, procreate.
A young woman came to my house for an interview, perhaps to do house work or secretarial employment. She had served 2 tours of military duty in war torn, Iraq, very anxious to meet this old, blind, decorated veteran. From the beginning of my conversation with her, as has been the case with so many veterans, I understood why America is in such trouble. Her parents, from different parts of the world-dupes of society, had forced her to enter the military at the age of 17 because she was such a problem child. The military did not solve any of her problems...her mental condition is questionable. According to her, she has never married but has given birth to two children, now in foster care. She had just returned from her grandmother's funeral. I said, “Did any of your relatives mention your military service?” She said, “Not one.” I said, “Your relatives, more so than even your friends, do not care. Neither does your country. Your only plus is your military record, that you are entitled to veterans benefits, which are few and far between. Let me advise you that the VA does not care for you, your country does not care about the Hell you endured, which you have described to me and from which you will probably never recover. You are sitting here with a blind veteran who has never been able to get even a white cane, from the government.”
I am totally blind, could not see the body language of this individual, but it was obvious to me that she was injured, physically and emotionally. All I know is what she told me but warfare such as she endured, is inexcusable for any country to put on a female. The problems of her youth were certainly not solved by her military service. Much more important, somehow her impregnation and resulting children. Products of seed, seed bearing children, which like so much of the population, a continuous expense for the working people (producers-tax payers) of this already bankrupt nation.
Only 1% of fossils found have been vertebrates. We know that Darwinian evolutionary beliefs concerning birds is a total fraud. The scientist so wants his knowledge to be greater than that of God. “Light has come into the world but men prefer darkness” (John 3:19) “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” (Pslam 37:23). Until man recognizes, that God is in charge, that “He is boss” realizes the awe of being chosen by God to behave himself so that he can live with him forever, as God told us in no uncertain words, until you can understand the parable of the sower (Mark 4:10-12)(same sower, same seed, different soil) the very short life here on this planet will make little sense to you.
We are all just “sitting ducks” for Satan. We don't have a chance against him. We do not understand even the simplest, most basic form of life, the seed. The entire world was a garden, can we even imagine the beauty of the garden, this planet? God, who created it all, it all belongs to Him, he created man and woman just to please him-give him company, establish his rights-ownership of everything by with holding from man just one tree. Do we really think we will escape the wrath of God by pricing more highly the seed of the lower animals and plants than the seed of God's greatest creation? Mankind.
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