Sitting Ducks
Mine eyes [are] ever toward the LORD; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net (Psalms 25:15).
In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2, “He jests at scars that never felt a wound.”
This totally blind writer does not believe anyone understands blindness, the horrors of war, the pangs of hunger, the scariness of cancer, until you experience it.
Most of us, certainly church people, are just sitting ducks for Satan. So many professors, so few possessors...most just pretending, thinking they have God, others, even themselves, fooled. We have Las Vegas faith, bellhop Christianity, really believing that we can call upon God when we need him, that we might just get lucky and because we are not totally evil, have enough faith for eternity in Heaven. From the very beginning, the relationship with God has been a faith connection...enough faith to stay away from one tree, to give 1/7 of your time, to give 1/10 of your money. Strange that in the wilderness, having experienced the salvation of God, the approximately three million slaves delivered from bondage in Egypt, kept the law. In the land of “milk and honey” they forgot it.
They, like us, continue to sin because we are sinners. It did not take the children of Israel very long for idol worship or for a “hankering” for the old life of bondage with its cucumbers and melons. Six thousand years later, two thousand years after atonement on the cross, those in the church have a hankering for the wild life of the unbeliever. Even the chosen, the elect, are sitting ducks for the demon power of the air (Eph 6). No man in Egypt would have believed that the Nile River would turn to blood. Even in a world of political correctness, pomposity from the greatest sewer trap known to man, television, lukewarm Christian's would not believe that a gang would ravage and rape a Christian camp in Mexico. (“Armed gang rape SEVEN girls during nighttime attack on church youth camp in Mexico City” Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2173823/Gang-rape-SEVEN-girls-violent-nighttime-attack-church-youth-camp-Mexico-City.html#ixzz20tjyjfmE) The most ruthless people in the world, Syrian's known for their torture, killing one another. The biggest liar, deceiver of modern civilization, now President of the United States of America. Every Democrat who voted for this man, particularly every Catholic and evangelical Christian should be embarrassed to go to the Lord's table. Most so-called Christian's do not realize that every sin, every sickness is a DOUBLE HAPPENING against the affected one, but Jesus, himself, has taken on every sin- every sickness of the world.
The greater sin that we do not believe in nothing but believe in just anything. We have a “swivel chair” type religious philosophy, we want it our way. It has never occurred to many church people that they are complicit in the abortion holocaust. With the Obama plans, even more of your taxes will be used by the killers of babies, promoters of same sex marriage, “so-called” homeland security taking away the liberty given to you by those who fought for your freedom, as well as the liberty extended to you when Jesus died on the cross.
God is responsible for every molecule on this earth, any slight deviation of any element in the periodic table, any actual deviation implosion, freezing or burning. God is in charge and he is not “messing around” with us. He is long suffering, his word forever settled in Heaven (Psalm 1:19). Today's scientists and men of wisdom are not smart at all. God may be tiring of the foolishness of scientists, the silliness of preachers. Disasters can get the attention of sinful man even though the public has become numb to disasters.
From the beginning, God established his authority, his rights. We think it is a matter of “tipping”....bingo in the basement, yard sale on the church lawn. Old testament law could not save anyone. Hundreds of years from Isaiah to the new testament, we owe God 100% of everything, He does not want us to give him 100% anymore than he wants us to spend 100% of our time on our knees at the church house but church is not a civic club, social club- type activity. Faith is a verb, action based on our belief forever establishing our eternity in Heaven. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
From your sandbox as a child to the grave yard as an adult, your frame of reference, mine, mine, whats yours is yours, property lines. It is awesome to think that in the castle chambers of eternity God chose those who he wanted to live with him forever, John 3:16 belongs to this world of people, rejoice that you are included.
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