The Walking Dead
This writer was born 82 years ago on an eastern North Carolina tobacco farm, in a house in which his father was reared, a house which had survived the civil war. His mother was born two miles away in a house in which her family had lived for many generations, another house that survived the civil war. This writer has no doubt that before the foundation of the world, in the council chambers of eternity, God had magnificently designed the genes of these parents for me.
As in most of eastern North Carolina, dirt roads, no power lines, electric lines, running water lines, it was a matter of poverty but no one new they were poor because their lives were contented with God, family, country.
This writer graduated from a small country school, 13 students in the graduating class. Arriving at Chapel Hill, UNCH, I felt that I had died and gone to heaven, a place for academic maturation...a world of knowledge where I had unlimited access to everything of which I had dreamed. It took some adaptability mixed in with sons from the elitist of the state, much of their worldliness, self effacing pride was foreign to me. I was who I was, ambitious student, anxious for success. When I look back now, I realize that I probably came from much better ancestry than any of them. My parents never took refuge in family history, it was not until many years later that I discovered family documents, showing how the Morris family had landed on the shores of New Jersey, founded Morris Town, the Lucas family (my grandmother) one of the first families in the state, owners of most of one county. My mothers family equally established, land owning, working people.
After my many years of schooling, working my way through, totally. (Back then there was no such thing as student aid, scholarships, grants..you were on your own) I worked at night, classes in the day time, sold Bibles door to door during the summer months throughout eastern North Carolina. I do not believe I missed one "pig path."
On receiving my commission as an army medical officer, after these years of sweat and education on many levels, I was involved in the Korean conflict and since been a totally blind, 100% disabled veteran.
In other articles I have related the struggle, suffices to say, I was never stuck where I started, just kept on with the journey. Life is a journey, not a destination and God never promised any of us "ease." Rather, as promised throughout his word, to every person blessed with life, for the asking, the gift, leadership all the way.
I know God wanted me to see the world, what he had made, the many physical and spiritual structures. The challenge of experiencing it all, in spite of my disability. Whether in India, with all its "religiosity," Russia or China with their Godlessness, Europe with its corruption, the thought was always there, a person has only one life to live. Why not alive with God instead of dead with Satan? I truly believe as Paul said to Timothy, the unsaved-lost-unbelievers are already dead while alive (1 Timothy 5:6). Eight around the world trips, every continent, passport stamped at least once in 157 countries, I am amazed, filled with awe, that those who have been redeemed, chosen, elected, by God, by faith, through grace, do not understand how fortunate they are. The very idea that even in America, with every blessing, every promise, every prophecy of God's eternal word, the source book of all truth, most who claim the name of Christ, "pretend" and think they are playing games with God. In my lifetime, and once at Split, Yugoslavia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, I was at these large world games, the nine billion dollar 21st Olympic game open in London. There will be all the pomp of royalty, the celebrity of the world's misfits, Stratford, an area of this most magnificent city with thousands of athletes and tourists, will be turned into a fairy land.
The misfits who rule the world, the caricatures of media, government, entertainment, academia, think they have so many smarts, never realizing the paradox of their existence. I certainly can say nothing about the hearts of anyone (their personal relationship with God). The athletes, the watchers, their military protectors, significant, the time and money spent preparing for this lifestyle, not realizing how short life is, the worst of circumstances, (terrorist bombing, poisoning) how quickly it could and will be over....those so concerned with global warming, having no fear of the heat of hell. Those so concerned with animal life-not wearing animal products, unconcerned about the holocaust of abortion. When you hear athletes, their trainers, educators, even politicians, talk about smoking or "doping," how concerned are they with the hungry and thirsty? World Vision states that 1 in 7 people in the world will go to bed hungry tonight. (http://blog.worldvision.org/causes/hungerfree-10-surprising-facts-about-hunger/) There are so many consistent inconsistencies in our world. Years ago, definite formulas for pet food were established. Pet food is healthy. One does not feed "junk" to loving pets. Human beings so concerned about the eating of animal meat. Where is your concern for the leaching of plastics which wrap the meat? Poisonous chemicals in your water system (fluoride, chloride)? The bioeffices, some concerned about children and the elderly, should become concerned about the toxicity of prescription drugs, there is a 62 thousand chance of you becoming ill from a supplement compared to a prescription drug. A high chance of sickness' from a hospital, GMO's (genetically modified organisms)-MSG's (monosodium glutamate) are taking more lives than warfare.
In the upside down world of Facebook and Twitter, when the imposter occupier of the White House entertains in the White House, the world's largest producer of pornography, Ron Jeremy, and gay "king-ping" Terrence Bean. When a student who kills and wounds his fellow Americans in a theater gets a 27,000 dollars a year grant for graduate study, as a veteran who lost both legs gets less than 800 dollars a month from the VA, we can understand why dead people walk, talk, are in charge of the Satanic forces of the air (Eph 6).
The champion boxer George Foreman said, "When Jesus saved my soul, I was raised from the dead." This writer can state on the authority of God's word, he was a dead man boxing.
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