"The Master comes! He calls for thee—
Go forth at His almighty word,
Obedient to His last command,
And tell to those who never heard,
Who sit in deepest shades of night,
That Christ has come to give them light.
The Master calls! Arise and go;
How blest His messenger to be!
He, Who hath given thee liberty,
Now bids thee set the captives free;
Proclaim His mighty power to save,
Who for the world His lifeblood gave.
The Master calls! Shall not thy heart
In warm responsive love reply,
“Lord, here am I; send me, send me,
Thy willing slave, to live or die—
An instrument unfit indeed,
Yet Thou wilt give me what I need”?
Hymn: Joy Forever
It is a fortunate person indeed, who never has never had problems-troubles. If you had not had problems-troubles, relax, they are on the way.
We do what we do because we believe what we believe. What do people do who do not have the "wait" of instruction found in God's word?
In the marvelous book, Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis said, "I am what I am before God, no more no less."
At best, a man is just a man. This is why a man needs to know the best, Jesus.
I learned to depend on the promises of God at a very early age. Then, came college, trusting his mercy to see me through. I still remember as if it were yesterday, the stone fence behind Wilson Library, Chapel Hill. I had not eaten for several days, still several days before I got paid from my job. There was much food on the farm, back home, should I call for them to come get me. Back then, there were no grants, loans, student aid. God whispered to me that in that medical school library where I was working, the large chairs, money had fallen out of the pockets of those who sat in them. I found enough money in those chairs to get me through the next days until I was paid. Satan, his demons, power of the air (Eph 6:13) are the best saboteurs the world has ever known. Satan makes the Nazi saboteurs look like amateurs. Most Christians have never realized that you are a constant target, He wants the joy of your salvation, particularly the promise of eternity.
In the Muslim world, when a dark cloud comes over, it is referred to as "al-zulumat." In the Jewish world, the present world of emergency, dialing 9-1-1, we find our help in Psalm 91:1: "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." The ancient fathers of sons paid large amounts for their son's wives. Two of Jesus' ancestors, Jacob, left the wrath of his twin Esau, his hand pegged father, Isaac's wealth and was forced to work 14 years for "Uncle Laban" to get two wives, Leah and Rachel and their handmaidens. King David, "whom God loved" wanted King Saul's daughter for a wife. King Saul required the skins of 104 Philistines. Their descendant Jesus, endured the shame of the cross for his bride, the church. I wish saboteur Satan would find some "fresh meat" leave this old man alone for awhile. It seems that everyday there is a new problem-trouble. This hot summer, it seems that every air conditioner in every building I own, is failing. This spoiled nation wants comfort, air conditioning and I have no choice but to go through the expense of the repairs-replacements. Most people do not realize the unhealthiness of air conditioning. The worst, a plane, a test tube-Petri dish, flying through the air, producing germs, affecting everyone breathing the re-circulated air. Everyone reminds me that it is a new world. My cousin was telling me that one year when his father was sick the only money that came into their house was the 13 dollars and 50 cents from him driving a school bus and a small amount from his mother selling butter and eggs. Yet recently, as his wife shopped in a grocery store with coupons, he saw that most minority customers just handed the clerk a plastic card-modern welfare. In their shopping cart paid for by the tax payer, beer-wine, choice cuts of meat.
This writer was one of the first visitors to China after the Nixon re-opening. Like ants, all dressed the same, all living in the same conditions, all riding bicycles. Today, most Chinese have moved into the cities, world's greatest car market. China has 271 billionaires.
When my problems-troubles come up, when I want to quit, when I know the inequities of life, I realize there are many in much worse condition. Even the Democrat Secretary of agriculture, Milsap, stated that he is praying for rain, as most of the nation is in draught, crops drying up in the fields. God will always have the last word. At the time of the profit Joel, locusts devoured the land (Joel 1:14). Saboteur Satan just has the ability to target individuals but God can target nations and has done so many times. Do we think for one second that God will allow America to escape the murder of so many babies? It takes 2000 years for a taboo such as the shame of homosexuality or giving birth to children without marriage. In the present politically correct, humanist, secular, tolerance, all has changed over night. Total sabotage of family, fidelity, integrity.
"There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High" (Psalm 46:4) In this same Psalm 46, twice, verses 7 and 11, "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." When God says something twice, particularly in the same chapter of The Bible, it would be good to pay attention. The Bible, the only source book of truth.
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