Until I sold them online, the walls of a large den in my house were covered not only with animal skins which I had brought back from all over the world (llama, zebra, Greenland white fox, etc.) amid them, masks from all over the world, mostly hand-carved such as the Dogon mask from Molly used every 62 years. These masks were worn by human beings, the excitement of escaping identity. Starting in the 20th century, certainly through my lifetime, Satan found new "brokenness," the shame-secrecy-sin of perverted sexual activity. It is time for the world, academia, particularly the church, to face the reality of what's going on. How many Catholic priests must go to jail (Father Lynn)? How many athletic coaches must go to jail (Sandusky)? Yes, we know there is nothing new about homosexuality, perversion, pedophilia. But, when it comes a matter of daily headlines, daily "camping" trash by gays on television, it is time to face the reality involving the sensibilities, innocence-ignorance of children and many adults.
One would think that a social-society-cultural evolution would cause many suspicions resulting in investigations. Does anyone have concern about the proliferation of "dirty book stores," pornography on the computer? The most puzzling hieroglyphics known to man are not the symbolic writing in ancient caves but the graffiti type, tawdry drawings, cheap words found in public bathrooms. As a child, even later as a college student, this type decadence was a mystery, yet it is just "painted over." Those who leave it there, walking the streets, teaching your children, giving spiritual instruction, behind the mask of respectability. Recent investigations have shown that 58% of all preachers have sexual problems, 72% of all men on church pews deviate from the norm, as do 25% of all women. Such brokenness is not easily repaired. A greater mystery unlike most sin (drunkenness, gambling, shopping, drug and food addiction) not easily recognized. Gays have told me that the greatest excitement of homosexuality is the matter of conquest....establishing contact with one another or, as predators, like the lion as I have seen in Africa, ready to jump on the weakest of a heard. The predator recognizes the child, not confident in his own skin. There is nothing more innocent than the inexperienced mind of a child. To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. Sexual experience for a boy is a matter of physical relief, for a girl, more mentally involved. We have all been through that age where we could not decide what was happening to us, as our bodies developed into sexual "machines." There should be a man of trust to council every boy. A mother, grandmother, to council every girl. Too often, the young boy already facing his many inadequacies, subjected to the winks and giggles of older men as they pretend to know all about sex. No girl should discover sex in the back seat of the car with a boy who just wants a quick relief, conquest.
This writer's first introduction to homosexuality was being approached by a male piano teacher and the second time by a highway patrolman, both hiding behind the mask of community acceptance. Do parents have any idea about the spiritual warfare-questions, going on in the minds of their children? Their inexperienced children learning-adapting-training to become responsible adults, dealing with those behind masks.
The great actress Bette Davis said, "Sex is the biggest joke God played on people." From the beginning, Adam and Eve, God has been interested in sex, creation, His method for providing Him with the chosen-elected personalities who will live with him forever. In the corridors-council chambers of eternity, he selected two people who would provide the genes for each unique person on earth..no two alike- finger prints, iris flecks of the eye. God is boss, uses whatever necessary to provide these unique individuals through the process of sex procreation. King David, naked Basheba and came, the world's richest, wealthiest, wisest man, King Solomon. Isaac-Rebecca, Jacob and Esau- Jacob the 12 Jewish tribes. Jacobed-Amran, Moses, Aaron, Ur, Miriam, and so it has been throughout history. Even God's own son, Jesus, God establishing, selecting, his bride, the church. Just imagine Satanic forces promoting the killing of the most innocent-babies (abortion), sacred honor of marriage (same sex marriage). We all lie with the idolatry of sex, learn to limit damage, but never forget our first view of pornography, the first suggestive arousal, fantasizing as we live in the realism of the present. The peeper, the rapist, the adulterer, never puts the risk-unmasking, on a scale. Jesus came to save us from sin as well as heal all sickness including the infirmities of sexual addiction. I have known many clinically sick people cured just by reading the book of John, God's word. I have recommended meditation, the reading of the Psalms, to victims of addiction. One can not read God's word, the only source of truth and remain the same. Show me your habits, pornography, hiding behind the sexual mask of perversion excitement, wrestling with the world flesh Devil and we will know you.
Your mind is yours. I have never known a sane psychiatrist or psychologist, they are just anxious to camouflage your problems for a price. We are in spiritual warfare, enough pain has been done. We recognize Satan and his rule of the powers of this world (Eph 6:12). In this as every other warfare, and we are constantly at war, the only answer is the whole armor of God that we will be able to stand (Eph 6:11). Any addictive behavior is driven by shame. In biology we were taught that nerve tissue will not regenerate but this is not true, God tells us that our minds can be "transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). We are his workmanship. (Eph 2:10)
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