Space World
There is no quick fix for complete brokenness. When will we admit that the 20th century, my lifetime, saw the world turn completely upside down...Satan convinced human kind that there was little purpose in life.
The details of the Colorado shooting become more bizarre everyday. Like the killings at Waco, Oklahoma city, lower Manhattan (9/11/2001), the events do not make sense. Like the useless warfare in Afghanistan, illegal's pouring across our boarders, enemy occupation of The White House, even in a world turned upside down, there is no way to make sense of any of it.
This writer is convinced that it started with the "technolization"-video camera of the addictive television watching generation. As an eye doctor, I saw immediately what had happened to the space world of children. The children of past centuries, loving-living outside, parroting their parents, at the alter of the video screen-bowed down to the controls, most became very near-sighted. Satan putting into the brain every parasitic plight-demonic activity making young people just as "mean" as possible. After 15 centuries, the great reformer Martin Luther, had given us liberty to think, to live by faith, natural into super-natural. Like a caged animal, your world becomes regimented-routine of the "hog slop" conjured by the evil of media control. The first knob turned in the morning, the last knob turned at night, the television set. IT, NOT YOU, DETERMINES YOUR DAY, THE CROWN AND GLORY OF MAN-YOUR MIND. YOU becoming enslaved..your space world limited and controlled by others.
My seminary professor's son has just returned from his second trip to Thailand this summer, taking seminarians to learn about religiosity in remote areas of the world. Comparing my trips there many years ago, Asia so remote-so untouched by civilization he said now-everything is technical. Like here, everyone with cell phones, students with Ipads on their desks. As always, the sex traffic still goes on, false religions still flourish, the people as polite and gentle as ever but now thoroughly exposed to Western decadence. I was an army officer during the Vietnam War, not there myself because I was still recovering. I was told that the north Vietnam generals, arriving in Saigon, said, "Get rid of this western decadence."
Are we willing to face the truth? Political correctness, popularity, pornography, compromise and Sinicism all a result of a limited space world. "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Cor 2:14). Those who claim the name of Christ are spiritual beings, believing the super-natural. Only one time in the New Testament is the word "wrestle" used (Eph 6:12). "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places." The chosen, the elect, those who God wants as his own, from the time your feet hit the floor in the morning until you retire at night, are a target. What better way for Satan to keep his target in sight than under the control of a Satanic media? Now, we see the results of several generations "raised" in front of a television screen.
We are slaves whether we want to believe it or not, slaves to the world-flesh-devil. Even the sophisticated, educated, powdered, perfumed, church members, do not believe that slavery applies to them. Paul, writer of most of the New Testament, proclaimed himself a servant (Romans 1:1). We do not want to be mocked for Christ (stigmata), much prefer for God to be our servant. (Bell hop Christianity)
Satan is a perfect symanasis, knows all the "word games" even some preachers-pastors think they are just fast swimmers as they go over the Niagara Falls of disbelief. We can not recognize the "awesomeness" of being the called out ones, knowing our space world here, limited, but we seek a continuing city (Hebrews 13:14).
English philosopher Charles Colton said, "Imitation is the scenerest form of flattery." There is no neutral ground. We are either imitators of Christ or victims of Satan. God's book, the only source of truth.
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