Nightmare of Darkness
Someone asked me if I ever missed patients. I can not imagine a healing arts practitioner who does not love patients. Some, stay in your mind forever.
I looked in the eyes of an older man with my ophthalmoscope. The retina of a diabetic looks like balls of cotton that I remember in the cotton field, as a child. I said to him, “Don't you realize you are diabetic?” His wife told me that she cooked a chocolate cake everyday so she could send one half the cake with him for his lunch. I said, “You know that is not healthy for any man.” But she said, “I love him so much and he so loves cake.”
This writer has such a respect for dreams. I feel they tell anyone almost as much as the dreams we study in God's book. A dream which has haunted-harrased my sleep for many years, like those who eat the wrong things (chocolate cake), who breathe the wrong things (mold, nuclear residue) perhaps my travel in so many foreign countries blind-sightless, lost in one of these countries....not being able to understand the language, having no idea about my location. In traveling the world, I did get accidentally lost a few times which I have described in detail in other articles. Such as getting separated from my guide after departing from the ferry from England to France, riding the train alone to Paris. Again, lost in the morass of Calcutta, India. This is the essence of life, God implanting biological animal sperm-plant seed and then the seed, because of its genetic nature, surviving. Surely it is a strange world, noises, intemperance to all senses into which a small child is thrust. When many talk about what is going to happen to this younger generation, my reply “It amazes me that most turn out as well as they do.”
Think of the survival skills of the middle ages, the attempt to understand the unusual-unexpected. There was a time when survival depended on just finding food and water. Yet, from these desperate situations, we find the world's earliest art (cave drawings, carvings). Even in a time when life was a struggle for survival, man recognized that there was a force in the universe greater than himself.
This writer firmly believes in honoring the democracy of the dead, those who have gone on before us who, in their own way, left such a legacy and upon whose shoulders we stand.
In my lifetime, most American's living on dirt roads, no electric power lines, no telephone lines, no water lines-My ancestors cooked their food in a large iron pot (I still have the pot here in this room, brought over from England) in a fire place. The death's of most women, their clothes catching on fire from the fire place, the ordeals of sickness and childbirth at a time when the world, compared to today's standards, was enveloped in ignorance about everything. During epidemics, such as the 1918 flu epidemic, a coughing patient could hear the grown men, still living, building the coffins in which they would be buried. Water for everything, animals, cooking, cleaning, laundry, drawn from large round holes which had been dug in the ground. Yet, to this day, (I have seen this in Africa) people in rivers washing clothing in the river water, beating their clothing on rocks. To this day, (I have seen this all over the world) women carrying large jugs of water. Just the money from one super aircraft could relieve all this poverty, could put clean water facilities at every village crossroad.
In this apostate church age (people playing games with God), the lost are scrambling around in a nightmare of darkness, thinking that they are fooling God, that God needs them. Who do these people think they are? What type gospel do they read? Just think, voting for a man who daily increases their slavery (increasing national debt from 9 billion to 16 trillion) . Voting for a political party which has supported the murder of 53 million innocent babies. In a world of political correctness, one half the population living off the work of the other half, when you can not believe any of the lies performed by secular media, 1700 experts question what happened on 9/11/2001, why after 10 years we are involved in a most ridiculous middle-east conflict, a nation which from 1799 to 1892 was considered Christian even by the supreme court. Now, like video games, drones dropping bombs on families whose only sin against their creator, born into a world where people thrive and prosper of the nightmare of darkness.
In many articles, this writer has described his travels through the world on eight around the world trips. Many things I wish I could erase from my memory but God has assured me that if he erases the bad, he might erase some good. One of the worst images, the border crossing the immigration between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Immigrants, their worldly goods hauled in large bags on their backs, their small children in rags and barefoot on the ice coated ground. Don't tell me that God is not going to hold the people of the world responsible for the biological seed (distinctive DNA) of those he chose to place here.
Not just the blind-sightless person, in a world of sounds, unknown dangers, we are at war with the satanic forces which God has allowed (Eph 6). We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the evil forces of the air. Like radio waves, we can not see them, but the demons of evil are all around us, a nightmare of darkness. Light came into the world but men preferred darkness to light (John 3:19).
“Don’t spare me failure
If it is what is best for me.
Don’t spare me sickness
If it will make me call on Thee.
Don’t spare me loneliness
For I remember Gethsemane.
Don’t spare me anything that you endured for me.
Don’t spare me heartache
You bore a broken heart for me.
Don’t spare me suffering
For I recall your agony
Don’t spare me anything that you endured for me
But give me strength to follow Thee.” A hymn called, “Don't Spare me”
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