Friday, September 28, 2012

Where is Houdini When You Need Him?

Where's Houdini When You Need Him?

            Houdini, born in Austria, and one of America's greatest magicians, stunt man, escape antics. He died at age 52, 1926, of a ruptured appendix.

            IF, a few years older than this writer, he had lived through 2012, he would just shake his head about present world conditions.

            Like most people, I know nothing of his politics, his religion, like you, I am just responsible for my own.

            Christianity is not complicated, just tough. It does require some study. God wrote his book in simple terms. He expects you to ask his assistance in studying it.

            The fundamentals starting with the first man and woman, Adam and Eve in the perfect world, can we even imagine the perfection of the world which God created? Its beauty, himself walking-talking daily with this chosen couple. But, like us, a human nature, God established himself as boss, in charge of everything, his rights, in the very beginning, with just one truth. Like Satan who God kicked out of Heaven because of his nature. The first couple were kicked out of the garden, she to go through the trials of childbirth, he to go through the tribulation of hard work.  

            Probably a population of 6 billion or more, possessing a conscience yet manifesting every evil act. God became so disgusted with these human beings he had designed, that he killed them all with water-Great flood, except one family.

            With Noah's family, around 5,000 B.C, God started over again. It did not take long for Noah's great grandson, Nimrod, to become ambitious. Even attempting to build a tower so high that they could escape water. From that area of the earth, God selected one man, Abram, whom he directed to go 600 miles north and we all know full well, from this first Jew, what happened with Abram's son, grandsons, the history of the chosen Jewish people, their bondage, their failures to keep God's laws, their migration into many areas of the world.

            We have about 700 years between the history of the Jewish people, Old Testament, and God himself, in the fullness of time (Galatians 4:4). Triune God, putting on a tent of human flesh, in fulfillment of Jewish prophecy, came to earth and dwelled among us. Jesus, with the father, in the very creation of the world, preached himself, way, truth, life (John 14:6). His perfect life did not save anyone. It was only the faith of Jesus, faith in his father, sinless, taking on all the sin of the world. Crucified, resurrected, the sinful people of the world who should have been crucified because we are guilty. God put his hatred for sin, his wrath on his own son, the wrath which we deserved. He, no guilt, giving us a guiltless salvation-redemption. It was during those hundreds of years in between the Old and New Testament that the Roman and Greek civilizations, flourished-pillaging, capturing, enslaving. Jesus lived during the Roman rule over Israel. He saw the unholy coalition between rotten Roman despots and rotten Jewish theologians on the other side of the cross. On this side of the cross, for 2,000 years, history teaches us the same coalitions-processes. THE BIG QUESTION: Is it possible, knowing the history of the world, the social-religiosity, greed power of human beings for the born again, spirit-righteousness filled real Christians, to participate in politics? My ancestors, fraught with the damning power struggles, greed, religious persecutions of Europe, fled to America...arriving on the Good Ship Kent, 1677. All they wanted, as they built shelter, a fireplace for warmth and for cooking food in one big iron pot they brought from England (still here in my house) was, from the land. From good seed in good soil (Mark 4, Matthew 13-Parable of the Sower), raise families, educate children, the true worship of God. It started in Morristown, NJ, some moved to eastern North Carolina where they owned land, worked hard, built churches, never owned another human being (slaves). But my entire life, their lives, the things which pester us most, the quandary-unfairness in political government (your life and everything else depends on your political party).

            One of my earliest memories, early socialistic-communistic activities affecting the farmers during WWII, FDR decided to control EVERYTHING, I have sold my old ration books. The most wicked, "Agricultural Stabilization Controls." His Gestapo came through destroying crops, animals. My grandfather was the last farmer to sign the papers yielding control of his land to the government.  He said, "The time will come when people will starve for this type evil.

            The pagans of the world, even the heathen of this nation, particularly at the White House, court houses, school houses, and some church houses, have gone along with Godlessness, believing that God is not only blind, but deaf. God is a witness to everything going on. The very hairs of your head are numbered (Matthew 10:30). He is very aware of the love of money, even political money (1 Timothy 6:10).

            As our blessed Lord walked the earth, there is no record of his attacking Roman authority although a coalition of Rome and religion killed him.

            Christians can not escape the yolk of government no matter how damnable it is. God is perfectly able-capable to handle these matters. He is going to have his way with rotten-greedy politicians and their ilk. There was a time that this writer was very interested in politics, active in elections. It is far too rotten for me, I do not have any funds to support such. Since I was a giver to certain politicians at one time, I get many calls. The republicans have become too stupid for my taste, the democrats totally decadent. In the present political campaign, both men are lost, if not headed for Hell, no one else need worry. But, is it not better to vote for a lost man with morals (Romney) than a lost man with absolutely no morals (Obama)? Consider this, which is worse? Obama, Marxist-Muslim sympathizer, a news media totally consecrated-committed to him. Romney, owning stock in such companies as Monsanto-Merck, member of a cult religion, running a political campaign which makes those of Dole and McCain look brilliant. WHAT A CHOICE.

Thursday, September 27, 2012



            William Cowper, the poet, left us so many marvelous words. "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm." It does everyone much good to assess-study his own life...not the child, not having lived long enough, but as we age, everything takes on more meaning. Even when God put on a tent of human flesh, lowly birth-regular childhood-the physical poverty of manhood (Jesus and his disciples owned nothing). Even his own family, those around him, did not recognize the holiness of God. And, even after the wedding at Cana, other miracles, preaching (he preached himself). Few follow in devoted discipleship (even one who had seen and heard it all, Judas, betrayed him for the price of a hog). They either refuse or did not have the intelligence to recognize him. Are we any better today when we "glibly" recite his words. Pretend we are praying to the greatest power one can imagine, creator of the universe, while our minds are on other things. "As thy days, [so shall] thy strength [be]" (Deuteronomy 33:25). By mercy, grace, through faith, we hold on one day at a time. Too many go through a process of mortification, slow death, losing a little faith here, a little faith there.

            One lady, gracious, loving, kind in every way. Her employment, until she died, working in a hospital for disabled children (Oberry Hospital)....macrocephalic. Children thrown away by families because they were deformed. She talked to me over and over about why God would allow such "harshness" to the innocent.

            Right across the highway, a large mental hospital (Cherry Hospital). Many medical specialists worked in both places. Adults, old people, having never known a sane thought-moment in their life. Never able to read a book, listen to music, enjoy any of the gifts of our senses. The question, why some so blessed, others totally rejected? All designed, predestined, by the creator of the universe, before the universe was brought into its own existence. Attempting to understand the unleveled playing field of life, attempting to understand that Satan just plays around with most of us (nothing pleases Satan more than putting us on the merry-go-round of confusion-doubt-fear). An even greater understanding of what it takes to have people who care enough to take care of the infirmed of the world. Why disability, why sickness, why imperfection? It all started in the garden of Eden. The first couple wanted that type knowledge. With one tree, God established his rights. We know this, without sickness we could not appreciate health-ugliness, beauty- bitter, sweetness.

            There is the same ratio as cancer death with doctors as with the general public. If doctors knew how to cure cancer they would cure their own cancer. One of 57 doctors loses his or her license to practice each year.  1 trillion dollars has been spent on cancer research. Now, one in every three Americans have cancer. Every time you turn around, someone soliciting money for cancer research, 5.1 billion last year. To show the foolishness of cancer treatment, using radiology as a cure, when radiology causes cancer. A further example of the foolishness of care, radiology in the dentist office. You know that the dental assistant puts a protective apron over your vital organs and she gets behind a barrier before shooting you with your dose of radium.

            The one place you need to stay away from, the hospital. 100,000 are killed by medical malpractice ever year. 80,000 of those from stephechaucus and other infections. Why in the name of anything scientific would any hospital allow visitors, people they do not know and God alone knows what type diseases they carry with them, up and down hallways, near rooms of surgery patients. As dangerous as carpeting, carpet runners in hallways, every disease known to man on the bottoms of shoes. People of every age, even a small cut or pimple, just waiting to be infected by some super microbe. With all our knowledge, so little learning.

            What is taught in school? What is preached in churches? There is sanity in believing that the innocent of life, the unborn, should be saved. The unborn is kept scientifically-magically from the infection of the mother. Yet, after birth (and thank God some are still born not aborted) the child with its innocent sterile organs immediately exposed to every contamination known to man. This writer has actually seen young children in a fast food restaurant, eating food which the preparer had made, just after taking money from another customer-working both the cash register and food counter. Bacteriologists tell us that every disease known to man is found on money...that folding paper which we so love...lie, cheat and steal to get more of it.

            Another depressing PRACTICE of the medical PRACTICE, actually removing organs from patients about to die, before their death. The "fresher" like any plant, the better the transplant. There is only one healer, healing, the writer of the manufacturers handbook. "I am the Lord who healeth thee" (Exodus 15:26). "And with his stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53:4). "By whose stripes ye were healed" (1 Peter 2:24). God did not make our bodies for sickness. Most illness from stress, anger, road rage, unforgiveness.

            7.5 million procedures are performed each year, unnecessarily.  You can be sure that the number of knee replacements (15,000) would be less if tax payers were not footing the bill. On pill hill, where members of the healing arts professions live, it is difficult to have two Mercedes in the driveway unless there is a waiting room filled with patients who would not be there if they had the good sense to care for their own body, using their body as a dumpster, not a temple. Professionals are good for drugs and surgery. Exercise, eating live, not dead food, giving your starving cells needed nutrition, will make you richer, and big pharma and big medicine poorer. All the gold in the world, a cube 75 feet worth 7.5 trillion dollars. Mathematically, economically, politically, adding together all the entitlements-present and future debt, America owes 57 trillion dollars with the curtain about to be pulled on a Middle East war, China-Japanese conflict. 50% of the American population, welfare dependant, fiat dollar printing presses should start printing over time. Mortification of America and the American spirit.

            A southern mother sold her stock portfolio so she could fly to Africa and attend her daughters wedding (her daughter was there doing her good works in a hospital). The mother arrived, a community of huts. The daughter said, "I want you to meet my fiancĂ©." Here he came, feathers, beads, maracas..."You are such a stupid daughter, you told me on the telephone you were marrying a rich doctor, not a witch doctor."

Truths and Consequences

Truth and Consequences

            Such a tragedy that today's young people never saw the great T.V shows, when television was in its infancy, when there were television personalities with real talent, when you could be entertained without sexual-decadent innuendo.
            Such a television show was Truth or Consequences, 40's and 50's, Ralph Edwards, a real American talent. Even people who claim the name of Christ could be entertained by clean personalities.

            There is no TRUE sermon until you know Christ. You will never understand God's book until you believe in God. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. AND, there are consequences now and later for unbelievers. Jesus tells us that he is the truth (John 17:17, 14:6).

            There are 350,000 church buildings in America, 40,000 Christian denominations in the world. The record is in, there can be no dispute, most just play church. Sovereign God, creator of the Universe, giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17)...even for most church members, just a part of the imagination, social-religiosity, just in case there's something to it. Most Americans much more interested in their government entitlements. This writer sent a pastor to visit a sick woman, who I felt needed his visit. He asked her if he could pray for her healing. She said, "You can pray but remember I get a check."

            There is nothing in God's word that keeps me from believing in the validity of dreams. If you are born again-spirit filled, you can depend on the dreams and revelations made to you....just as did the Joseph's of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Most people think you are nutty if you talk about such. WHO CARES? The unsaved think you are nutty anyway.

            My mother's sister and her husband visited me at my beach house, I had not seen them for many, both long dead. I said to my Aunt, "I had a marvelous dream recently, saw your mother, my grandmother, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Mamie, cousin Bertha and many other of our relatives in Heaven. They were so happy." They would not say anything to my face but went to others and told them that her nephew, the doctor, disabled veteran, was nutty as a fruitcake. Instead of being happy to know that her mother, my mother and others were happy as all Christians expect to be on the other side of this life, like Rhoda, answering Peter's knock at the gate after he had been delivered from prison...even while the prayer meeting for his delivery was going on, they did not have enough faith to believe in prayer (Acts 12:13).  On this side of the cross, 2,000 years, if those like so many of my relatives and associates truly believed in MY resurrected Christ, truly believed in the power of prayer, this sin cursed world would be a different place.

            Everyday I learn of young families moving out of congested cities...buying parcels of land large enough for a home, garden, fresh water well with a hand pump and other methods of surviving the disaster heading our way. Does any sane person believe that with the insanity of nuclear weapons, religious terrorists, economic chaos, the destruction of large cities can't be far away? In a very frightening dream, I have seen Washington D.C totally destroyed, all those great buildings flat on the ground, a marvel column still erect in a few places. Is anyone so oblivious to think that this can not and will not happen? All the hatred of other nations, other religions, even the disdain of American's, who love their country, but despise their countries government. The picture is tragic but American government has brought the entire rotten matter on itself. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for much less. I challenge any citizen to attempt communication with any government (Washington D.C) agency (VA, SEC, FTC, FCC, USDADA, etc) and see if you can talk with a real person or get a real letter from anyone. The place is filled with politicians who purchase their office, bureaucrats who purchase their office, profane-perversion of every type AND they expect the hard working, God fearing, tax paying citizens to pay them big salaries and retirements as they exploit their own country as well as world. On top of what American government does to its own people, surely sovereign God of justice keeps a good record of the bombs dropped from drones on scared women and children. 

            In a flight-fight of craziness, who could have convinced this old blind veteran, his parents, his grandparents, that a nation born and blessed by God would in one lifetime, kill 53 million of its most innocent citizens, legalize same sex marriage, legalize the blending of homosexuals, women, and straight men in the battle front, actually have churches where lesbians and gays fill pulpits.

            Endure a national democrat convention where God was taken out of the platform as well as the eternal city of Jerusalem. Republicans are stupid enough but, could one ever have believed that a political party, mostly of blacks and communist whites, would condemn Christianity-Catholicism in particular?

            Not just a television program with trite entertainment of truth or consequences. The heathen do not believe God's word, do not believe that one day their knees too will bow. "For it is written, [As] I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God" (Romans 14:11). Most do not believe his truth, the worlds only truth but they will believe his consequences. NEWSFLASH: Hell has been enlarged, surely we should believe this, to take care of all those politicians-bureaucrats-lying news media-educators who have twisted the minds of children-doctors who have profited on the fast and slow deaths of those who trusted them-bankers and other greed profiteers of the world.

            If there are no consequences for sin, enjoy your addictive drugs, engage in every type thievery, lie about everything...enjoy the profaneness of living, there are no consequences.



Love flowing out in little gentlenesses

(J.R. Miller, "Daily Bible Readings in the Life of Christ" 1890)

"I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in My name because you belong to Christ--will certainly not lose his reward!" Mark 9:41

It seems indeed astonishing--that God should keep note of such a little thing, as the giving of a cup of water to a thirsty Christian. It shows how dear to Him His people are--since the smallest things done to one of them--He accepts, remembers, and rewards.

The mention here of the giving of a cup of water suggests that this promise is for little, commonplace acts--rather than for great showy deeds. We are too stingy with our helpfulness. God has put His gifts of love into our hearts--not to be kept locked up and useless--but to be given out.

We would call a man selfish--who would refuse a cup of water to one who was thirsty; yet many of us do this continually. It is the heart which 'thirsts'--and the 'water' we refuse to give, is human kindness.

Kindness is just the word for these small acts. Kindness is simply love flowing out in little gentlenesses. We ought to live our lives--so that they will be perpetual blessings wherever we go. All that we need for such a ministry--is a heart full of love for Christ; for if we truly love Christ--we shall also love our fellow-men; and love will always find ways of helping. A heart filled with gentleness--cannot be miserly of its blessings.

Addition Dr. Morris:

            Just yesterday, nice surprise, my good friend asked me to eat lunch with him. Most people know how I live alone, the "slop" I fix for myself to eat. When leaving the restaurant, my hand on his arm as he led me out, he said a woman got up from her table, went over and opened the door for us. Outside, Charles said, "At the table with her was obviously her husband and a walker was by the table." She knows the Christianity of someone helping someone.

            I said to Charles, "She is the better for that act of kindness because those on my prayer list have a very special place in the heart of God." Even giving a drink of water in the name of our blessed Lord, opening the door for the disabled, for the one who has the very hairs on our head numbered, does not go unrewarded.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



            The problems in the world, nations, governments, individuals, making simple things complicated.

            There is really no reason for complexity, simple as the swag of the bumper sticker, radio or television jingle, an easily memorized slogan. Most children can recite jingles-slogans-popular swags, before they have the ability to read or write.

            We live in a world of neo monasticism, most individuals lost in the haze of the imagination of their own brain.  This is not all together bad because it is from these self stimuli that we have the music, art, inventions of today's world. So fortunate, that we had the brain stimuli-cerebral power of an Edison and Einstein...more recently Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

            Just suppose most human beings, wired by God with mental ability, were content to just lay around in a mode of self imposed drug addiction such as the case with the Chinese masses in their dens of opium, just not caring about anything. This writer has seen the beds on which they spent their lives in a stupor of opium coma. Why did Jehovah God of grace and mercy, allow such human beings to be birthed on this earth when he well knew that they would never contribute anything to the world (God is the alpha and omega, knew everything that would happen on this earth before its creation). MAN CANNOT FIX WHAT GOD HAS BROKEN. The older generation must accustom itself to the new language of the youth....things that are pleasant, cool; things that are good, bad; beautiful, neat; friend, dude; mother, old lady; addict of any type, wasted.

            In a world of blasphemy, consequences to which they had no part. Decadence the rule rather than the exception. Hypocrisy found in every area of life: economic, political, even spiritual. More a test of survival than a need for accomplishment. "What is the need for my hard work? The world will blow up anyway." So many young people and we can certainly understand why, do not see the neo monasticism of a future. A spiritual belief as essential now as 5,000 years ago. "Who the Lord calls, he enables." Enableth "them who he called, justified, glorified, delivered" (Romans 8:30-34).  There was never a time in the mind of God that you did not exist, his plan, purpose, predestination, for your life. WHY DISSAPPOINT GOD BY BEING A BUM? Why not present the best version of yourself at all times?...Not just a bedraggled, ship shod, bumper sticker, cheap clothing tag, but a person of worth, made in the very image of God, ambitious and showing the genuineness of the spirit of God in you. Jesus paid too great a price for our redemption for those who claim his name to bring shame on him.

            In other articles, I have described in great detail, the years I spent as a college student selling bibles door to door during the summer months. It still haunts me, a beautiful home, totally comfortable front porch on which sat an old man. He was a little doubtful about me at first but found he had someone with whom he could talk and he had much on his mind. He told me that he had everything that money could buy, that a man could want. His well educated children lived far away, he had buried his wife and he was very much crippled with arthritis that he could barely get around. He said, "I gave up on the church and God long ago but have a real need now." I told him that as long as he was breathing, it was never too late. I said, "If you will read the gospel of John over and over again, you will get all the answers you need." You see, I have a real problem with "pressure evangelism." So many walking the isles of a church, "card signers" who are perhaps even baptized, just church members. The word of God has the power to convince and convict anyone who has the need, who is called, and this man, in spite of his leaving the church and forsaking God at an early age, still was available for God's mercy.

            Loneliness does strange things to people. I do not believe God visits very many in a crowd. Your relationship with Jesus is a matter of being alone. Even the disciples who were with Jesus continuously were different people, after his ascension, after they were alone....Thomas, alone, crossing the Himalayas, to tell of the life and resurrection of Christ in India (killed by a Brahma sword at Madras), Bartholomew traveling to Armenia, where he, alone, was skinned alive, the gallant physician Luke, alone, hanged from an olive tree in Greece. Mark, who fled Yosemeni naked, alone, dragged through the streets of Egypt, Peter, impetuous-denying, the only man to ever walk on water, alone, crucified in Rome. Not one of the disciples would ever have seen the other again, each possess his own love affair with Jesus. John, youngest disciple, 17, who lived to be the oldest, the only one not martyred, left writings dictated by God. Salvation is a very private matter, you and you alone know the truth.

Monday, September 24, 2012



            Jehovah God, establishing the stage for human history, opening the curtain of time, showing the scenery on to which all creation should perform, perfect, I believe in every way, perfect. So many mere mortals think they are so smart but, could they in any way improve God's magnificent creation of a rose, a tree, even the splendor of a mountain range? And then, we come to God's true creation: mankind. The first time you show a baby his image in a mirror, he realizes and will continue to realize that he or she is one of a kind. God chosen for life. The artist, canvas, film, ability to enhance and present the beauty of nature. It is very rare to find anyone presenting ugliness. Every mother thinks her child is beautiful and so she should. Every pet lover thinks their dog, cat, horse, is exceptional. It is a poor farmer-gardener who does not use every method possible to present a good crop, tasty vegetables, beautiful flower.

            The nastiest thing I know anything about, and I learned about it first hand on the farm, the hog pen. The slime-culture of nasty animals is something which human beings must tolerate. Why should human beings, created in the image of God, instead of staying clean in body and mind, wanting the very best for self, seek refuge-solace in the hog pen (crippling addictions)?

            Even at the church house, IF YOU CAN'T WIN THEM, JOIN THEM. At the school house, if you can't educate-entertain them, just let them go. At the court house, they are beyond help-rehabilitation, just lock them up away from the rest of us. At your house, a beautiful baby with so much promise, your very genes, just not worth the interference in my life....AND, we think, that God is not holding us responsible, individually and collectively, for the care, redemption, salvation for those created in his own image. The entire message of Christianity, getting people out of the hog pen. God must have been disappointed with the first two boys born on earth. One killed the other. He must have been disappointed with Isaac's twin sons, Jacob and Esau. He surely was disappointed with Saul, who after conversion on the 150 mile road between Jerusalem and Damascus, became Paul, to whom we owe the New Testament church. He must have been disappointed with Judas who was standing right there when the alabaster box was broken, right there when Jesus washed even his feet. From FLAWED people, Jehovah God, who has built by faith through his holy spirit, a church which has changed the lives of people the world over. Light came into the world but men preferred darkness to light (John 3:19).

            We are a separated people, set apart (Romans 1). It is an awesome thought that those who are set apart-chosen-elected-predestined, do not want to pay the price of Christianity. The GENUINENESS of God's holy spirit shown in your life. Why should any child of God, born of the spirit, look with such envy on the activities-interest of the unsaved (the hog pen)? We live in a day when the Christian is not distinguishable in dress, words, actions, from the pagans...those who do not want anything to do with Christ or His church. Some are "yolked" together even in marriage. The believer has such a testimony. Many willing to spend their entire life representing God, fulltime Christian service, even the mission field.

            Does the Christian actually know what lies ahead for the child of God? The person chosen by God for an eternal relationship. Has the Christian actually read the 21st chapter of Revelations, next to the last chapter in God's word? What God has prepared for His own?  "And the foundations of the wall of the city [were] garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation [was] jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. And the twelve gates [were] twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city [was] pure gold, as it were transparent glass" (Revelations 21:19-21).  The finite mind of man does not have the ability to comprehend what God has prepared for his own. This totally blind writer looks forward to the opening of a gate of pearls. I do not need any "finery," a simple hut would satisfy me. I just want to see, and it has been a long time since I have seen anything, the one who forgave me of all my rotten sins..who pulled me out of the hog pen.

            In this life, and it is so very short, redeemed by the blood of the lamb, why would anyone have the desire to play around in the hog pen...all the ugliness, nastiness there, when a holy God has offered-selected us for something so much better? Why would anyone envy the lifestyle of the depraved?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Come To The Dance

Come To The Dance

            The writer is a world traveler, every continent, in the international weather forecast, I have never heard BBC radio mention a city which I have not visited. I believe I have seen throngs of humanity, airports, streets, daily activities in spite of their language skills, body smells, actions of deceit or happiness, all in the RAW, mostly civilized, all made in the very image of God.

            We study the Old Testament, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah; the New Testament, Paul, Peter, even Deemus of the New Testament. We study Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Dwight Moody, and even Theodore Roosevelt. The history of the world has been punctuated by saints and sinners of interest, whose lives were different. Many of whom, presented a good version of self. Never in view, perhaps an obituary in the newspaper, the many human beings who made a great contribution to the world.

            What was the average man or woman, the millions of Jewish slaves held in bondage for 400 years, led from bondage by Moses, really like? What were the men and woman who survived the black plague of Europe really like? Their ways of survival, methods of raising children, escaping the torture dungeons of their slave masters? They had only one life too. Did any of these ancients ever smile, laugh, FIND ANY JOY IN LIVING?

            Now, we think of the early colonial settlers in America, many, so sick, buried at sea. What was it like to build shelter, eek out a bare existence from the earth when they got off the ship? We know, from written reports, one of which I have here in my house, written with a quill pen, that their happiness came from faith in God which they had crossed the ocean to enjoy. Obviously the joy in their struggle came from God's word and God's hymns. The purpose of the gospel is to deal with sin. As well as supplying the spiritual stamina for faith preservation. Lower animals have survival instincts-will run from a pursuer. Dogs are known to have chewed off a leg to escape a trap, nothing as vicious as a mother bear. In the African bush, I have seen the mother lion always get between her cubs and non-threatening tourists.

            I have studied Thomas Malthus (Anglican clergyman-promoter of population control) , Margaret Sanger (starwort of planned parenthood-promoter of population control, by the killing of less desirables, blacks, "weeds") and even Hitler and his ilk (holocaust of population control through Arian supremacy).  Strange that in today's world, liberals such as Bill Gates (world's richest man, 66 billion), Henry Kissinger and many other "Big I, little You" world figures, just too anxious, abortion and otherwise, to kill God's, yellow, black and white, poor, often disabled, yet made in the magnificence of God, all invited to the dance of life...and who knows, many have been CHOSEN-God DRAWS (John 6:44) to spend eternity with Him...real favoritism-selection.

            William Booth, irascible, washed clean by the precious blood of Jesus, walked the streets of London, anxious to convert sinners to his marvelous faith. The smelly youth he brought into the Methodist church, cleaned up by salvation, not measuring up to the starched members, forced to go out and form their own group, now the Salvation army, more than 4 million strong, what were these unlearned people like?...probably like the disciples of Jesus. "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13).

            This farm boy, his father's farm next to a very large "land hog's" farm, farm worked by black tenants. At noon, I would see the black boys, mules unhitched from the plows, riding the mules to the house...both for water and lunch. The mules were carefully cared for because they were security for the farmer "land hog."  The boys, farm hands, lived, human beings, tags of poverty. One told me he had only one change of clothing. Yet, I know one who survived "that life" and went on to establish a famous factory.

            Eating my biscuit in Hardees, blind, I overhear everything, a man said, "My mother worked at Efird's Department store for 40 years, standing on her feet all day long, raising five children on her meager income. Now, she gets 743$ a month social security and some food stamps. This is the American dance party."

            This writer has found that there is a story in every life.  Politicians and beurocrats, so callous, so unashamedly unconcerned in dealing with the common man, have no idea who or what they are dealing with. IF, Jehovah God, has the very hairs on the head of these people numbered (Matthew 10:30), God is well aware of the treatment of every person and I truly believe He has a special place in his heart of love for children (born and unborn), the elderly (even the lonely in nursing homes), and the disenfranchised.

            I know that God hates sin, death (Romans 6:23). Basic Christianity is nothing more or less than sins ruin and Christ redemption. Christianity is not complicated, just tough. Most want it easy, their way. Most want to pick and chose what they believe, do not pick scientific laws, else the laws of gravity-motion would not work for them, else the laws of chemical poisons would not work for them. Invited to the dance, "you trust and obey." Never, I repeat, never, underestimate any human being whom God has designed and placed on this earth. The Apostle Paul was the world's greatest bigot. Libraries are full with biographies, men and woman, not cringing in fear, realizing that they are not their own, bought with a great price, belonging to God. It never ceases to amaze me the ability God has invested in people. The manager of one hotel owned by Leona Helmsley told me, "This woman has the ability to look across any banquet hall and tell if one flower in one arrangement is wrongly placed." 

            God has blessed man with free will, every station of life. No matter how poor or rich, learned or unlearned, in his mercy, he will never force his will. Beyond comprehension, the greatest attribute of God, his forgiveness, and our ability to forgive. "The way of the wicked [is] an abomination unto the LORD: but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness" (Proverbs 15:9).

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Method to Madness

Method to Madness

            This totally blind writer, army officer with feel grade rank, 100% disabled, service connected from the Korean war era, in the darkness that has shrouded by life for over 50 years, living alone, hearing the sound of the city helicopter encircling our small town (I did not hear helicopters circling the communist-police state countries), hearing speeding police cars with their sirens blasting-EMS traffic, often ask God, HUMBLY-PRAYERFULLY, "What has happened to my country?" America, at the end of 2010, had more people in prison than any other civilized nation.... 2,266,800. As many have told me, "Tom, they live better than you do." It is not necessary for them to prepare their own meals (you should see a blind man trying to fix food). They have someone to clean for them, have medical services readily available, the latest in "workout" equipment, have well paid counselors-ministers, "bowing to their every need." Prisoners do not worry about paying bills-taxes.  This writer pays nearly 100,000 dollars a year, blind, cancer ridden body in taxes. Money which he worked out-invested as a blind man.  I can not see the T.V, read media, drive anything on the highways which my taxes provide. I don't want anyone to blast me now for portraying myself as a victim.

            Do not consider me mad in this method of praising my triune God. Jesus paid too great a price for my salvation. As with so many of the chosen-called-predestined, he drew me, kicking and screaming from the life of sin and rejection and put me under the redemption umbrella of His grace. If it had been left up to my university professors, all of whom attempted to persuade this bright mind to follow Satan, I of all people, would be most pitiful...doomed to a life of disappointment here on earth, eternal damnation-Hell after my short stay here. (I was 82 this past week, it seems like yesterday that I was in the first grade, Nahunta School, Wayne County, NC.) Unbelievers often question the judgment of God. Why God allows horrors in the world...war, hunger, floods, murder, often to those who the world feel are so innocent. We forget to analyze the goodness-long suffering of God. If God were nothing but goodness, there would be no end to the procession of people seeking God, seeking church membership, seeking to serve God, everyone would want to be on the Heaven-bound express. The true faith involves loving-serving God in bad times, times of brokenness-sickness-death-debt. God set his parameter, his rights, with just one tree in a perfect world.  Man and woman, in whom he breathed life and a soul who had perfection, simply would not obey. They were allowed to eat of every tree except the "no-no tree." Satan, whom God had kicked out of Heaven along with 1/3 of his angels, ALWAYS know man's weaknesses. Satan always attacks our weaknesses. Eve did not have a chance against Satan, nor do we. The holy spirit of God in us-determines our life. "Greater is he that is in you, than He that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). This writer has found, in family, friends, associates...idol worshippers, that we want to design our own God. We want to pick and chose what we want to believe. God does not need us, can get along very well without us, and chooses not to spend eternity with most people, "only His chosen." "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:44).  There will be many pew warming, "do-gooder," friends and foes who will be very disappointed, they chose to go to Hell on the caboose instead of first class.

            Our Christian walk-talk extends into our daily lives. God does not expect his chosen, those who believe in Jesus, to spend their lives on their knees, or even all their time at the church house. As with those with whom he walked and talked during his short time on earth, "God putting on a tent of flesh, dwelling among us" were busy making a living and a life.

            I would not attempt here to go into every area of living. But, in investing, their are many indicators. I am convinced that the entire world is heading for a melt down...perfect storm, financial chaos resulting from a mid East war and even a Pacific war involving Japan and China. One indicator is the Hindenburg Omen, named from the Hindenburg disaster, 1937, I well remember my folks talking about it. The omen is a technical analysis pattern where market losses and gains spawned to predict a crash.

            Another prognostication of the paganism in which the world finds itself...a world of fast food, GMO's, MSG's, obesity, diabetes, at a time of great scientific knowledge, umami, our fifth taste, used in manufactured foods, which like the most addictive foods, fats, sugars, salt, bring disaster to the health of anyone.

            From 1961 to 1975, the greatest health horror story involved thalidomide. The German pharmaceutical company GrĂĽnenthal, straight from the cauldron mortar and pestle in Hell, produced a prescription for pregnancy morning sickness, resulting in about 5,000 surviving babies, 2,500 dead babies, and God alone knows how many died before birth. These babies were born deformed in every way, absent arms, legs, etc. Most survivors died young. They are still supported by the British socialized Health system. Big pharma putting out this poison never apologized or paid one dollar in compensation. The company is still in business, now manufacturing insecticides and prescription pain medicine.

            Here in the room where I dictate, there's a large, cast iron fireplace cooking pot, used by my ancestors when they arrived on American shores. From Morristown, Burlington County NJ, farms there (I have in my possession the survey of the first farm, dated 1766), farms in North Carolina, plowing the good earth, planting seed, harvesting crops, praising God for the opportunity of hard work. These were real farmers, land owners, tax payers, God fearing citizens who built the churches and school's where their children thrived. This writer was raised on a dirt road, no power, phone, waterlines, 12 grade country school, 13 in my graduating class. I felt privileged to work at night in order to attend university during the day for 8 years. I felt honored to jump through all the hoops to serve my country, in army hospitals as a medical officer. The disgrace of our nation, the greatest shame of the American experience, treatment of disabled veterans and handicapped citizens. This totally blind, housebound veteran with cancer has been waiting 62 days for prescribed medication. Representative Mike McIntyre's local office is within 5 blocks of my house. If God is real at all, and I believe with all my heart that he is, those with the power to "heal" our country, "help" veterans and the disenfranchised, will pay a price for their negligence.  The scariest verse in God's book: "Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity" (Psalms 98:9).

Stock Market Armegeddon

Stock Market Armageddon

Article by Newsmax Wires: Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why

Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.

Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods.

In the latest filing for Buffett’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson & Johnson, and reduced his overall stake in “consumer product stocks” by 21%. Berkshire Hathaway also sold its entire stake in California-based computer parts supplier Intel.

With 70% of the U.S. economy dependent on consumer spending, Buffett’s apparent lack of faith in these companies’ future prospects is worrisome.

Unfortunately Buffett isn’t alone.

Fellow billionaire John Paulson, who made a fortune betting on the subprime mortgage meltdown, is clearing out of U.S. stocks too. During the second quarter of the year, Paulson’s hedge fund, Paulson & Co., dumped 14 million shares of JPMorgan Chase. The fund also dumped its entire position in discount retailer Family Dollar and consumer-goods maker Sara Lee.

Finally, billionaire George Soros recently sold nearly all of his bank stocks, including shares of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs. Between the three banks, Soros sold more than a million shares.

So why are these billionaires dumping their shares of U.S. companies?

After all, the stock market is still in the midst of its historic rally. Real estate prices have finally leveled off, and for the first time in five years are actually rising in many locations. And the unemployment rate seems to have stabilized.

It’s very likely that these professional investors are aware of specific research that points toward a massive market correction, as much as 90%.

One such person publishing this research is Robert Wiedemer, an esteemed economist and author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock.

Before you dismiss the possibility of a 90% drop in the stock market as unrealistic, consider Wiedemer’s credentials.

In 2006, Wiedemer and a team of economists accurately predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States. They published their research in the book America’s Bubble Economy.

The book quickly grabbed headlines for its accuracy in predicting what many thought would never happen, and quickly established Wiedemer as a trusted voice.

A columnist at Dow Jones said the book was “one of those rare finds that not only predicted the subprime credit meltdown well in advance, it offered Main Street investors a winning strategy that helped avoid the forty percent losses that followed . . .”

The chief investment strategist at Standard & Poor’s said that Wiedemer’s track record “demands our attention.”

And finally, the former CFO of Goldman Sachs said Wiedemer’s “prescience in (his) first book lends credence to the new warnings. This book deserves our attention.”

In the interview for his latest blockbuster Aftershock, Wiedemer says the 90% drop in the stock market is “a worst-case scenario,” and the host quickly challenged this claim.

Wiedemer calmly laid out a clear explanation of why a large drop of some sort is a virtual certainty.

It starts with the reckless strategy of the Federal Reserve to print a massive amount of money out of thin air in an attempt to stimulate the economy.

“These funds haven’t made it into the markets and the economy yet. But it is a mathematical certainty that once the dam breaks, and this money passes through the reserves and hits the markets, inflation will surge,” said Wiedemer.

“Once you hit 10% inflation, 10-year Treasury bonds lose about half their value. And by 20%, any value is all but gone. Interest rates will increase dramatically at this point, and that will cause real estate values to collapse. And the stock market will collapse as a consequence of these other problems.”

See the Proof: Get the Full Interview by Clicking Here Now.

And this is where Wiedemer explains why Buffett, Paulson, and Soros could be dumping U.S. stocks:

“Companies will be spending more money on borrowing costs than business expansion costs. That means lower profit margins, lower dividends, and less hiring. Plus, more layoffs.”

No investors, let alone billionaires, will want to own stocks with falling profit margins and shrinking dividends. So if that’s why Buffett, Paulson, and Soros are dumping stocks, they have decided to cash out early and leave Main Street investors holding the bag.

But Main Street investors don’t have to see their investment and retirement accounts decimated for the second time in five years.

Wiedemer’s video interview also contains a comprehensive blueprint for economic survival that’s really commanding global attention.

Now viewed over 40 million times, it was initially screened for a relatively small, private audience. But the overwhelming amount of feedback from viewers who felt the interview should be widely publicized came with consequences, as various online networks repeatedly shut it down and affiliates refused to house the content.

“People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the interview public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog.

“Our real concern,” DeHoog added, “is the effect even if only half of Wiedemer’s predictions come true.

“That’s a scary thought for sure. But we want the average American to be prepared, and that is why we will continue to push this video to as many outlets as we can. We want the word to spread.”

Addition Dr. Morris:

            Like yesterday, I remember where, when and what, walking through Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen, a famous banker said to me, "Beware of the stock market. THE BIG BOYS ALWAYS HAVE THE NEWS, have already made their moves before you know what is happening." So it is here, you see what the BIG BOYS are doing. There are many market indicators, starting over 50 years ago, this writer studied them all. Each great recession has been timed with solar and lunar activity. The entire world and everything in it is just one gigantic electrical field. Like the seasons, tides, radiation permeating everything, God's hand is on the switch....and, some of you, think you are so smart. "For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God" (1 Cor 2:11).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Game is Over

Stupid people rob banks, run the risk of getting caught, stealing from old, bed-ridden people in nursing homes and shoplifting in the local stores.

            Smart people go to Harvard or Yale, attend expensive parties, daily networking, landing political jobs with government, or the banking profession so they can sell worthless derivatives.

            In my lifetime, the world has changed totally. Instead of realizing the opportunity afforded by this democratic republic, the thrill of entrepreneurship, the challenge of discovery. Two out of every three people are now welfare dependant. A national population of 320 million, 220 million depending on entitlements, one form or another (military-civil service retirement, social security, Medicare-Medicaid, government housing and assistance programs, college loans-grants, etc.)  It is very much like the cartoon of the two wolves and the sheep taking a vote to see what we are having for the next meal. There is no way on earth for the producers, the 50% who pay the taxes, to out vote the 50% and their liberal, "do-gooder," broadminded, liberal friends who got the idea somewhere that the world is an even playing field, fair, just one big commune where everyone lives positively-completely on the same level. There is no equality in God's book, the most racist, sexist, law book in existence.  Civilization-creation was not designed by Jehovah God that way. He established his rights, his parameters with one tree. He was, and is, boss.

            The unbelieving world is amazed at the brutality of the Old Testament. Why so much killing? Why so much blood? The truth is so simple, so much sin. Without the shedding of blood, no remission for sin (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22). Ceremonial law of the Jews, sacrifices of unblemished animals, feasts, burnt offerings, New Testament, the supreme sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the sin of the world, the shedding of his own precious blood.

            After every game, ball game, children's games, or adult card games, winners and losers. All joyful in the opportunity of participation, looking forward to the next challenge.

            This writer knew that the game was over, everyone losers, many years ago WHEN people decided to depend on government instead of God. Beginning in my lifetime, churches became country clubs with steeples, pretending, masquerade party. Doctors offices fill simple because they could go...government paying the bill. This blind writer, having lost his eyesight as a veteran, would ask his driver, "How many are waiting?" At any doctors office, any place of government spending for care or services of any type, the room always full- mostly people with white hair. Same at the church house, just people with white hair. School house, 1963 prayer taken from the classroom, 1973 abortion anytime, young people learned early to look to government instead of looking to God. Now, 21st century, the home decimated, same sex marriage, children kept in kennels as parents work several jobs to provide taxes for government programs. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Eph 6:12). In wrestling, one combatant pins the other to the mat...winner-loser. There have not been many winners in my lifetime, constant losses. It has been a long time since my country won a war. Who of a communist-liberal mentality can say that mankind is winning anything with its battles with addiction, crime, economic stability? Would the most progressive predict that life in America or anywhere else in the world is getting better, happier? Many of us have been in battle with the forces of darkness our entire life. We just get tougher. The demons which attacked me 50 years ago would lose their teeth now. Old people get tired of the fight, not sorry to see the "shade pulled down," life's sunset. The fastest growing segment of the population, those over age 85, golden years when stress should be at a minimum. Most wind up in a government care facility "alone, uncared for, amid the throng of world disasters."

Crossing the Bar

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.



            There is no easy task for the blind, everything is difficult. One of the most difficult, a knot, trying to untangle anything. Our world is one big juggernaut, "a massive inexorable force attempting to move any object." The world is in a knot, politically, financially, physically (with never before seen climate changes), and certainly spiritually

            This world traveler was exploring the prosperous island city nation of Singapore, a population of 5 million, former British colony and like so many large Asian cities, a place of industrial activity.

            Near a large steel mill, freight cars loaded with scrap steel, probably from all over the world. A giant electromagnet, operated by man in a crane, would drop down over the freight cars. He would turn the electromagnet on, even the freight car would shake as the ferris materials clung to the electromagnet. The items which the magnet did not attract, wood, tin, chrome, etc, would just drop off...a most revealing sight as I thought of the election of God, those called-chosen-drawn to Him (He will draw many to him against their will but, all he draws, will come, NONE WILL COME, CAN BE DRAWN, THAT HE DOES NOT WANT). "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:44).

            This writer has traveled the world, experienced the juggernaut of religiosity on every continent. There is no doubt in my mind that man, regardless of geographical location, genetic DNA, gauntlet of sociology, knows his smallness, seeks a greater entity to Aquinas said, "Seeks to fill the empty hole." Books have been written on the religions of the world. Many want a God that will cater to their every need. They want to design their own God, the 20th century church has even made a beggar of Jehovah God. Much like the dog trainer who worked for me said, "A dog, regardless of pedigree, etc. will do everything-every time you want him to, as long as you give a treat at the end." The Christian religion, believers in Jehovah God, those who have studied the history of and its creator, know that the great difference between Christianity and other religions is a matter of grace and faith. We have the faith to survive through the grace of God in bad times as well as good times. God chose, predestinated, those who would live with Him forever, who would have the COURAGE (faith is 90% courage) to fight through the knots of life, fight the power of the air (Eph 6:12) by putting on the whole armor of God. Christianity is a giving faith, God gave his only son to die for the sin of the world, his son, Jesus, gave his life. We are redeemed by believing the eternal word, living word (Jesus), spoken word, written word (Holy Bible). Many of the Saints of Ole, early martyrs, did not even have a bible, suffered beyond compare" (Hebrews 11:38).

            My only child is a PhD seminary professor. I communicate with Christian activists around the world. The Christian church has struggled because we must depend on flawed believers. Now, more than ever, young people raised in the faith, many from "so-called" Christian homes, did not find Christianity real at home or at church...just a charade...just a feeling. The Christian faith is fact, not feeling, not complicated but tough, a real juggernaut.

            The sovereign rights of God were established by one tree. Eve did not have a chance against Satan, nor do you. You must realize that in order to defeat the Satanic forces of this world, "Greater is he that is in you than He that is in the world" (1 John 4:4).

            In the juggernaut of religion, even the Christian religion, basic Christianity is confused. What bible do you read? The great preacher Jonathan Edwards (sinners in the hands of an angry God-his famous sermon) Lost his pulpit because he would not serve communion to children who had never made a profession of faith. Baptism and the Lord's supper means something. Sacredness of "worth-ship" beyond words. In the juggernaut, hullabaloo, daily activity, Christians, trying to keep up with the pagans of the world, we forget the blessedness, awesomeness of bearing the name of Christ.

            The truth of Christianity will change people. Transforming power, the lies, political correctness, fame, craving for popularity is a downhill slide, straight into the pit of Hell. Jesus was either the greatest hoax the world has ever known, or he was who he said he was. After 2,000 years at this side of the cross, the results are final...every prophecy, every promise, validated. He is who he said he was, son of God, resurrected savior of the world.

            Today's young people take everything, including America, for granted. They have no idea of what forbearers (the many who built this nation) encountered in order to have this final product. America is being destroyed by those who need is most-the nearly 50% who live off the production of others, entitlements established by workers to care for workers. The dollar of my youth is worth exactly four cents today. In our perverse culture, profane, pornography, 22% of all college students have nakedness, a sure sign of decadence.  The world knows you have the spirit of God in you by the way you live and the way you give. In the Christian walk toward eternity, you may have doubts and fears but you always come back asking for help. You know where to go for help. It was a stormy night on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus came walking towards his disciples in a boat and impetuous Peter who walked on more water than any other human being, got out of the boat and walked toward our blessed Lord. But, when he heard the wind-saw the waves, began to sick. All he had to say in the awful juggernaut that magical, supernatural, life activity between the real and the spirit was, "Lord, save me." Ancient times-sanctuary cities, the church was a refuge, all one in trouble had to do was reach the rings on the outer door of the church, juggernaut of salvation.